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CPSR Signed Liberty Coalition's Open Statement on NSA Spying
- CPSR signed a statement prepared by the Liberty Coalition criticizing recently-revealed warrantless surveillance of Americans by the NSA, and calling for Congressional hearings, a special counsel, and protections for whistleblowers who come forward in any such investigation.
- Bennett Haselton was interviewed on National Public Radio (NPR) about a free product he makes available for web users within China to get around firewall issues, called Circumventor.
CPSR Joined Diverse Coalition to Fight AOL's Email Tax
- AOL's pay-to-send system would hurt the Internet - stifling economic innovation, free speech and civic participation online. An unlikely coalition of more than 50 groups representing over 15 million people launched an unprecedented campaign to fight AOL's new pay-to-send email proposal.
Coalition for Patient Privacy
- On 04/05/06, CPSR joined with 25 other organizations in the Coalition for Patient Privacy in sending a letter to Congress urging them to build a patient-centered healthcare system, with patient privacy rights as the core of the health IT system.
- Coalition
- CPSR has signed on as one of the charter members of the Coalition.