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CPSR hires Dan Krimm as new Communication Director
The Board of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) is delighted to announce the appointment of Dan Krimm as our new Communication Director. Dan will be the primary liaison between CPSR members and other organizations, the press, and the public. Working from our new San Francisco office, Dan will also work on funding and membership initiatives, maintain our financial budget, and help organize CPSR events, including our upcoming annual meeting and conference.
Many CPSR members already know Dan from his activist involvement with community networks, electronic voting, Internet privacy, and media reform. He recently received a Master of Public Policy degree from the University of Southern California and also holds a Bachelor's Degree from Princeton. Among Dan's 20+ years of experience in online services were positions as the first webmaster for both Consumer Reports and Discover Magazine. He also worked at Launch Media (acquired by Yahoo!) on the LAUNCHcast service.
In his spare time, Dan is a progressive jazz musician. Learn more about Dan at his web site, .
As our lead staff member, Dan will have a critical role in shaping the success of CPSR in coming years. Please join us in welcoming him to the organization. He can be reached at dan(at)