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Artful Integrators
Participatory Design 2004
The 2004 Artful Integrators Award
This year marks the inauguration of a new award at PDC, named the "Artful Integrators Award." The award is intended to recognize outstanding achievement in the area of participatory design of information and communications technologies. The award goes to a group of people who together have worked out, in an exceptionally creative way, a new and useful configuration of technologies and practices. Where traditional design awards have gone to individual designers or singular objects, the Artful Integrators Award emphasizes the importance of collaborative participation in design, and a view of good design as the effective alignment of diverse collections of people, activities and artifacts. While no single element of the design might be particularly extraordinary in itself, the combination of design process and outcome is. The Artful Integrators Award for 2004 goes to:
Randy Trigg and the Global Fund for Women
Through their ongoing project of participatory design, Randy Trigg and the Global Fund for Women have created an information and communications infrastructure that exemplifies, in process and products, the spirit of the Artful Integration Award. As an accomplished software developer and systems integrator, Randy's collaboration with members of the Fund has resulted in the design of a database system for nonprofits that brings together fundraising, grant making and human resource management in ways that accommodate the continually evolving work practices of the organization.
The Global Fund's developing infrastructure weaves together Randy's longstanding commitment to cooperative design practices with the Global Fund's commitment to democratic forms of wealth redistribution. A nonprofit organization, The Fund makes grants to seed, support, and strengthen local women's rights groups based outside the United States working to address human rights issues. The Global Fund has developed a unique grant making process based in a global network of sister organizations, and is recognized and admired for its respectful and responsive relations to its grantees. Since 1987, the Fund has granted over $30 million in small grants to over 2,270 women's groups in 160 countries.
The Award will be presented in a special event at PDC 2004, to Randy Trigg and Kavita Ramdas, President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women, who will speak about the Fund's grant making philosophy and participatory practices.
For more on the work of the Global Fund for Women see
We invite you to nominate candidates for the Arftul Integrators Award in 2006.
Last updated on: 16.07.2004
Created before October 2004