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Bush to Sign the Patriot Act
On March 7, 2006 the House renewed the Patriot Act by a vote of 280-138, only two votes more than is needed to obtain the two-thirds margin a measure needs to pass legislation handled on an expedited basis.
The legislation had passed almost without hesitation in the senate 89-10 , and many are happy to put this legislation behind them. Forced by a filibuster, Congress was force to postpone the expiration date of the Patriot act twice and the Bush administration must accept new provisions that provide stronger civil liberties protections. As the debate over the war against terrorists and civil liberties protections continues more will be heard about this legislation
Even now Arlen Specter, R-Pa., the chief author of the Patriot Act renewal, has introduced a new measure "to provide extra protections that better comport with my sensitivity of civil rights." and their is ongoing investigation into the domestic wiretapping program. see Yahoo news
The balance of civil liberties and national security will certainly be facing us for many years to come and it is an issue to be aware and educated about.