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CPSR 1999 Annual Meeting
Speaker Information
Brian BehlendorfDirector of the Apache Project
Behlendorf's endeavors include crafting strategic and technical directions for C2Net, a cryptography and web server software company, as well as coordinating content for the ApacheCon conference in October, 1998. He spent 1993-98 as co-founder and CTO at Organic Online, one of the first Web design and engineering consulting firms, where he helped create Internet strategies for dozens of Fortune 500 companies. While there, he co-founded and contributed heavily to the Apache Web Server Project, co-founded and supported the VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling language) effort, and assisted several IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) working groups, particularly the HTTP standardization effort. Before starting Organic Online, Brian was the first Chief Engineer at Wired Magazine and later HotWired, one of the first large-scale publishing web sites. He joined O'Reilly & Associates in February, 1999.
Dr. Gray Brechin
Ciriacy-Wantrup Postdoctoral Fellow at U.C. Berkeley.
Gray Brechin is a graduate of the U.C. Berkeley Geography Department. For two decades he has written on the history and ecology of California, and is the author of the recently released book Farewell, Promised Land; Awakening from the California Dream (with photographer Robert Dawson), and the soon-to-be released book Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin. Brechin and Dawson co-curated the exhibition Awaking from the California Dream: An Environmental History, now featured at the Oakland Museum.
Brechin on Silicon Valley:
"When I look at Silicon Valley I see a typical
mining landscape," said Gray Brechin, an
architectural historian and geographer, in a
Jan. 22 session at the annual meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement
of Science (AAAS) in Anaheim, Calif. "I see
the same sort of development with little
planning or sense of civic responsibility.
"Like mining towns in the 1800s, Silicon Valley is characterized by a boom/bust economy heavily dependent on energy and technology," he argued. "And it is populated by transients with no commitment to the place, which has few amenities anyway.
"The result is all sorts of environmental problems, plus a large but hidden level of poverty. This is like Virginia City, Nev., where there was a great divide between the mine operators who lived on the hill and the workers who lived below."
From: The Berkeleyan, January 27, 1999
Laura Breeden
Laura Breeden & Associates, Inc.
Laura Breeden is an independent consultant focusing on Internet strategies and organizational development, based in Menlo Park, California. Her clients have included SRI International (Menlo Park), the Education Development Center (Newton, MA), the Morino Institute (Reston, VA), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN), and HandsNet (San Jose, CA), as well as other leading institutions that study, develop and promote the use of network technologies.
From 1994 to 1996 Ms. Breeden was director of a highly competitive, multi-million dollar federal grant program designed to demonstrate the benefits of the "information superhighway" in the public sector. Under her leadership, more than 200 organizations received a total of $60 million for innovative community projects, through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U. S. Department of Commerce. In addition to directing the grant program, Ms. Breeden was involved at senior levels in the formation of federal policy on the use of technology in education, health care and social services.
Ms. Breeden is an experienced speaker and conference facilitator, who has addressed audiences in the U.S., the U.K., and Japan, appeared on National Public Radio's "Science Friday", and given numerous media interviews. She is able to convey the immediate, practical applications of new technologies to diverse audiences effectively and with humor. As a facilitator, she has worked with educators at the K-12 level, college and university faculty and administrators, industry leaders, community organizations, and policy makers.
Prior to joining the Commerce Department, from 1991 to 1994, Ms. Breeden was executive director of FARNET (the Federation of American Research Networks), a non-profit association of Internet service providers whose mission is to promote the use of the Internet for research and education. While at FARNET, she conceived of and co-edited "51 Reasons: How We Use the Internet and What It Says about the Information Superhighway", a collection of stories from Internet users about how network access benefited their personal and professional lives.
From 1983 to 1991 Ms. Breeden held a series of positions in the Network Services Group at Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She was instrumental in the formation of NEARnet, the New England Academic and Research Network.
Ms. Breeden's additional work in the public sector includes several years in community-based child care and three years as a fund-raiser for an international development and relief agency.
Ms. Breeden is a graduate of Oberlin College, where she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.
Karen Coyle
California Digital Library
Karen Coyle is a librarian with nearly 20 years experience developing computer systems for libraries. She currently works at the University of California in the California Digital Library, which develops the online access system used by libraries on the nine UC campuses. While active in developing digital libraries, she is outspoken about the effects, both negative and positive, electronic information is having on the social role of libraries. Her book, "Coyle's Guide to the Information Highway," published by the American Library Association in 1997, describes the effect on libraries of new developments in the areas of privacy, public access, copyright, and privacy.
She has been on the board Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, as Western Regional Director. She speaks and writes on the effect of computer culture on privacy, intellectual property, social equality and gender image. An essay on gender and computing entitled: "How Hard Can it Be?" appeared in the Seal Press book "Wired_Women: Gender and New Realities in Cyberspace" in 1996. She has spoken frequently at conferences and meetings and has been quoted or interviewed in a variety of media.
