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About CPSR
CPSR is a global organization promoting the responsible use of computer technology. Incorporated in 1983 (following discussions and organizing that began in 1981), CPSR educates policymakers and the public on a wide range of issues. CPSR has incubated numerous projects such as Privaterra, the Public Sphere Project, EPIC (the Electronic Privacy Information Center), the 21st Century Project, the Civil Society Project, and the CFP (Computers, Freedom & Privacy) Conference. Originally founded by U.S. computer scientists, CPSR now has members in over 30 countries on six continents.
- Contact Information
- Mission
- Organizational Structure
- ByLaws
- Board, Advisory Council, and Staff Members
- U.S. Chapters
- International Chapters
- Program -Projects and Working Groups
- Email Lists
- Policies &
- CPSR History
- Timeline: Yearly review of CPSR activities through 2002.
- CPSR Compiler: Monthly Member Newsletter, issues since 2003
- Events
- Norbert Wiener Award Winners for Social Responsibility in Computing
- Annual Reports
- News from 1994 through May, 2004.
Contact Information:
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
1370 Mission St., 4th floor
San Francisco, California 94103 USA
+1 415 839 9355 phone
E-mail: cpsr(a)
Note: Please substitute the proper @ symbol for the (a) when sending
email. (we use (a) here to discourage spam).
Last modified December 19, 2006 05:57 PM