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Participatory Design 2004
Pre-conference Workshops
Pre-conference workshops are invitational special interest sessions, typically with 10-20 participants who are either invited or accepted on the basis of a position statement reviewed by the workshop organizers. (Note that there will also be a series of workshops during the conference, open to all participants, and there will also be pre-conference tutorials.)
Below, we offer some themes – these are meant only as possibilities among others and none are ‘spoken for.’ We will be glad to put you in contact with others who are interested in proposing similar themes.
Further information for potential pre-conference workshop organizers can be found at Proposals should be submitted by March 17. Notification will be given by March 31, 2004.
We are sending this encouraging message mainly to colleagues who have already held special interest workshops in areas related to Participatory Design, who have held other PD-related sessions or who are member of the PDC Program Committee. Please circulate this message to colleagues who might be interested in organizing or co-organizing a pre-conference workshop.
Pre-conference workshop participants will be charged a small fee to cover costs; workshop organizers will not receive any fees.
Best regards,
Judith Gregory,,
Thomas Binder,
Themes (not in any particular order)
- End-User Programming
- Participatory Inquiry: Open Participatory Explorations
- Teaching Participatory Design
- Design of Design Environments/Designing for UBICOM
- E-Democracy
- Web-based Communities
- Public Infrastructures, Public Sphere, Digital Commons
- Health care: Participatory Design and Participation in Health Care
- Participatory Design in Developing Countries
- Design Studios: Multidisciplinary Collaborations
- Action research in design and community development
Last updated on: 16.07.2004
Created before October 2004