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{\rtf1\mac\deff2 {\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss Chicago;}{\f2\froman New York;}{\f3\fswiss Geneva;}{\f4\fmodern Monaco;}{\f11\fnil Cairo;}{\f14\fnil Bookman;}{\f16\fnil Palatino;}{\f18\fnil Zapf Chancery;}{\f20\froman Times;}{\f21\fswiss Helvetica;}
{\f22\fmodern Courier;}{\f23\ftech Symbol;}{\f24\fnil Mobile;}{\f34\fnil New Century Schlbk;}{\f2515\fnil MT Extra;}{\f14831\fnil XBO Futura ExtraBoldOblique;}{\f14832\fnil XB Futura ExtraBold;}{\f14833\fnil HO Futura HeavyOblique;}
{\f14834\fnil H Futura Heavy;}{\f14835\fnil O Futura Oblique;}{\f14836\fnil Futura;}{\f14867\fnil BO Futura BoldOblique;}{\f14868\fnil B Futura Bold;}{\f14869\fnil O Futura BookOblique;}{\f14870\fnil Futura Book;}{\f14871\fnil LO Futura LightOblique;}
{\f14872\fnil L Futura Light;}}{\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green255\blue255;\red0\green255\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;}{\stylesheet{\s245 \f20\fs18\up6
\sbasedon0\snext0 footnote reference;}{\s246 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon0\snext246 footnote text;}{\s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 2;}{\s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 \sbasedon0\snext0 heading 1;}{\sbasedon222\snext0 Normal;}{\s1
\f20 \sbasedon222\snext0 ;}{\s2\qc\sl360 \b\f21\fs36 \sbasedon0\snext2 TITLE;}{\s3\qc\ri720\sl360 \f21 \sbasedon2\snext3 Author;}{\s4\qc\ri720\sl360 \i\f21 \sbasedon3\snext4 Return Address;}{\s5\qj\ri40\sl360 \b\f21\fs18 \sbasedon4\snext5 Heading;}{
\s6\qc\posyb\absw4813\dxfrtext180 \b\i\f22 \sbasedon0\snext6 Notices;}{\s7\qj\ri40\sl360 \i\f21\fs18 \sbasedon5\snext7 Subheadings;}{\s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon0\snext8 Paragraphs;}{\s9\qj\ri13\sa200 \b\f20\fs20 \sbasedon0\snext9 Bold;}{
\s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon8\snext10 references;}{\s11\qj\li360\sa200\tx360 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon8\snext11 bullet;}{\s12\qc\sl360 \i\f21 \sbasedon3\snext12 AuthorName;}{\s13\qc\sl360 \f21 \sbasedon3\snext13 Author Address;}{
\s14\fi-360\li720\sa200\tx720 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon11\snext14 indented list;}{\s15\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 \sbasedon8\snext15 category;}{\s16\qc\ri40\sl360\box\brdrth \b\f21\fs18 \sbasedon5\snext16 category heading;}{\s17\qj\fi-360\li540\sb20\sa200\tx540 \f20
\sbasedon0\snext17 point;}}{\info{\title PDC'94 artifact description format}{\author mjm mod., 6/22/94}{\*\verscomm 1.1}}\margl1080\margr1080\margt1080\widowctrl\ftnbj\ftnrestart \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols1\colsx480\endnhere \pard\plain
\s2\qc\sl360 \b\f21\fs36 {\plain \b\f21 }PDC'94 Proceedings Guidelines\par
\pard \s2\qc\sl360 {\fs28 Adapted from CSCW '94 Proceedings Format\par
}\pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols1\colsx480\endnhere \pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols2\colsx0\endnhere \pard\plain \s12\qc \i\f21 {\f20 John Doe \par
}\pard\plain \s13\qc \f21 {\f20 Blocks Corporation\par
3333 Meadow Rd.\par
Suite 4200\par
Plato Alama, TX 92564, USA\par
Tel: 1-301-403-4333\par
}\pard\plain \s12\qc \i\f21 {\f20 Marie Dupont\par
}\pard\plain \s13\qc \f21 {\f20 BLA\par
43 rue des Jardins\par
99001, Menthe la Jolie, France\par
Tel: 33-1-63-34-34-55\par
}\pard \s13\qc {\f20 E-mail:\par
}\pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols2\colsx0\endnhere \pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols2\colsx454\endnhere \pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18
ABSTRACT (optional EXCEPT for PAPERS)\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 (would be placed here) 100 words in length. All body text in Times Roman 10 point.\par
\pard\plain \s1\qj\ri13\sa200 \f20 {\b\f21\fs18 KEYWORDS}{\fs20 (optional for Artifacts): Guides, instructions.\par
}\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 INTRODUCTION\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20
These instructions are for formatting both PDC'94 papers, and descriptions/abstracts for panels, workshops, and artifacts. We are striving to give the book a single, high quality appearance. To do this, we're asking authors to follow some simple guidelines
essence, we ask you to make your submission look as much as you can like this document. You should match the type style, type size, line spacing, indentation, and layout format as closely as you can. In fact, if you received this document online, you can u
se it as a template. \par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 Use an A4 or 8.5"x11" sheet of paper. Center the image on the page. The whole image of your text should absolutely fit in a 17.8 cm x 24 cm box (7" by 9 1/4"). Your subm-itted material will be photographed 1-to-1 (no reduction) for p
rinting. We have included here recommendations to help you match this sample with the facilities you might have, such as Script, Microsoft Word on Macintosh or PC, MacWrite, or an impact printer. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 TITLE AND AUTHORS\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20
The title, author's names and affiliations run across the full width of the page. We also recommend phone number and e-mail address, if available. (See the top of this page for two names with different addresses; note that this formats with the names/addre
sses side by side, even though they appear in this file as if they were sequential. If only one address is needed, center all text in the page.)\par
\pard \s8\qj\fi-260\li260 \bullet \tab Title area: 1 column, 17.8 cm (7") width.\par
\bullet \tab Title: bold 18 point Helvetica - mixed cases\par
\bullet \tab Names: italic 12 point times roman \par
\bullet \tab Addresses, Tel, E-Mail: plain 12 point times roman \par
