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Conference sessions
Participatory Design 2004
Types of Sessions
We invite submissions for the following types of sessions (described more fully below):
- Research papers (maximum 10 pages)
- Short papers (maximum 4 pages) research works in progress, field experiences / stories from reflective practitioners, tools and techniques reports)
- Pre-Conference workshops (2 page proposals)
- Conference workshops (2 page proposals)
- Art Installations, Environments, Projects, Designs, Demonstrations (2 page proposals)
- Tutorials (2 page proposals)
- Doctoral consortium
General submission information:
- Submissions should be formatted according to the requirements specific to each type of submission as listed on the conference website and sent electronically to the chairs using the upload facility to be found at this URL (link will open in a new window):
- Do not include authorship information in the submission. This information will be entered at submission form site.
- Receipt notification will be presented in a web page after successful uploading.
- All accepted contributions will be posted on appropriate web sites and published in book form provided to conference participants as part of the conference fee.
- Volume I of the Proceedings will consist of the research papers and be published by ACM SIG. Publication guidelines are available at this URL (link will open in new window):
- Volume II of the Proceedings will include all the other accepted contributions in the traditional PDC-format.
More details can be found on the conference website or by contacting the Program co-Chairs or the Chair of the appropriate session.
Note: Before a submission is included in either Volume I or
Volume II, at
least one author of the submission must be registered for the
Research Papers
Deadline: February 13, 2004
For the first time with PDC, the accepted research papers will be published by an academic press, specificly the ACM in their International Conference series. In addition to the hardcopy form, they will also be published via the web in ACM's Digital Library. High academic standards will be expected.
Maximum length of research papers is 10 pages. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Authors are invited to suggest names and contact information of one or two possible reviewers to supplement reviews by Program Committee members. Such prospective reviewers should have demonstrable expertise in the relevant field and be at arms-length from the author(s) and the work presented.
Accepted papers should be revised according to the review reports and the language should be checked by a native English speaker. Deadline for submitting the camera-ready manuscript is June 4, 2004.
Volume I of the Proceedings will consist of the research papers and be published by ACM SIG. Publication guidelines are available at this URL (link will open in new window):
topShort Papers (maximum 4 pages) (Chair: Joan Greenbaum)
Deadline: May 7, 2004
Short papers cover a range of possible formats and audiences
- Research works in progress: research which is not yet ready to be evaluated in a peer review. Short papers could cover research designs, fieldwork, and/or preliminary research results.
- Stories about experiences by reflective practitioners: we are especially interested in short papers in which practitioners describe their practical experiences with the (non) participation of users. These reports may be derived from a variety of settings, but should as a general feature describe the various stakeholders in the design process, their mutual interactions, and how they were affected.
- Tools and techniques reports: the description of tools and techniques, and of the application of these tools and techniques, showing their usability for participatory design.
- Short papers are also welcome that fit the "pattern" format organized by problem, context, discussion, solution and references.
Potential short paper contributors are invited to contact the session chair for further details: <>.
topPre-Conference Workshops (Chair: Thomas Binder & Judith Gregory)
Deadline: March 5, 2004
Full- or half-day invitational workshops will be held Wednesday, July 28, 2004. The proposal should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to PD and a schedule. Intended participants and how they will be recruited should also be described. Workshop topics can include methods, practices, or other areas of interest. Note that fees may be charged to cover workshop expenses (such as lunch, materials, or equipment set up) but workshop organizers are not paid.
Potential pre-conference workshop contributors are invited to contact the session co-chairs for further details: <> and <>.
More information about the Pre-conference Workshops is available by following this link.
Conference Workshops (Chairs: Peter Mambrey & Patricia Sachs)
Deadline: May 7, 2004
Mini-workshops will be convened on July 30th from 2-5 PM. Attendees will sign up for these workshops at the conference itself. Please submit a two page proposal which includes title, goals, objectives, and methods for making the workshop interactive with the participants. Please indicate as the relevant background of the leaders, intended participants, the maximum number of participants and whether you would need special equipment. Feel encouraged to apply with others as a group.
Potential conference workshop contributors are invited to contact the session co-chairs for further details: <> and <>.
topArt Installations, Environments, Projects, Designs, Demonstrations (Chairs: Yvonne Dittrich & Leah Lievrouw)
Deadline: May 1, 2004
The objective of this portion of the conference is to present and debate works that combine outstanding aesthetic vision with a commitment to the principles and philosophy of participatory design. Successful proposals will demonstrate both design/artistic merit and the collaborative involvement of designers, users, audiences, and/or other relevant groups.
Works may incorporate any forms or genres of information/communication technologies or digital media (e.g., sound, still/moving images, touch, space, text, etc.), either alone or combined with other media and/or live performance. Proposals must include:
- A statement (maximum 500 words) describing the title and goals of the submission, the techniques/media employed, the piece's relevance to participatory design, and how it will occupy, challenge, provoke, involve, entice or otherwise engage those involved in its design, distribution and/or use.
- A sketch, layout, design or plan that conveys the look/feel/experience of the work (e.g., 30 seconds of Flash animation, storyboards, web pages, etc., submitted as URLs, Zip/CD/DVD, or other format).
- The technical specifications for presentation and exhibition, including hardware/software platforms, projection or other playback equipment, time and space requirements, network/web access needs, and so on.
- Complete contact information (name, affiliation, mailing address, telephone/fax/email/URL) for each artist/author of the entry.
All required parts of the proposal should be submitted to the conference chairs in electronic form.
Works selected for PDC 2004 will be chosen by an international, multi-disciplinary jury (representing arts/design/critical studies as well as social sciences, informatics and computer science) and will be exhibited for the duration of the conference. Artists/authors will be expected to present and discuss a brief precis of their piece in a roundtable session at the conference.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the chairs for further details about the aims and evaluation criteria for submissions, at <> or <>. Entries must be received by the program chairs no later than midnight (U.S. Pacific time) May 1, 2004.
topTutorials (Chairs: Volkmar Pipek & Bettina Toerpel)
Deadline: March 5, 2004
Full- day (6 hour) and half-day (3 hour) tutorials will be held Tuesday July 27, 2004. The proposal should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to PD and a tutorial schedule. Please describe any handouts that you intend to make available in the proposal. Please include a budget for tutorial expenses (lunch, materials, equipment set up, for example) in your proposal. Fees will be charged, with tutorial organizers receiving surplus over tutorial expenses.
Potential tutorial contributors are invited to contact one of the session co-chairs for further details: <>.
Doctoral consortium (Chairs: Jeanette Blomberg & Finn Kensing)
Deadline: May 7, 2004
A full day, invitational doctoral consortium will be held Tuesday, July 27, 2004. The doctoral consortium is intended for PhD students working within the field of Participatory Design. This one day session will provide students with an opportunity to present issues of concern to them in their doctoral studies and receive feedback from the session co-chairs and student participants. Enrollment is limited to 10 students and selection will be based on application submissions (application form [Word format]). The doctoral consortium will be from 10 am to 7 pm with a dinner to follow. The format will include:
- Introductions (10 minute participant introductions)
- Two breakout groups of five students and one session chair:
Short student presentations (10 minutes), feedback and discussion with session chair and two preassigned student discussants (10 minutes each)
- Summing up and next steps based on feedback with entire group.
For further information contact <> <>.
Important dates
May 7 Applications due to the co-chairs by email
May 28 Notification of acceptance
Please use this link to download a copy of the application form for the Doctoral Consortium [Word format].
Last updated on: 16.07.2004
Created before October 2004