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Letter to paper authors

PDC'2000: Letter to paper authors

Dear PDC author (Full Papers)

We are pleased to include your paper in the Proceedings for the Participatory Design Conference 2000. Please refer to the author's guidelines on our web site and submit your edited paper to us electronically by 15 September.

In order to make the conference more interactive and participatory we will be selecting a discussant-facilitator for your paper session. We plan to arrange paper sessions by topic and hopefully include only two papers per session so that there is plenty of time for audience participation. Please prepare your presentation to be no longer than 20 minutes, and work with your co-authors and the discussant to plan questions for audience participation/discussion.

After the conference we are planning to arrange for publication of selected papers in a special issue of a journal and/or a book. We are looking forward to a really exciting conference in New York and to the continued conversations and connections with you. Check the conference web site for additions to the program and please encourage your friends and colleagues to attend.

on behalf of the Program Committee
Joan Greenbaum and Peter Mambrey PDC 2000 Program Co-chairs

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Created before October 2004

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