Personal tools
Michael Lenczner
A description of your background and qualifications, including relevant educational and employment history, past work with CPSR, and any other relevant experiences;
Michael Lenczner is a community organizer in the grassroots technology sector. His focus is on promoting development of community-deployed free and open ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) infrastructure. He has been working in community ICT since 1998 both in Canada and Africa and has been a partner or researcher in related academic groups since 2003. He is the initiator and co-founder of the leading community wireless organization Ile Sans Fil and the civic data initiative CivicAccess and he has been a contributor to the FLOSS ubicomp projects WifiDog and HALproject since their inceptions. He presents frequently across North America and Europe on the topics of grassroots technology development and municipal wireless.
Most recently he has been involved in creating an educational website on network neutrality in Canada and finding ways to use technology to promote civic engagement at the municipal level.
He is a board member of Ile Sans Fil and Apathy Is Boring, a Canadian national organization promoting youth engagement through art and technology.
A brief policy statement outlining your perspective on the CPSR program and the issues facing the organization; and
I'm excited about technologists continuing to realize and assume their ethical responsibilities as creators of infrastructures. I think that CPSR is in a wonderful position to promote ethical and engaged hacking among the wider tech community. Secondly, I've found working with academics very rewarding in the individual technology projects that I've been part of. I would like to see how CPSR could encourage more formal partnerships with academics to accomplish it's goals of policy improvement and public education. Thirdly I would like to ensure that CPSR expands its membership and stays relevant with the current grassroots initiatives such as community wireless and barcamps.
Link to your own web page.