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Speakers for CPSR Annual Meeting:
Nurturing the Cybercommons, 1981-2021
Friday, October 19
Information Ethics in the Aftermath of 9/11
- Coralee Whitcomb (President, CPSR)
- Speaker details not provided.
- Abdul Alkalimat (University of Toledo)
Abdul Alkalimat is Professor of Africana Studies and Sociology and Director of the Africana Studies program at the University of Toledo, where he has engineered the only known Internet-based course taught from Africa to students in the U.S. He moderates the largest African-American Studies discussion list H-Afro-Am and created and edits Malcolm X: A Research Site as well as eBlack Studies. He served as cyberorganizer for the 1998 Black Radical Congress held in Chicago, Illinois, and is a member of the editorial boards of cy.Rev and Black Scholar. He is presently guest editing an issue of Black Scholar devoted to cyberspace and the Black experience. Alkalimat is also co-authoring a study of public computing in Toledo, Ohio.
- Nathaniel S. Borenstein (University of Michigan,, Inc.)
Dr. Borenstein is a leading Internet scientist responsible for developing several fundamental technologies over the last three decades. As an academic and researcher, at Carnegie-Mellon, Bellcore, and the University of Michigan, he was the author of the MIME standard, metamail and other widely-used software, three books, and numerous other publications. As an entrepreneur, he founded the first online payment company, First Virtual Holdings (now MessageMedia), authored two software patents, and is now in the second year of work on his latest startup, He has served on the national boards of CPSR, the Institute for Global Communications, and Peace Action.
- Jean Camp (Harvard University)
- Speaker details not provided.
- Peter Hope-Tindall Chief Privacy Architect (dataPrivacy Partners Ltd.)
Mr. Hope-Tindall is Technical Director and Chief privacy Architect of dataPrivacy Partners Ltd., one of Canada's leading privacy consulting firms. Formerly, he was special advisor to the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario for biometrics and cryptography where he conducted privacy audits and assessments and monitored the development of large government systems having a significant privacy component. Mr. Hope- Tindall also represented the province of Ontario at Industry Canada's 1998 encryption policy roundtable from which the template for Canada's National Encryption Policy arose.
Mr. Hope-Tindall is presently providing Privacy Architect services to the Ontario Smart Card Project. His personal URL is
What is an Information Commons and Why Should We Care?
- Howard Besser (UCLA School of Education and Information Studies)
Howard Besser is an Associate Professor at UCLA?s School of Education & Information Studies where he teaches courses and does research on multimedia, image databases, digital libraries, metadata standards, intellectual property, digital longevity, information literacy, and the social and cultural impact of new information technologies.
Dr. Besser is very involved in intellectual property issues, particularly as they pertain to information in digital form. He was a member of the National Academy of Science panel that authored The Digital Dilemma: Intellectual Property in the Information Age, and he has written several articles and participated in numerous debates on intellectual property (particularly in the library and the arts community). His most recent article uses the loss of public spaces in the physical world as a metaphor for the loss of a public domain in the digital world.
- Homepage:
- Info Commons webpage:
Saturday, October 20
Across the Great Divide
- Gary Bachula (Internet 2)
Most recently, Gary served as Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology at the US Department of Commerce where he led the formation of government-industry partnerships around programs such as GPS and the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles. As Vice President for the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) from 1991 to 1993, Gary managed strategic planning and program development for the organization designated to build a distributed information network as part of NASA's Mission to Planet Earth.Gary Bachula is the Vice President for External Relations for Internet2. Gary has substantial government and not-for-profit experience, with an extensive history of leadership in technology development.
- Garret Sern (EDUCAUSE)
Garret Sern is a Policy Analyst for EDUCAUSE, analyzing and reporting to its membership on a wide-range of federal IT and networking policy issues. Garret is also staff liaison for the Net@EDU Broadband Pricing Working Group, which is comprised of EDUCAUSE networking leaders focusing on affordable broadband access for the higher education community. Beyond EDUCAUSE, he works closely with other like-minded associations, most recently as liaison for the Higher Education Alliance for Information Technology, a coalition of higher education and library associations working to coordinate their efforts on federal IT policy issues.