Pavel Curtis
Co-Founder and Principal Architect.
Placeware, Inc.
Pavel Curtis is an internationally recognized expert on online communities. As a member of the Xerox PARC team for more than 13 years, Pavel designed and implemented a number of programming languages. His experience inspired him to found PlaceWare and now allows him to continue investigating, designing and implementing applications and systems to improve PlaceWare's offering. When Pavel isn't at PlaceWare, he is traveling around the world as a frequent lecturer at seminars and symposiums on virtual communities and Internet-based collaboration.
Seth Fearey
Connected Communities & Smart Valley Inc.
"The E-Rate program just provides discounted communications equipment and services. The computer industry needs to help schools and libraries get the devices to connect to the network. Volunteers are needed to help teachers and librarians understand these new tools, and to help patrons use the Net to acquire new skills and find better jobs."
Scott started FindMail, the predecessor service to, in early 1996. Powered by an easy-to-use web-based interface created by Scott, FindMail quickly grew to become the Internet's largest archive of e-mail discussion. Scott bootstrapped the service while working as a systems software engineer at Alexa Internet, where he contributed the scalable architecture for finding related pages on the Web (now used to deliver "What's Related" items in Netscape's Communicator browser). Prior to co-founding, Scott also worked on a Web crawler and search engine at Stanford University, called Google.
Cem Kanner, J.D., PhD
Author (with Falk & Nguyen) of TESTING COMPUTER SOFTWARE (2nd Ed, VNR)
Author (with David Pels) of BAD SOFTWARE (Wiley, 1998)
Cem Kaner practices law, teaches, and consults on technical and
management issues within the software
development community.
He has managed every aspect of software development, including software development projects, software testing groups and user documentation groups. He also worked as a programmer, a human factors analyst / UI designer, a salesperson, a technical writer, and an associate in an organization development consulting firm. He served as an Examiner for the California Quality Awards and on a few technical standards committees.
As an attorney, he represents customers, employees, and software development contractors. His primary interest is development of the law of software quality.
Peter Neumann
Moderator of the Risks Forum and Principal
Scientist in the Computer Science Lab at SRI International
Peter G. Neumann received AB, SM, and PhD degrees from Harvard in 1954, 1955, 1961, respectively. In 1960 he received a Dr rerum naturarum from the Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt, Germany, where he was a Fulbright scholar for two years. He has worked in the computer field since 1953.
In the Computer Science Lab at Bell Telephone Labs at Murray Hill NJ throughout the 1960s, he was involved in research in computers and communications; during 1965-69, he participated extensively in the design, development, and management of Multics, jointly with MIT and Honeywell. He was a visiting Mackay Lecturer at Stanford in 1964 and Berkeley in 1970-71.
In the Computer Science Laboratory at SRI since 1971, where he is now Principal Scientist, he has been concerned with computer systems having requirements for security, reliability, human safety, and high assurance (including formal methods).
He has been on three National Academy of Sciences studies, including those that resulted in Computers at Risk (1990) and the CRISIS report on U.S. cryptographic policy (1996). He is currently a member of the U.S. General Accounting Office Executive Council on Information Management and Technology, which is extensively concerned with the U.S. Government's handling of the Year 2000 Problem (Y2K) and -- more generally -- the nation's software development problems.
He is very active in the ACM, founder of SIGSOFT's Software Engineering Notes in 1976 and editor for 18 years, Chairman of the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy (since 1985); and a Contributing Editor for CACM (since 1990) for the monthly `Inside Risks' column. In 1985 he created, and still moderates, the ACM Forum on Risks to the Public in the Use of Computers and Related Technology, which is one of the most widely read of the serious on-line computer newsgroups. His RISKS-derived book (Computer-Related Risks, Addison-Wesley, 1995) is in its fourth printing.
His Website includes testimonies for Senate and House committees, on risks in the critical infrastructures, crypto, and other issues.
He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the ACM, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He has received the ACM Outstanding Contribution Award for 1992, the first SRI Exceptional Performance Award for Leadership in Community Service in 1992, the Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award in 1996, the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award in 1997, and the CPSR Norbert Wiener Award for in October 1997, for ``deep commitment to the socially responsible use of computing technology.'' He is a member of CPSR, and is on the EPIC Board.
Craig Newmark
Craig's List
Craig Newmark is a hardcore Java and Web programmer who grew up wearing a plastic pocket protector and thick black glasses, taped together, the full nerd cliche.
He started, which speaks for itself:
"We're a community of people helping each other out with everyday, real world stuff, via the Internet. We're not trying to sell something. Our intent is inclusive, to better humanize and democratize the Internet. Too much of life is "who you know," but we try to open that up a little more. Our focus is local. What you see is typically from people who live and/or work in your neighborhood and community."
