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Community Networks
We believe that public communication and information systems are
critical to the maintenence of democratic societies now and are likely
to be increasingly so in the future. We also believe that other
community core values such as cultural identity, economic development,
health, and education can be well-served through well-designed public
systems. At the same time we believe that world citizens acting through
public interest groups can help these achieve their inherent
Community Network Working Group Mission
On this page:
Right now, no new information. If you have something to contribute on this subject, please see our page on How members can contribute content and/or contact webmaster (a)
Public Sphere & related projects
Pattern Language Project
Created on May 04, 2005.
The Pattern Language for Living Communication project is a long-term, participatory project to create a useful, compelling and comprehensive collection of knowledge which reflects the wisdom of people from all over the world who are developing information and communication systems that support humankind's deepest core values.
Other Community Network Resources
Community Networking Archives
Created on May 04, 2005.
Community Network Links
Created on December 22, 2004.