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Up one level- Items up for Discussion at PrepCom3
Created on September 06, 2005.
By Robert Guerra -- 08/29/05 -- What's up for discussion at the upcoming WSIS preparatory meeting in Geneva (aka. PrepCom3)?
- Negotiations and Decision Making at the UN
Created on September 06, 2005.
The current discussion on the WSIS plenary list prompted me to look for a NGLS publication that Ramin gave me at PrepCom 2 (Geneva phase).
- Reactions to the WGIG Report
Created on September 06, 2005.
By Robert Guerra -- 08/22/05 -- I spent part of the weekend reading through the numerous written contributions that have been sent in response to the WGIG report.
- Upcoming meetings related to the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
Created on August 19, 2005.
that CPSR will be attending.