- Kate Williams (Alliance for Community Technology and School of Information, University of MIchigan)
- Speaker details not provided.
- Salvador Rivas (Department of Sociology, University of Michigan)
- Speaker details not provided.
- Dara O'Neil (Georgia Tech Research Institute and School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Speaker details not provided.
Management and Preservation of Electronic Records
- Cal Lee (University of Michigan)
Cal Lee is a doctoral student at the University of Michigan School of Information, where he serves as research assistant on a project called CAMiLEON, which is exploring the potential viability of emulation as a digital preservation method. He recently served as Electronic Records Project Archivist at the Kansas State Historical Society. His personal URL is
- David Wallace (University of Michigan)
David A. Wallace is an Assistant Professor at the School of Information, University of Michigan. He teaches courses on social systems and collections, managing electronic records, and archives and records management. David received his Ph.D. from the School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, where he wrote a dissertation on the decade long lawsuit over the preservation of White House email (aka the "PROFS Case"). He is currently pursuing research on the implementation of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendments of 1996.
The Body Politic: Biometrics, Identity and the Politics of Surveillance
- Andrew Clement (University of Toronto)
Dr. Clement is a Professor in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto, and holds a status position in the Department of Computer Science. He has recently become the Director of the Collaborative Program in Knowledge Media Design.
His research and teaching interests are in the social implications of information technology and the participatory design of information systems. Currently, his research focuses on information policy development and in particular on the development of smart card identification schemes and community oriented internet access initiatives. He coordinate the Information Policy Research Program (see,
Dr. Clement has also written papers and co-edited books in such areas as computer-supported cooperative work; participatory design; workplace surveillance; privacy; women, work and computerization; end-user computing;and the 'information society' more generally.
Andrew is a long standing member of CPSR as well as the Canadian representative to the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) technical committee on Computers and their Relation to Society (TC9).
- Peter Hope-Tindall Chief Privacy Architect (dataPrivacy Partners Ltd.)
- See above.
Information Warfare
- Chris Hables Gray (University of Great Falls)
- Chris Hables Gray, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology and of Computer Science at the University of Great Falls. His book on contemporary conflict, Postmodern War (1997) has been translated into Turkish and Chinese and is being translated into Hebrew. Other work of his on information war and other aspects of war today have been translated into German, Japanese, and Spanish. Currently he is finishing his latest book, Information, Power and Peace, which is on how new information technologies impact the chances for global peace.
- Alessandro Lofaro (CPSR)
- Speaker details not provided.
Silicon Valley: The Solution to American Economic Malaise or the "Valley of Toxic Fright" (Best Paper from CPSR 2000-2001 Student Essay Contest)
- Netiva Caftori (Northeastern Illinois University)
Netiva is a Professor of Computer Science and Women's Studies Program at NEIU. She is a long time active member of CPSR and now servers as a board member. She is also an accomplished artist, following in the footsteps of her rather famous artist father. Her art is mostly abstract, mixed media (markers, pastels, chalk) on paper and is distinguished by the very rich palate of colors she uses. She also sculpts in stone, clay and wood. You can see more at her website at Netiva will introduce the winner of the student essay contest.
- James Richard Sheldon (University of California - Santa Cruz)
- Speaker details not provided.