\pard\plain \s6\qc\posyb\absw4813\dxfrtext180 \b\i\f22 LEAVE BLANK THE LAST 2.5 cm\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 ABSTRACT (if used)\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Each paper submission should begin with an abstract, followed by a set of keywords, both placed in the left column of the first page under the left half of the title. For other submissions, the abstract is not necessary.
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 FIRST PAGE PUBLICATION NOTICE\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20
Remember to leave at least 2.5 cm (1") of blank space at the bottom of the left column of the first page, as on this page. You must leave this space for the publication notice on ALL submissions intended for publication in the proceedings (i.e. papers, pan
els, workshops and artifacts). \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 COPYRIGHT\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Because there will be no blanket copyright statement as part of
the Proceedings, you may want to include your own as a footnote, say, "(c) Copyright xx 1994. All rights reserved." (where "xx" is the author's name or the author's institution's name).\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 NUMBER OF PAGES:\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The recommended maximum length for papers is 12 pages. The absolute upper maximum is 15 pages. But please contact the program co-chairs if you discover you will need more than 12 pages.\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 The maximum length for artifact descriptions is ONE page. Panel and workshop descriptions should be 1-2 pages. Panel descri
ptions should include a description of the panel session as well as a short (1-2 paragraph) position statement for each panel participant giving background information and the principal points the panelist wishes to make. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 TWO COLUMNS\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20
After the title use a double-column format as shown here. Column width is 8.5 cm, with 0.8 cm between columns (for a total image width still equal to 17.8 cm). Total text length should remain between 23.2 and 24 cm (9 1/4") Right margins should be justifie
d, not ragged. Separate each paragraph by a blank line (and do not indent them) Hyphenation is at your own discretion. The two columns should be of equal length. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 SECTIONS\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The title of a section should be in Helvetica 9 point bold in all capitals. Notice that the sections are not numbered! \par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 Subsections\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The title of subsections should be in Helvetica 9 point bold with only the initial letters capitalized. (Note: Words like "the" and "a" are not capitalized.)\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 {\i\f21\fs18 Subsubsections.} The heading for subsubsections should be in Helvetica 9 point italics with initial letters capitalized. (Note: Words like "the" and "a" are not capitalized.) Here the heading is not followed by a return.
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 TYPESET TEXT\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20
Submissions should be prepared on a typesetter or word processor. Please do not use your favorite obscure font. We want to produce a book that looks like a book, not like many dissimilar papers thrown together. Please use a 10 point Times Roma n font, or o
ther Roman font with serifs, as close as possible in appearance to Times Roman in which these guidelines have been set. The target is to have a 10 point type set on an 11 point line, as you see here. Do not use a sans-serif font (e.g., {\f21 Helvetica)}
except for emphasis, headings and the title. The Press 10 point font available to users of Script is a most acceptable substitute for Times Roman. If actual Times Roman is not available, users might try font Computer Modern Roman. Macintosh users should u
se the font named Times.\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 If you do not have a laser printer, try to borrow one, rent one, or make frien
ds with somebody who has one. In some cases you might be able to bring a disk to a business that will print your document for you. If you really cannot use a laser printer, send your submission on the best alternative printer you have. As a very last resor
t, if typesetting facilities are not available, papers can be typewritten on a typewriter. In this case, the text must be prepared on larger pages and then reduced 25%. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 FIGURES\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Figures must be inserted at the appropriate point in your text (Figure 1). Fig
ures can extend over the two columns up to 17.8 cm (7") if necessary. Black and white photographs (not Polaroid prints) may be mounted on the camera-ready paper with glue or double-sided tape. (Please note that even clear tape mounted over figures or text
will cause a noticeable smudge; attach figures only from behind.)\par
\pard \s8\qc **********\par
\pard \s8\qj\li280\ri273\sa200 {\f21\fs18 Figure 1: an example of figure caption. It is set in Helvetica 9 point, with a small 0.5 cm indentation.\par
}\pard \s8\qj\sa200 For better quality you can have stats or screened velox p rint
s that are about 150 lines per inch prepared by your local printing service. Of course you can do it yourself with a good scanner. Remember that some readers may never see anything other than a photocopy of your paper, so make sure that the figure will sti
