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Herb Kanner

I announce my candidacy for re-election to the CPSR Board. For the past three years, I have held the position of CPSR Secretary, and if re-elected will offer my services in that post. Prior to Board membership, I was a member of the CPSR Executive Committee.

I have a strong interest in our organizational structure, a subject which increases in importance as we become more of an international organization. Some of my accomplishments during my term of office have been the initiation of bylaw changes covering the way we elect the Board and the officers, and the way we fill Board vacancies caused by resignations. Perhaps the single most important thing I have done for CPSR has been to establish a workable procedure under which the Board can initiate and vote on motions by email; this had not been practical previously. In the past, decision making could take place only at scheduled face-to-face Board meetings or by expensive conference calls.

I believe that CPSR should primarily exploit its credibility as an organization of computer professionals. When taking a position in the name of CPSR on computer-related social or political matters, we should base our arguments on the technical capabilities —or incapabilities, as the case may be— of computer systems. However, my feeling is that this requirement should be relaxed when it comes to cpsr putting its signature to position statements initiated by other organizations. For example, I might approve of our signing a protest, initiated by another organization, against some form of Internet censorship. However, were the protest to be initiated by CPSR, I would prefer that it be based on some technical argument with respect to feasibility, cost, or harm to the computer profession or field.

My educational and employment qualifications include: Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago and employment in the computer field since 1958. I was Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Institute for Computer Research of the University of Chicago for six years. Other major employers were Control Data, RCA, International Computers Ltd. in England (8 years), NCR, and Apple Computer, where I spent eleven years before retiring in 1997.

Created by admin
Last modified July 13, 2005 04:23 PM expired

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Interested in a forum in which to contribute efforts and share ideas and also, more specifically, a forum in which I may contribute some articles that I am working on.