fifth biennial
took place in
Seattle, Washington, USA
November 12-14, 1998
Over 200 people from 14 countries and four continents attended PDC 98. The Participatory Design Conference is held in even-numbered years in North America. PDC
2000 will take place in New York City, November 28-December 1,
2000. The conference will take place right across from the Empire State Building, in the newly-completed City University Graduate Center conference facilities.
Conference Proceedings can be ordered online. Note the following
PDC 98 Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference: Broadening
Edited by Rebecca Henderson Chatfield, Sarah Kuhn, and Michael Muller.
November 1998, 271 pages. $25.00.
Then go to the CPSR Publications Order Form
Theme: "Broadening Participation"
Who is to be included in design processes and design decisions? How
might they be included? The 1998 Participatory Design Conference is an
international event featuring state-of-the-art thinking in this field.
Conference participants and presenters address these and other important
questions and share their experiences.
PDC 98 pays special attention to the theme of "broadening participation".
In design, organizations, and services, what challenges and strategies
exist for broadening involvement? The program features papers, presentations,
workshops, and displays that address these questions. Additionally, this
year's conference brings together leaders in multiple fields employing
participatory approaches to stimulate exchange and to generate fresh ideas
for future practice and research.
Participatory Design
Participatory Design (PD) is a set of diverse ways of thinking, planning,
and acting through which people make their work, technologies, and social
institutions more responsive to human needs. PD practitioners aim to improve
conditions of work and the quality of life by involving workers, users,
and community members in design and development. PD enables users, stakeholders,
and other interested parties to play powerful roles in shaping technological
and work outcomes to reflect their interests. Through Participatory Design,
people around the world are accomplishing significant achievements in collaboratively
shaping technology and social environments.
The Participatory Design Conference attracts researchers, designers,
practitioners, workers, and managers. Participants share and learn about
advances in practices, methods, and theory throughout the cycle of design.
PDC 98 is an international forum where diverse communities can meet, exchange
ideas and experiences, and collaboratively invent the future of participatory
Last updated: September 30, 1999 ddl