ll be readable (try to see how it looks after recopying it a couple of times).\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 COLOR IMAGES (PLATES)\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Submissions may not include colored materials.\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 REFERENCES AND CITATIONS\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The prefered format for references and citations is APA style (see also the references section):\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 According to Smith (1994a, p. 204), ...\par
According to some (Smith, 1994b), ...\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 According to others (Smith, 1993; Jones and James, 1992, pp. 234-235), ...\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 Alternatively, you may use CACM format, i.e., a numbered list at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by first author, and referenced by number in brackets [2].\par
\pard \s8\qj\sa200 References should be materials accessible to the public (i.e., articles in standard journals and open conference proceedings.) Internal technical reports should be avoided un
less easily accessible (i.e. you can give the address to obtain it). Private communications should be acknowledged, not referenced.\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 HEADERS, FOOTERS AND PAGE NUMBERING\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Do not use headers or footers. Footnotes must be contained within the 17.8 cm x 24 cm box (7" by 9 1/4") shape of your text (see "Introduction," above).{\fs14\up6 \chftn {\footnote \pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 {
\fs18\up6 \chftn }Footnotes should be positioned at the bottom of the page on which they appear.}} Page numbers, footers and headers will be added when the Conference Proceedings is assembled.\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 DISTRIBUTION\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The Conference Proceedings will be distributed to all conference participants and will be sold by CPSR. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS\par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 No Opportunity for Revisions\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 There will be {\i no opportunity} to revise your camera-ready copy. For artifacts authors: if your artifact is accepted, the one-page description that you include will be sent immediately to the printer. There will be {
\i no opportunity} to send artifacts camera-ready copy following acceptance. Our deadline is too short.\par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 No Private Material\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Presentations may not contain any proprietary or confidential material. Please clear all materials before
submitting or presenting them. Submission of pictures of identifiable people should be done only with the understanding that responsibility for collection of appropriate permissions rests with the submitter not PDC'94.\par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 Equations\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Displayed equations should be centered, with optional equation numbers right-justified to the right margin of the column.\par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 Spelling\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Spelling may follow any dialect of English (e.g., British, Canadian, or American) but please use it consistently.\par
\pard\plain \s254\qj\ri13\keepn \b\f21\fs18 Language\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 The language of PDC'94 is Eng
lish for an international audience. Avoid puns and slang. English will not be the mother tongue of many readers (and reviewers). Today, part of striking the right tone is also handling gender-linked terms sensitively. Avoid gender specific expressions when
unnecessary. But also try to avoid the awkward he/she or her/his. Consider the plural or replace third person singular possessives with articles (e.g. "a" rather than "his"). Occasionally passive forms can be used. \par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 These instructions are adapted from the \ldblquote CSCW'94 Conference Papers Guideline.\rdblquote For further information contact the Proceedings Chair, Elizabeth Erickson (\par
\pard\plain \s255\ri-720\keepn \b\caps\f21\fs18 REFERENCES\par
\pard\plain \s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 \f20\fs20 Cole, William G. (1989). Understanding Bayesian Reasoning Via Graphical Displays. In {\i Proceedings of CHI'89 Human Factors in Computing Systems }
(April 30-May 4, Austin, TX), New York: ACM Press, pp. 381-386.\par
\pard \s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 Gary, M.R. (1972) Optimal binary identification procedures. {\i SIAM J. Appl. Math. 23}, 2 (Feb), 173-186.\par
Garey, M.R. and Johnson, D.S. (1979) {\i Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness.} San Francisco: Freeman.\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj\sa200 \f20\fs20 Alternatively, you may use CACM style, with references as bracketed numbers [4]:\par
\pard\plain \s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 \f20\fs20 1.\tab Cole, William G. Understanding Bayesian Reasoning Via Graphical Displays. In {\i Proceedings of CHI'89 Human Factors in Computing Systems }
(April 30-May 4, Austin, TX), ACM/SIGCHI , N.Y., 1989, pp. 381-386.\par
\pard \s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 2.\tab Gary, M.R. Optimal binary identification procedures. {\i SIAM J. Appl. Math. 23}, 2 (Feb. 1972), 173-186.\par
\pard \s10\qj\fi-360\li360\sa200\tx360 3.\tab Garey, M.R. and Johnson, D.S. {\i Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness.} Freeman, San Francisco, California, 1979.\par
\pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\cols2\colsx454\endnhere \pard\plain \s8\qj \f20\fs20 \sect \sectd \sbknone\linemod0\linex0\headery1080\footery1440\cols1\colsx454\endnhere \pard\plain
\s14\fi-360\li720\ri-3860\sa200\tx720 \f20\fs20 \page \par

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