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The CPSR Compiler - March 2006

The CPSR Compiler - March2006 - 4.9 < <

Turning Thoughts to Actions

* * * *
* Board Development Committee News
* CPSR Joined Diverse Coalition to Fight AOL's Email Tax
* Xcast Treaty Statement
* CPSR/Japan
* Member News
* Opportunities

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On behalf of the CPSR board of directors, it gives me great
pleasure to make two announcements. First, that  Annalee Newitz,
a nationally-known technology and science writer has been
appointed to the CPSR Board as a Director.  She will fill out the
remaining term of Veni Markovski, who resigned from the Board.
The board believes that Annalee's unique perspective and sense of
enthusiasm will be a welcome addition to the board, and the
organization as a whole. Below is a short bio that also has been
posted on the CPSR site.
Let's all welcome Annalee!

Secondly, I'd like to inform the membership that the board of
directors has been discussing the 2006 board election process.
We are still discussing what, if any changes could be made to
improve the process. As such, we've agreed to push back the
traditional date of the election at least a month.  We envision
that the call for candidates will be issued in the next edition of
the compiler issue.

Robert Guerra
CPSR Director & Member Board Development Committee

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Annalee Newitz - The new face on the CPSR board....

Annalee  is a contributing editor at Wired, and also writes for
Popular Science,,, New .Scientist,
The Believer, and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. Her
syndicated column Techsploitation deals with all things geeky
and runs in newspapers throughout the U.S. and Canada.

In 2002, she won a Knight Science Journalism Fellowship that
allowed her to spend a year at MIT doing research. A former
policy analyst at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, she is also a
strong supporter of alternative media. For four years she was the
culture editor at the San Francisco Bay Guardian, one of the
nation's last independent weekly newspapers, and is currently
the editor of indie magazine other.

In 1992 she helped to found Bad Subjects,
the first leftist magazine available online. She is the author of
Pretend We're Dead: Capitalist Monsters in American Pop Culture
(Duke University Press); and the editor of three anthologies,
She is Such a Geek (Seal Press), The Bad Subjects Anthology
(New York University Press), and White Trash (Routledge Press).
Annalee has discussed her work on CNN, NPR, CBS, the
Discovery Channel, the BBC and the CBC, as well as in the
New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

She holds a Ph.D. in English and American Studies from UC Berkeley.

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The CPSR Board acknowledges resignations from two Directors-
at-Large, Veni Markovski and Sush Gupta, effective February 2005.
The Board thanks them for their contributions to the Board.

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CPSR Joined Diverse Coalition to Fight America Online's
(AOL's) Email Tax

AOL's pay-to-send system would hurt the Internet - stifling
economic innovation, free speech and civic participation online.
An unlikely coalition of more than 50 groups representing over
15 million people launched an unprecedented campaign to fight
AOL's new pay-to-send email proposal.  In just days, the coalition
increased to more than 500 organizations.

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XCast Treaty Statement

Paul Hyland, along with a delegation of NGOs and interested
citizens, met with representatives of the United States Delegation
to WIPO to discuss the Proposed Broadcaster Treaty. This treaty
would bypass Congress to establish a new intellectual property
right in the contents of broadcast and webcast transmissions,
adding an unnecessary barrier to the use and re-use of this content,
some of which could even be in the public domain. CPSR
opposes the bulk of this controversial proposal, and calls at the
very least for a much more robust public notice and comment
period, in addition to Congressional hearings, before proceeding.

CPSR has joined with numerous other organizations and
individuals in submitting a Joint Statement to the United States
Congress and the Members of the United States Delegation to
WIPO on the Proposed Broadcaster Treaty,
which urges Congress to exercise its Constitutional authority to
shape such policies.

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CPSR/Japan introduced its chapter's new board members in its
new fiscal year.

Three members of the new chapter board start their new position

Shinji Yamane:
President of CPSR Japan Chapter. Yamane is the chapter's chair
for every meeting and secretary for every event.

Nobuo Sakiyama:
Vice-president. He supports chapter president for the chair's work
and other works on publicity.

Kazuo Fujimoto:
Chapter Treasurer.

Basically, Japan chapter's rule is the same as CPSR's Bylaws.
In addition, since the last year, we also have Joi Ito, a CPSR
board member from Japan.

The chapter's board members are also watching for the CPSR's new global
strategies and reformations in the last year. We are
now connsidering inviting "Advisory Board" members for
CPSR/Japan, as CPSR did.

Our first major event is the CPSR/Japan annual conference.
The conference will be held next Spring, organized by Yamane.
Any idea is welcome.

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Bill Drake:

Has moved to the Graduate Institute of International Studies in
Geneva, Switzerland, where he directs the Project on the
Information Revolution and Global Governance.

Gave a presentation on, "Using the Internet Governance Forum to
Promote Multistakeholderism and Good Governance," at the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
workshop, The Future of the Internet, Paris; March 8, 2006.

Chaired the "Workshop on Follow-Up and Implementation" at the
WFUNA Task Force on WSIS/ Danish Network on WSIS
conference on, Where to Go from Tunis? Implementation of and
Follow-Up to the Tunis Agenda and the role of Civil Society in
This Process, Copenhagen; February 21-22, 2006.

Participated in the Consultations on the Convening of the Internet
Governance Forum at the United Nations, Geneva; February 16 -
17, 2006.

Gave a presentation on, "Mandate for a Mine Field? The Internet
Governance Forum and Existing Mechanisms," at the Diplo
Foundation conference, Internet Governance: The Way Forward,
Malta; February 10-12, 2006.