Subjectrights in the Cyborg Age
- Steve Mann (Assistant Mailroom Clerk, EXISTech Corporation)
Dr. Steve Mann is regarded by many as the inventor of the wearable computer, of the EyeTap camera (a device that causes the eye itself to function as if it were a camera as described in, and of the Reality Mediator he has been wearing for more than 20 years, dating back to his high school days in the 1970s. He is currently a faculty member at the University of Toronto, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
In 1991 he brought his inventions and ideas to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, initiating, what was to later become the MIT Wearable Computing Project. At MIT he became the world's the first person to put his personal day-to-day life on the World Wide Web as pictures, which he accomplished simply by making a WWW page into his computer mediated reality. He received his PhD degree from MIT in 1997 in the new field ``Personal Imaging'' he had initiated there. He is also the inventor of the wristwatch videophone (Pat. 2275784, 2275798), of the chirplet transform (a new mathematical framework for image processing, and of the notion of comparametric equations (
Mann proposed the first IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC97), and was also Publications Chair of that conference. He also chaired the first Special Issue on Wearable Computing to appear in an academic journal (Personal Technologies), and has been the keynote speaker at numerous scientific and industry symposia and conferences. He has also been an invited speaker at numerous university Distinguished Lecture Series and colloquia. His scientific contributions have also been featured in leading international fora for the general public, such as The New York Times, LA-Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, WiReD, NBC, ABC, CNN, David Letterman Top Ten, CBC-TV, Scientific American, Scientific American Frontiers, Discovery Channel, Byte, Reuters, New Scientist, Rolling Stone, and BBC. A feature length 35mm motion picture film (, Producer=Michael Allder, Director=Peter Lynch) documents his invention and life as he has lived it through ``mediated reality''.
He also wrote the lead article for Proc. IEEE Vol. 86, No. 11, Intelligent Signal Processing, Nov. 1998. His textbook entitled Intelligent Image Processing by John Wiley and Sons, as well as a popular book about his life as a ``cyborg'', by Random House, Doubleday, further document his ``mediated reality'' concepts.
He is also an assistant mailroom clerk at EXISTech Corp, He can be reached via e-mail at or by tapping into his right eye,
Norbert Wiener Award Dinner
- Theodore Postol (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- science adviser to the Chief of Naval Operations, is the expert who discredited the myth that Patriot missiles shot down Scuds successfully during Desert Storm. His independent scientific analysis of the test data concurs with Dr. Schwartz's claims of falsified results. Read more recent news about Dr. Postol at
- Nira Schwartz
- worked on the Star Wars project in 1995 and 1996 charged her employer, TRW, with misleading the Pentagon and the public by falsifying test results as to the ability of the system to detect real warheads from decoys. She was summarily fired, allegedly as a result of her refusal to cooperation with the publication of false test reports. Read more recent news about Dr. Schwartz at
Sunday, October 21
Neocapitalism and the Hive Mind
CPSR Activity Update: ICANN & UCITA
- Hans Klein (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Hans K. Klein is Assistant Professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also the Chair of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR).
Klein's research is in Internet and democracy, Internet governance, and large system development. He has written on Internet and grassroots democracy, social movements, and governance (ICANN). He has also published on Intelligent Transportation Systems, U.S. civilian technology policy, and the future of public access television. His theoretical publications focus on the role of structural theory in the social construction of technology and on case study methodology. His intellectual foundations like in democratic theory, public policy, organizational sociology, and sociology of technology.
Klein CPSR's DNS Working Group on the Internet Governance and Domain Name System. He helped launch CPSR's recent joint project with the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
- Lawrence Hecht ( Internet Public Policy Network)
Lawrence Hecht is a policy entrepreneur. His URL is
Mr. Hecht is a veteran analyst of public policy's impact on the Internet. He developed in 1997 and has been monitoring the industries and policies associated with electronic commerce, telecommunications, and community technology ever since. Two years ago, Hecht created the Internet Public Policy Network (IPPN) to connect organizations to the world's leading Internet experts. As IPPN's President, Lawrence Hecht has developed relationships with, and an understanding of, government officials, industry leaders, and advocates that influence the Internet world.
Hecht has experience with stakeholder management, campaigning and is an expert on using the Internet in corporate public affairs. In addition, he has considerable practice conducting research for consulting firms like Issue Dynamics and the Delaney Policy Group on issues such as broadband, government technology, community technology centers (CTC), and Internet taxation. The aforementioned story has been complemented by extensive academic exploration of the intersection between Internet and public policy starting in 1995.
Hecht brings to IPPN expertise in more than just technology policy. He is a professional policy analyst with a masters degree in public policy from Georgetown University. Lawrence has four years web development experience and has been online since 1993. Significantly, he has developed programming proficiency in Cold Fusion, SQL and many other software applications.
Created before October 2004