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Paul Hyland
Paul Hyland has been a member of CPSR since 1985, helped found the DC chapter, and served as its chair in the late 1980s. From 1990-93, he served on the CPSR Board of Directors, chaired the publications committee, helped to author the "Serving the Community" white paper, and broadened CPSR' use of the internet as an outreach tool. Since then, he has helped maintain CPSR' website and helped organize the 1996 Annual Meeting. Paul developed a program initiative on Intellectual property issues; he presented a paper at DIAC-2002, and organized panels for two other conferences; he is working with other members to author a CPSR policy statement on digital copyright; he represents CPSR on the Internet Caucus Advisory Committee and its Intellectual Property Task Force; he is forging alliances on this issue with other organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Future of Music Coalition, the Association of Computing Machinery, and the Creative Commons project.
Paul is Web Technical Lead for Editorial Projects in Education, publisher of Education Week and Teacher Magazine. He recently served as Director of Technology at Media Matters for America, and before that spent six years as a web developer and user interface specialist. He also worked for AOL and IBM, and several public interest organizations while in graduate school. He has played conga in the DC rock band the Oxymorons since 1989. He has an M.A. in Science, Technology and Public Policy from The George Washington University, and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Yale University.
See my web site for more information.
Last modified July 14, 2005 11:27 PM