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Paul Hyland participated in a round table discussion the Open
Document Format, where we discussed consumer implications
and policy efforts to encourage its adoption. This event, hosted by
the Consumer Project on Technology, is the beginning of a
longer-term effort in which CPSR will play a role.

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Robert Guerra:

Gave a presentation on, "Financial and Logistical issues," at the
Diplo Foundation conference, Internet Governance: The Way
Forward, Malta; February 10-12, 2006.

Photos of the meeting

Gave a presentation in French, "L'Internet participatif dans la
societe civile at the ISOC QuÈbec conference, "L'Internet
participatif : conjuguer le futur au pluriel," MontrÈal, Canada,
March, 2006

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The voting registration database study that Harry Hochheiser of
CPSR did with ACM is out.

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Roy Saltman's presentation on paper trails - "Think paper trails
will make elections secure? Itís not that simple"  - and comments
posted in response, and rejoinders to these comments have been

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Bennett Haselton was interviewed on National Public Radio
(NPR) about a free product he makes available for web users
within China to get around firewall issues, called Circumventor.
Circumventor Installations Instructions
Installations Instructions

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Tollbooths on the Internet Highway
New York Times

When you use the Internet today, your browser glides from one
Web site to another, accessing all destinations with equal ease.
That could change dramatically, however, if Internet service
providers are allowed to tilt the playing field, giving preference to
sites that pay them extra and penalizing those that don't.

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The video, along with stills, of the Internet Society of New York's
forum, "What Price New York City Wireless: The Politics of
Technology" with New York City Council Member Gale Brewer,
Chair of the Technology in Government Committee is online at

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Globalization and Offshoring of Software
A Report of the ACM Job Migration Task Force
William Aspray, Frank Mayadas, Moshe Y. Vardi, Editors
Executive Summary and Findings

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Diplomats Slow in Adopting ICT - Expert - Washington,USA
Daily Champion (Lagos)March 2, 2006
Posted to the web March 2, 2006
By Remmy Nweke, Lagos

"Most diplomats are slow in adapting to the use of Information
and Communication Technology (ICT), as observed by data and
secure communications expert based in Toronto, Canada, Mr.
Robert Guerra.

He made this observation in a paper delivered at the recently
concluded three-day international conference held in Malta, with
the theme 'Internet Governance: The Way Forward' organized by
Diplo Foundation.

Mr. Guerra who is the managing director of Privaterra, discussed
the experience of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and
usage of ICT, noted that one of the challenges facing stakeholders,
mostly governments on ICT issues have been one of adopting to
technologies by diplomats and to get them to make use of the
virtual tools remain a challenge."


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The Politics and Ideology of Intellectual Property and the
Knowledge Commons
Brussels, BELGIUM - March 20-21, 2006
Contact Ben Wallis  bwallis(a)

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ICANN Meeting
Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, March 25-31, 2006

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Asia Commons: Asian Conference on the Digital Commons
Bangkok, THAILAND ñ April 18-20,2006

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Symposium of ICTs for Social Action
Organized by the Cyber volunteers Foundation
Seville, SPAIN, May 11-14, 2005

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Infrastructures for Health Care: Connecting Practices across
Institutional and Professional Boundaries, Copenhagen,
DENMARK- June 19-20, 2006
Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2006

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ICANN Meeting
Marrakech, MORROCO, June 26-30, 2006

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Computing, Communications and Control Technologies
(CCCT 2006), Orlando, Florida - July 20-23, 2006

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Third International Conference on the Engineering Education in
Sustainable Development, Lyon, FRANCE - October 4-6, 2006
Abstract submission deadline - March 27, 2006

My apologies if I overlooked any entries for this
Compiler issue, and/or if any of your questions/requests
to me have not been answered. Please feel free to send
me reminders, maybe with the Subject beginning - "NUDGE".
Thanks, Susan   evoy(a)

The CPSR Compiler is a monthly notice with short
updates on recent activities of our members and
opportunities to engage in the development of the
public voice through CPSR projects.

To report news for future issues, send a sentence or
two (and URL if available) to

CPSR provides a discussion and project space where
individuals can contribute to the public debate and
design of our global digital future. Through CPSR's
chapters and working groups, members focus on regional
and civic issues developing the public voice. To
insure a democratic future in a time of intense
globalization, the voice of the public must command
a prominent position on the world stage. CPSR frames
and channels the public voice.

When in doubt about how to get more out of your CPSR
membership, contact or refer to the
Activists Handbook
to get help in getting the most out of your membership.

To get involved in policy work through CPSR, consider
joining one of CPSR's Working Groups
or contact cpsr (a) about starting a new one.

CPSR-Activists is the main members forum of CPSR,
where the board and members discuss current policy
and organizational issues. Only subscribed members
can post to this list

(c) Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility 2006.
Redistribution of this email publication - both internally
and externally - is encouraged if it includes this paragraph.

CPSR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax deductible.

Pay Dues, Buy Tshirts, or Make Donations via

Find out about email discussion lists and Working Groups
hosted by CPSR at

The CPSR Compiler is emailed to CPSR members in
good standing, who have provided CPSR with their
email address.

Online Dues and Donation Form:
Susan Evoy * Managing Director
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
P.O. Box 717 * Palo Alto * CA * 94302
Phone: (650) 322-3778 * (650) 322-4748 (fax)

Created by hdihuyen
Last modified June 09, 2006 03:39 PM

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