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Participatory Design 2004
Submitting your Contribution
General Submission Information
If you have any questions on general submissions, please contact Doug Schuler, Program co-Chair <>.- Submissions should be formatted according to the requirements specific to each type of submission as listed on the conference website.
- All accepted contributions will be posted on appropriate web sites and published in book form provided to conference participants as part of the conference fee.
- Volume I of the Proceedings will consist of the research papers and be published by ACM SIG. Publication guidelines are available at this URL (link will open in new window):
- To be included in Volume 1 of the proceedings, full research
papers (in MS-word and PDF vesion) should be send by May 25 the latest
with a c.c. to
The name of the document should begin with your last name and include other identifying information (ID number of your submission if a short paper, type of submission, workshop, etc).
- Volume II of the Proceedings will include all the other accepted contributions in the traditional PDC-format.
- To be included in Volume 2 of the proceedings: Workshops and
other submissions (in MS-word and PDF versions) should be sent by June
11 at the latest to with a
c.c. to
The name of the document should begin with your last name and include other identifying information (ID number of your submission if a short paper, type of submission, workshop, etc).
The electronic submission (upload) form is now available at this URL (link will open in a new window):
More details can be found on the conference website or by contacting the Program co-Chairs or the Chair of the appropriate session.
Note: Before a submission is included in either Volume I or Volume II, at least one author of the submission must be registered for the conference.
You may choose to sign up for conference email.
Last updated on: 16.07.2004
Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004
Created before October 2004