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John M. Dwyer
At the University of Detroit Mercy, I have served as Department Chair and on several committees (including both the College and University Promotion and Tenure Committees). I was one of the co-founders of our faculty union and have served in several positions within it.
Other activism includes working for a "Peace Corps" as an alternative to military service during the 1960 campaign and serving as a statistical consultant and an expert witness for the plaintiffs in a race and sex discrimination class action suit in the late 1970s.
I received my bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan in mathematics, my master's degree from the University of Michigan in computer science, and my doctorate from Texas A&M University in mathematical statistics. More information is available "from my website. A professional profile can be found in several Marquis' Who's Who publications as well as in other biographical volumes.
The aspect of CPSR which most impresses me is the way we try to support each other. We do get intense in our discussions at times, but we are effective when we pull together. The reputation of CPSR is high despite our relatively small membership. There has recently been criticism of how the CPSR Board operates, and I agree that the Board has not done all that it could to support the mission of CPSR. I intend to work with the rest of the Board to focus CPSR efforts and facilitate member initiatives.
One of the most important issues for CSPR to address at this time is the facilitation of remote communication subject to the protection of privacy. I feel the most immediate example of this is in the promise and perils of e-voting, but use and abuse of e-mail and looming commercial/government domination of the Internet is also important. I support a CPSR initiative in this to educate the public about the pitfalls and advocate for public and secure procedures (including voting procedures).
CPSR is currently experiencing financial difficulties due to low membership and reduced donations. As Treasurer, I have been working with the Board to help address this situation. If I am elected and the Board continues to want my services as Treasurer, I am willing to continue to work toward building and maintaining the organization and supporting its members. Foremost, I believe that CPSR should be of and for all its members. I would appreciate your vote in helping to reach this objective.
Email: dwyerjm(a)
Last modified November 11, 2004 12:20 AM