Personal tools
Voting Technology
CPSR has been studying voting machines and the human-machine interface of
voting since the 1980s. We have researched election systems, observed
elections, commented on voting systems standards, and participated in the
administration of elections. In 1994, CPSR sent a team to the Republic of
South Africa to assist that nation in their historic elections. We have
written numerous papers and reports on elections systems and spoken at
elections administration conferences. Our work has been reported in
newspapers, magazines such as Wired magazine, and broadcast media.
Press Release
Created on July 21, 2006.
CPSR Announces 2006 New Board Members, Officers, and A Change of Address, and Clarifies Policy on Elections
Voting Registration Database Study Available Now
Created on March 24, 2006.
CPSR on "Friend of Court" Brief in Florida Voting case
Created on May 13, 2005.
CPSR and several other organizations submitted a Friend of the Court brief in the "Wexler" case, an important Florida court case regarding electronic voting machines.
CPSR files "friend of the court" support for California voter rights
Created on March 11, 2005.
CPSR supports lawsuits in Riverside and Berkeley, California calling for review of DRE voting machine materials.
Election Incident Reporting System Up & Running
Created on October 26, 2004.
CPSR, the Verified Voting Foundation, and the Election Protection Coalition announce our free web-based election incident tracking tool called the Election Incident Reporting System (EIRS), live now and beyond election day.
In depth
CPSR home page for Jim Horning
Created on February 16, 2006.
Dr. James Jay (Jim) Horning is Chief Scientist of the Information Systems Security Operation of SPARTA, Inc.
Elections Project
Created on September 12, 2004.
Statement for U.S. Election Assistance Commission News Conference
Created on October 09, 2004.
Last modified May 18, 2005 11:53 PM