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Outsourcing High-Tech Jobs: Why benign neglect isn't working.
Created on May 16, 2005.
And why we should care. The hard facts about outsourcing and the need for new policies. Examined from the IT worker's point of view, both in the U.S. and globally, and with a look at dangers that undermine world prosperity and stability. By Nancy Brigham. May, 2005
Outsourcing High-Tech Jobs: Why benign neglect isn’t working
Created on May 16, 2005.
And why we should care. This is the pdf version you can download. It is 317k. By Nancy Brigham. May, 2005
China’s Progress in Technological Competitiveness
Created on May 08, 2005.
This extensively researched and sobering report by Michael Pillsbury was released on April 21, 2005 by the US China Economic and Security Review Commission. It calls for a new assessment of China's startling advances in high technology, and shows how the government nurtured those advances. This is contrasted with current cuts in U.S. support for basic research and science education, and the debate that surrounds those cuts.