Ben Politzer
Director of Technology, Edison McNair and Brentwood Academies
Ben Politzer is the Director of Technology for Edison McNair and Edison Brentwood Academies in East Palo Alto. At the two schools he is responsible for building a culture that supports the use of technology among teachers, students and parents. This year he will manage a home technology program in which 300 families will borrow Imac computers. Before working for Edison Schools, Inc., Ben taught sixth grade. As a teacher and a Teach For America corps member, he coached track and traveled with his students to South Africa. He received his Masters Degree in Education from Stanford University and his undergraduate degree from Brown University where he worked as a senior computer consultant.
For more information visit:
Eric Raymond
Author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
President, Open Source Initiative
home page:
Eric S. Raymond is an observer-participant anthropologist in the Internet hacker culture. His
research has helped explain the decentralized open-source model of software development that
has proven so effective in the evolution of the Internet. His own software projects include one of
the Internet's most widely-used email transport programs. Mr. Raymond is also a science fiction
fan, a musician, an activist for the First and Second Amendments, and a martial artist with a
Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. His home page is at
Eric Raymond on this year's Wiener Award:
Barbara Simons
Barbara Simons was elected President of ACM in 1998. Prior to becoming presided
ACM's U.S. Technology Policy Committee (USACM), which she also founded. USACM y
policy issues (see Simons was elected to the Boardf
Scientific Society Presidents in 1998. She is a Fellow of ACM and of the Amerir
the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Simons earned her Ph.D. in computer science from U.C. Berkeley; her dissertation
problem in scheduling theory. She became a Research Staff Member at IBM's San r
n, and fault), where she did research on scheduling theory, compiler optimizati-
tolerant distributed computing. She received an IBM Research Division Award fok
synchronization. She then joined IBM's Applications Development Technology Instd
subsequently served as senior technology advisor for IBM Global Services.
Simons is a winner of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Pioneer Award. y
c|net as one of its 26 Internet "Visionaries" and was named one of the "Top 100"
by Open Computing; and in 1992 she was awarded the CPSR Norbert Wiener Award fod
Social Responsibility in Computing. Science Magazine featured her in a specialn
science in 1992.
Simons holds several patents and has authored numerous technical papers. She cue
President's Export Council's Subcommittee on Encryption, and on the Informationg
Group of the President's Council on the Year 2000 Conversion.
Eric Sklar
Richard Stallman
Richard Stallman is the founder of the GNU project, launched in 1984
to develop the free operating system GNU (an acronym for "GNU's Not
Unix"), and thereby give computer users the freedom that most of them
have lost. GNU is free software: everyone is free to copy it and
redistribute it, as well as to make changes either large or small.
Today, Linux-based variants of the GNU system, based on the kernel
Linux developed by Linus Torvalds, are in widespread use. There are
estimated to be over 10 million users of GNU/Linux systems today.
Richard Stallman is the principal author of the GNU C Compiler, a
portable optimizing compiler which was designed to support diverse
architectures and multiple languages. The compiler now supports over
30 different architectures and 7 programming languages.
Stallman also wrote the GNU symbolic debugger (GDB), GNU Emacs, and
various other GNU programs.
Stallman received the Grace Hopper Award from the Association for
Computing Machinery for 1991 for his development of the first Emacs
editor in the 1970s. In 1990 he was awarded a MacArthur Foundation
fellowship, and in 1996 an honorary doctorate from the Royal Institute
of Technology in Sweden. In 1998 he received the Electronic Frontier
Foundation's Pioneer award along with Linus Torvalds; in 1999 he
received the Yuri Rubinski memorial award.
Madeline Stanionis
Just about anything is possible with Larry around,
so check out his web page:
Coralee Whitcomb
For the past ten years, Coralee Whitcomb has been involved in many
advocacy projects focused on providing universal access to
computers and telecommunication policy designed with the public interest
in mind. In 1995 she founded Virtually Wired Educational Foundation, a community
technology center in downtown Boston open six days a week to the public and run by volunteers. She has
served as the New England Regional Director of the board of directors
of CPSR and is now the president. Coralee is on the Computer Information
Systems faculty of Bentley College and is a doctoral
student at Northeastern University.
It's fitting that there will be [four] of us accepting the 1999 Weiner award;
The open-source community is a movement of individuals, but its success
does not rest on any one person. This award, like last year's to the IETF,
will be a fitting tribute to the power of voluntary, un-coerced cooperation
in addressing large problems.
President of Association of Computing Machinery
Business for Social Responsiblity
Founder of the GNU project,
Home page:
Access to Software for All People
Founded in 1994 by a successful computer
software entrepreneur, Access to Software for All
People (ASAP) makes the economic advantages of
technology available to all by operating business
ventures and computer access projects that both
serve and employ people who are underrepresented
in the technology industry. In particular, they serve
low-income people, people of color and women &
girls. ASAP is located in Berkeley, CA.
as well as the Perl page
Virtually Wired
Created before October 2004