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PDC'2000: Letter to works-in-progress authors
Dear PDC author (works-in-progress reports)
We are pleased to include your Works-in-progress report in the Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2000. Please refer to the author's guidelines on our web site and submit your edited 3-5 page report electronically by 15 September.
Works-in-progress/Design briefings are a new part of our conference and are intended to keep participants up to date with new events and activities in our interdisciplinary field. The report you submit should be no more than 5 pages including references. It should give the Proceedings readers an overview of the research or project you are currently working on and why.
During the conference we have planned the Thursday afternoon (30 Nov) session for Works-in-Progress/Design Briefings. You and your co-authors should plan to present your findings or current activities. While your Proceedings report may be more theoretical, the emphasis in the reporting sessions will be more on practical topics of interest to participants of the conference. Please prepare your presentation to be no longer than 10 minutes. We will ask you to work with a session facilitator who will help guide the discussion so that there can be a good deal of interaction between you and the participants.
After the conference we are planning to arrange for publication of selected papers in a special issue of a journal and/or a book. It may be possible to include some up-dated Design Briefings in a journal issue.
We are looking forward to a really exciting conference in New York and to continued conversations and connections with you. Check the conference web site for additions to the program and please encourage your friends and colleagues to attend.
on behalf of the Program Committee
Joan Greenbaum and Peter Mambrey PDC 2000 Program Co-chairs
Created before October 2004