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2005 Documents
Up one levelDocuments that are added to the site in 2005
Items up for Discussion at PrepCom3
- By Robert Guerra -- August 2005
Reactions to the WGIG Report
- By Robert Guerra -- August 2005
Negotiations and Decision Making at the UN
- By Robert Guerra -- August 2005
The United Nations System
PrepCom3 Parallel Events on Internet Governance
- Wednesday, 21 September, 13:00-15:00, Room XVI and Wednesday, 28 September, 13:00-15:00, Room XVI
CPSR@WSIS in Tunis, 16-18 November 2005
- The second World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) takes place in Tunis, 16-18 2005.
WSIS CPS panel - November 12, 2005
- PDFP file (120 KB)
WSIS CPSR Panel - November 16, 2005
Collective Learning in the World Summit on the Information Society
- This is the second contribution to the Working Papers.