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Items up for Discussion at PrepCom3

Created on September 06, 2005.

By Robert Guerra -- 08/29/05 -- What's up for discussion at the upcoming WSIS preparatory meeting in Geneva (aka. PrepCom3)?

Negotiations and Decision Making at the UN

Created on September 06, 2005.

The current discussion on the WSIS plenary list prompted me to look for a NGLS publication that Ramin gave me at PrepCom 2 (Geneva phase).

Reactions to the WGIG Report

Created on September 06, 2005.

By Robert Guerra -- 08/22/05 -- I spent part of the weekend reading through the numerous written contributions that have been sent in response to the WGIG report.

Upcoming meetings related to the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)

Created on August 19, 2005.

that CPSR will be attending.


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