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Eduardo Castillo
Background and qualifications
My name is Eduardo Castillo, computing engineer graduated from National Engineering University of Nicaragua, Central America, with more than 9 years of work experience.
For 7 years, I have been working for the Ministry of Health of my country, developing software and leading I. T. team and now as Information Technology Manager. The main contribution of mine has been defining I. T. strategies for the institution’s leading board, always focusing on providing information management guidelines to contribute to people’s health.
As a continuous educational goal, I took an intensive course of I. T. Development Policy in the republic of South Korea and participated last February as national delegate to the International Congress of Health Informatics in Havana, Cuba.
Most of Nicaraguan people live in poverty and so do half the health workers in our ministry. Through software implantation and training processes, we have taken Information and Communication Technologies to health workers as an additional contribution to their understanding of computers and internet and contribute this way to their participation in the global dynamics and interaction. Nowadays, we are promoting the use of the internet to consolidate and transfer official health statistics from departmental capital cities to the national see of the Ministry to earn familiarity of health workers with the internet.
As a professional of Information Technology, I consider the knowledge and familiarity with computer and the internet as one of the main social development indicators nowadays all over the world. On the other hand, our governments and politics organizations, related to corruption acts, have not considered this knowledge as part of the national educational strategies or governmental projects.
That is why I organized a voluntary social project called Voluntary Informatics consisting of teaching the use of computers to children in preschool ages who are attended in social projects and who do not have any kind of access to I. C. T. From the first ages up to teenagers, we expect to teach basic skills and knowledge to these children, so they can participate of a wider social interaction and increase their job and study possibilities when older. The project is still being born with 6 colleagues and now we are promoting it among universities, churches and NGOs that can be interested in accepting the service.
Perspective on the CPSR
In Nicaragua and all of Central America there is a huge need to take advantage of Information and Communication Technologies to improve social participation of margined sectors, to integrate people to society and to reduce poverty as well.
We have several civil organizations and some computer professional organizations trying to impact on our political and economical decisions. My participation as a member of the board of directors would be mainly focused in promoting the CPSR goals, gathering new members and if possible starting a Nicaraguan or a Central American CPSR chapter among I. T. organized professionals, computer selling companies and educational institutions.