Ackerman, M. (2000). "The Intellectual Challenge of CSCW: The Gap Between Social
Requirements and Technical Feasibility". Human-Computer Interaction, 15 (2&3),
179-203. Available:
Keywords: Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), computer-mediated communication (CMC), social-technical gap, human-computer interaction (HCI)
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Bannon, L. J. (1991). "From human factors to human actors: the role of psychology and human-computer interaction studies in system design". In Greenbaum, J. & Kyng, M. (Eds.). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (pp.25-44).
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Actors, Theory, Philosophy.
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Bjerknes, G., & Bratteteig, T. (1987). "Florence in Wonderland: System development with nurses". In G. Bjerknes, P. Ehn, & M. Kyng (Eds.). Computers and Democracy - A Scandinavian Challenge. Aldershot, England: Avebury, 279-295.
Keywords: Participatory Design, Metaphor.
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Bjerknes, G., Ehn, P., & Kyng, M. (Eds.). (1987). Computers and Democracy - A Scandinavian Challenge. Aldershot, England: Avebury.
Bodker, S. (1996). "Creating conditions for participation: Conflicts and resources in systems development." Human-Computer Interaction, 11, 215-236.
Bødker, S., Ehn, P., Romberger, S., & Sjögren, D. (Eds.). (1985). The UTOPIA Project: An alternative in text and images (Graffiti 7). Swedish Center for Working Life, the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
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Bodker, S., Greenbaum, J., & Kyng, M. (1991). "Setting the Stage for
Design as Action". In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds.). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. (pp. 139-154). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: Cooperative design, family resemblance, involved and unreflected performance, detached reflection, prototyping, mutual learning.
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Bødker, S. and Grønbaek, K (1991). "Design in Action: From Prototyping by Demonstration to Cooperative Prototyping" in J. Greenbaum and M. Kyng (Eds), Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., 197-218.
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Bødker, S., & Grønbæk, K (1990). "Cooperative Prototyping- Users and designers in mutual activity." International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, special issue on CSCW.
Keywords: Participatory design, cooperative design, prototypes, Future Workshop, breakdowns.
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Bodker, K. & Pedersen, J.S. (1991) "Workplace cultures: looking at artifacts, symbols and practices". In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds.), Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 121-138.
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Carmel, E., Whitaker, R. D., & George, J. F. (1993). "PD and Joint Application Design: A Transatlantic Comparison." Communication of the ACM, 36(4), 40-48.
Keywords: Participatory design, user-centered design, Joint Application Design (JAD), system development, systems design
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Clement, A. & Besselaar, P.V.d. (1993) "A retrospective look at PD projects". Communications of the ACM, 36 (4), 29-37.
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Ehn, P. (1988). Work-Oriented Design of Computer Artifacts. Stockholm: Arbetslivscentrum.
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Ehn, P. (1992). "Scandinavian design: on participation and skill". In P. S. Adler and T. A. Winograd (Eds.), Usability: Turning technologies into tools (pp. 96-132). New York: Oxford University Press. Available:
Ehn, P. & Kyng, M. (1991). Cardboard computers: mocking it up or hands on the future. In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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Emery, M. (Ed.). (1993). Participative Design for Participative Democracy (2nd Ed.). Canberra, Australia: Centre for Continuing Education, The Australian National University, G.P.O. Box 4, Canberra, Australia 2601.
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Floyd, C., Mehl, W.-M., Reisin, F.-M., Schmidt, G., & Wolf, G. (1989). "Out of Scandinavia: alternative approaches to software design and system development". Human-Computer Interaction, 4(4), 253-350.
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Gartner, Johanne (1999). Participatory design in consulting. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7: 273-289.
Gennari, J.H., & Reddy, M. (2000). "Participatory Design and an Eligibility Screening Tool". American Medical Informatics Association 2000 Symposium (AMIA'00). Los Angeles, CA. 290-294
Keywords: Participatory Design, medical informatics systems, contextual inquiry, clinical trail protocols, eligibility determination, iterative development, decision support systems.
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Greenbaum, J., & Kyng, M. (Eds.). (1991). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
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Grønbæk, K. (1991). "Prototyping and active user involvement in system development: Towards a cooperative prototyping approach". Ph.D. dissertation, Computer Science Department, Aarhus University, Denmark.
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Grønbaek, K., Kyng, M., & Mogensen P. (1993). "CSCW challenges: Cooperative design in engineering projects". In S. Kuhn & M. Muller (Eds.), Participatory design: Special issue of Communications of the ACM, 36(4), 67-77.
Gustavsen, B. (1995). "Development and the social sciences - An uneasy relationship". In S. Toulmin, B. Gustavsen, & J. Benjamins (Eds.), Beyond theory: Changing organizations through participation. Amsterdam.
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Henderson, A., & Kyng, M. (1991). "Theres No Place Like Home: Continuing Design in Use". In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds.). Design At Work. (pp. 219-240). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: Tailoring, use, continued design in use.
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Holtzblatt, K., & Jones, S. (1995). "Conducting and Analysing a Contextual Interview" (Excerpt). In R.M. Baecker, J Grudin, W.A.S. Buxton & S. Greenberg (Eds), Readings in Human-Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000. (pp. 241-253). San Francisco, CA: Moran Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
Contextual inquiry, participatory design, contextual interview techniques
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Hooper, K. (1986). Architectural Design: An Analogy. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Howcroft, D., & Wilson, M. (2003). "Paradoxes of participatory
practices: the Janus role of the systems developer".
