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Standing Committees
In addition to the Executive Committee, the day-to-day work of CPSR is handled by committees of volunteers appointed by the Board or Executive Committee. While any CPSR member can join a working group around an issue important to CPSR, the Board appoints the standing committees, because they're entrusted with carrying out central CPSR activities, in coordination with the full Board. Each standing committee includes one or more Board members.
If you're a member who would like to volunteer for a CPSR standing committee, you're invited to email the chair of the committee you're interested in. Please briefly tell the chair why you're interested in the committee and what you might contribute to it. After discussing your potential involvement, the chair can send your name to the Board for consideration. Since this is a volunteer-run organization, member participation in committees is much appreciated.
The following standing committees have been authorized by the current Board:
Board Development Committee
Chair: Robert Guerra
Todd Davies (board member)The purpose of this committee is to cultivate new candidates for positions on the Board of Directors and Advisory Board.
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: rguerra(a)
Membership Development Committee
Chair: To be appointed
Joi Ito (board member)The Membership Committee was established by the Board and was merged with the Chapters/Regions committee. This committee is responsible for developing and coordinating a membership plan and an ongoing membership campaign, as well as fostering the grassroots component of CPSR's work by involving members and groups in CPSR work.
Desiree Miloshevic (board member)
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: erikn(a)
Finance Committee
Chair: John Dwyer
Todd Davies (board member)The Finance Committee was established by the Board and includes the Treasurer as an ex-officio member. This committee will monitor the budget and the general financial situation. It will propose a budget to the Board once a year and can propose modifications for approval whenever it deems that circumstances so warrant.
Bill Drake (board member)
Desiree Miloshevic (board member)
Joi Ito (board member)
Erik Nilsson (board member)
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: dwyer(a)
Program Committee
Chair: Todd Davies
Bill Drake (board member)
Paul Hyland (board member)
Doug Schuler
The Program Committee was established by the Board and includes staff members with program-level responsibilities.
This committee presents proposals to the Board concerning program
opportunities and potential allocation of CPSR resources to new
programs. It also reviews proposals for projects and recommends action
to the Board.
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: tdavies(a)
Publications Committee
Chair: To be appointed
Bill Drake (board member)This committee carries out Board policy by making decisions about the editorial content of publications in CPSR's name.
Paul Hyland (board member)
Erik Nilsson (board member)
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: nbrigham(a)
Technology Committee
Chair: Paul Hyland
Robert Guerra (board member)
Nancy Brigham (board member)
Joi Ito (board member)
CPSR's Technology Committee is the board committee
charged with overseeing CPSR's technology infrastructure. This
includes all web, mail, and mailing list servers and sites, in addition
to providing input and oversight regarding the national office
infrastructure. It is also responsible for making sure that the
members, leadership, and staff are sufficiently informed to use these
technologies effectively.
For more information, please contact the Committee Chair: phyland(a)
Last modified June 16, 2006 05:11 PM