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Katitza Rodríguez
I am currently international policy fellow of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, (EPIC), concentrating on comparative policy and legal aspects of privacy issues in Latin America. I am an associate editor of “Privacy and Human Rights Report (PHR) 2005”, EPIC's international survey of privacy laws and developments in the world. I am now working in the 2006 edition of “PHR”. I am also responsible for liaising with data protection authorities, policymakers, consumer advocates and civil society organizations in Spain and Latin America on privacy issues. I was responsible for EPIC´s Public Voice Symposium organized by EPIC, CPSR-Peru and GECTI (Colombia) in Bogota. I also participated in the negotiations of the Data Privacy Sub Group of the Electronic Commerce Group of the Asia Pacific Economic Forum where APEC Economies discuss the implementation of the APEC Privacy Framework and The IV Ibero-American Data Protection Network.
I am a field consultant of Benetech´s Martus Team and conduct Martus training for human rights organizations in Latin America. I also serve on the Advisory Board of Privacy International and Privaterra.
I graduated from the School of Law at Lima University and received a specialization in E-Business from the Esan Business School. Currently I am participating in DiploFoundation’s Internet Governance Capacity Building Program (online), Switzerland.
I learned about CPSR’s mission through its Spanish chapter in 2000. Their passion for our mission encouraged me to formally join CPSR in 2001. I served for three years on the CPSR board of Directors and during my last year, I was elected Vice President. While learning about the administrative and thematic issues of the organization, I decided to bring this knowledge back to the Peruvian community and founded CPSR-Peru in November 2002.
During my time involved in CPSR and its Peruvian chapter, I worked on several issues: With my participation, CPSR was accorded permanent observer status with the World Intellectual Property Organization. I created and maintained the CPSR-Peru Spanish website, and the Creative Commons Peru blog.
Through my tenure in CPSR-Peru, we worked together with the Electronic Frontier Foundation to advise Andean policymakers on copyright provisions in the Andean Free Trade Agreement. We organized the Internet Law Program Peru 2006 jointly with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society from Harvard University. CPSR-Perú is also the host institution of Creative Commons Peru. We organized several workshops on secure communications for human rights NGOs in Latin-America, among many other activities.
Now, after a period of time away, I would like to re-join the Board in order to share what I learned during this period off and to contribute with to the thematic and organizational tasks of CPSR, for example, reactivating the Intellectual Property Working Group in order to participate in the different international forums on Internet Governance issues. I am ready for a change and ready for a
challenge, willing to work with structures and programs already in place, but with the enthusiasm to revitalize and build upon the existing foundation.
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