Information and Organization, 13(1), 1-24.
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Actors, Theory, Philosophy.
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Hughes, John A., Rouncefield, Mark and Peter Tolmie (2002) Representing knowledge: instances of management information, British Journal of Sociology, 53(2), pp. 221-238
keywords: ethnomethodology, management information, representation, social construction, storytelling, situated knowledge, computer artifacts
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Kensing, F. & Blomberg, J. (1998). "Participatory design: issues and concerns".
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 7, 167-185.
Kensing, F. & Madsen, K. (1991). Generating visions: future workshops and metaphorical design.
In Greenbaum, J. & Kyng, M. (Eds.). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (pp.155-168).
Keywords: Visioning, metaphor, visualize, participate, users knowledge.
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Korpela, M. (1998). "Community participation in health informatics in Africa: an experiment in tripartite partnership in Ile-Ife, Nigeria". Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 7: 339-358.
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Kraft, P., & Bansler, J. P. (1994). "The collective resource approach: the Scandinavian experience". Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 6(1), 71-84.
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Kuhn, S. (1996). "Design for people at work". In T. Winograd, J. Bennett, L. D. Young, P. S. Gordon, & B. Hartfield (Eds.), Bringing Design to Software. Addison-Wesley.
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Kyng, M. (1995) "Making Representations Work." Communications of the ACM. 38(9), 46-56.
Keywords: Participatory Design, Representations, Prototypes, Mock-ups, Collaborative Design, Workplace Practices, Systems Development
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Kyng, M. (1995). Users and computers: A contextual approach to design of computer artifacts. Ph.D., Aarhus University, Denmark.
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Kyng, M., & Mathiassen, L. (Eds.). (1997). Computers and Design in Context. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
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Mountford, S. J. (1990). Tools and Techniques for Creative Design. In Laurel, B. (Ed.), The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design (pp. 17-30). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Muller, M., & Kuhn, S. (1993). Special issue on Participatory Design. Communications of the ACM, 36(4).
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Newell, A. F. and Gregor, P. (2000). "User Sensitive Inclusive Design" in search of a new paradigm." Proceedings on the 2000 conference on Universal Usability, Arlington, Virginia; November, 39-44.
Keywords: User-centred design, systems development, universal accessibility, disability, inclusive design, user sensitivity.
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Nygaard, K. (1975). Kunnskaps-strategi for fagbevegelsen (Knowledge strategy for trade unions). Nordisk Forum 6, 10(2), 15-27.
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Nygaard, K. (1996). "Those were the days"? Or "Heroic times are here again"? Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 8(2), 91-108.
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Pape, T. C., & Thoresen, K. (1992). "Evolutionary prototyping in a change perspective: A tale of three municipalities". Information Technology & People, 6(2-3), 145-170.
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A.L.Rector, B.Horan, M.Fitter, S.Kay, P.D.Newton, W.A.Nowlan, D.Robinson and A.Wilson (1992): "User Centred Development of a General Practice Medical Workstation:The Pen & Pad Experience". In P.Bauersfeld, J.Bennett and G.Lynch (eds.): Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 92 May 3-7, Monterey, CA. New York: ACM Press, pp.447-453.
Keywords: User-centered design, evaluation, medical workstation, methodology, prototyping
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Sandberg, Å., Broms, G., Grip, A., Sundström, L., Steen, J., & Ullmark, P. (1992). Technological Change and Co-Determination in Sweden. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
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Schuler, D., & Namioka, A. (Eds.). (1993). Participatory Design: Principles and Practices. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Simonsen, J., & Kensing, F. (1997). "Using ethnography in contextual design". Communications of the ACM, 40(7), 82-88.
Keywords: Participatory design, human-computer interaction, systems design, ethnology, work practices.
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Sjöberg, C. & Timpka, T. (1998). "Participatory design of information systems in health care." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 5(2), 177-183.
Keywords: Participatory design, user-centered design, health care, video recording, grounded theory, system development
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Sørensen, A. B. (1992). Aktionsforskning om og i arbejdslivet (Action research about and in work life). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 33, 213-230.
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Suchman, L. (1988). "Designing with the User: Review of "Computers and Democracy: A Scandinavian challenge". ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 6(2), 173-183.
Keywords: design, user-centred design.
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Suchman, L. & Trigg, R.H. (1991). "Understanding Practice: Video as a Medium for Reflection and Design". In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds.). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. (pp. 65-90). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Keywords: Participatory Design, Ethnography, Interaction Analysis, Video, Systems Design, Workplace Practice
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Suchman, L., & Trigg, R.H., & Blomberg, J (1999). "Moving document collections online: The evolution of a shared repository." Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1-20.
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Actors, Theory, Philosophy.
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Weinberg, J.B. and Stephen, M.L. (2002). "Participatory Design in a Human-Computer Interaction Course: Teaching Ethnography Methods to Computer Scientist." Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. Cincinnati, Kentucky, 237-241.
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Winner, L. (1994). "Political artifacts in Scandinavia: An American perspective". Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 6(2), 85-94.
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Wynn, E. (1992). "Taking practice seriously". In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds.). Design at Work: cooperative design of computer systems. (pp. 45-64). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Keywords: Principles, practice, participatory design, user-centered design, social-cultural, scientific method, system development
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Yankelovich, N. (Forthcoming). "Using Natural Dialogs as the Basis for Speech Interface Design." In Susan Luperfoy (ed.) Automated Spoken Dialog Systems. MIT Press. Available:
Keywords: Pre-design studies, speech interface, natural dialogs, scenario-based design
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