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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Madison, Wisconsin Chapter
Welcome to Mad-City's CPSR chapter home page!
We are interested in exploring issues of information technology as it relates to our community, through public forums, neighborhood networking, and coalition-building with other public interest groups.
* * * Fall '97 Speaker Series * * *
All events at Madison Public Library, 201 West Mifflin Street, 7:15-8:45 PM.
September 22--Children in Cyberspace:
Jane Pearlmutter
Now that the Supreme Court has ruled the Communications Decency Act
(CDA) in violation of Freedom of Speech, and separated the Internet from the rules imposed
on broadcast media, what do parents and others need to know to provide a safe online
environment for their children? Does the nanny "filtering" software work? Is
there a CDA II on the horizon? Parents with or without Internet expertise welcome!
Sources for further enlightenment--
October--Information Haves and
Have-Nots: William Wresch, PhD
What are the social consequences for the concentration of information
technology among wealthy nations? How does global information flow affect preservation of
culture and distribution of wealth? What does universal access mean in telecommunications
and in relation to the Internet? What is being done nationally and internationally to
increase information equity?
Sources for further enlightenment--
November--Privacy on the Net: Don
"[Digital] privacy is closely related to issues of anonymity (and pseudonymity), wiretapping, mail/email interception, encryption, and the interests of corporations (direct marketing and the sale of personal information). It is also related to other current issues such as censorship, intellectual property rights, and security (both law enforcement and national security) which are often falsely cast in opposition to the right to (and need for) privacy,"--D.G.
- EPIC: Electronic Privacy Info. Clearinghouse:">
- "Electronic Privacy Guidelines (1996)" Cyber Rights Working Group, CPSR:
Sources for further enlightenment--
Tues. December 9--Grassroots Activism
Using the Internet: Dana Fisher
Come hear how international alliances are being formed and enhanced using the 'network of networks.' The environmental movement's use of the Internet will be examined on a global level. Local activists are encouraged to come and share strategies and scepticism.
- A series in Mother Jones Hellraiser Central,
"The Online Activist: Tools for Organizing in Cyberspace":
- Part One: E-mail -- April 28, 1997
- Part Two: Can The Spam! -- July 22, 1997
- Part Three: Bureaucracy Busters -- August 4, 1997
- Social Justice Connections, (an Arlington, VA-based organization that advises groups working for progressive social change,) has posted a Movement-Building Test for State and National Organizations.
Sources for further enlightenment--
* * * Join the Steering Committee--Get Involved * * *
Just send mail to the CPSR if you want to help organize future events & activities, learn how to join CPSR, or contribute to this page.
This page last updated April 2002 by Susan Evoy
Created before October 2004