Comments on Civil Society Statement
on the
Civil Society Statement
Last updated: 2
August 2000
comments by Email.
Society Statement
Comments (most recent
listed first)
Mike Roberts
(President of ICANN)
Mike Roberts
President, ICANN
30 July 2000
I think your group needs
to self-assess how it can promote its views
in a more mainstream manner.
Much of the manifesto discussed in
Yokohama is wide-eyed utopianism.
Railing away at ICANN because it
doesn't meet some ideal
model of democracy is likely to be about as
effective as complaining
that the US Congress is too dominated by the
money of those who finance
political campaigns. Everyone knows that,
the question is how do you
work from within the system to balance
competing interests, many
of which possess economic power.
Economic strength can be
a powerful lever for the advancement of
democratic uses of the Internet.
It already has been. The US
taxpayer investment in defense
research, of all things, was
fundamental to getting it
off the ground in the first place. DARPA
funding of Jon Postel permitted
him to promote the Internet in
obscure corners of the globe
where 99% of the people didn't have a
clue as to what the network
would ultimately be able to do for their
country in promoting open
scholarship and democratic reforms.
Industry sponsorship of
UCAID/Internet2 has made it possible for over
a hundred US universities
with several million students and
researchers to have broadband
network access and facilities at a
small fraction of the going
commercial prices. Partnership between
the for-profit world and
the non-profit world in promoting public
interest goals is a feature
of our work, not a defect.
I know a lot about technology-
based non-profits. I've been a
founder and/or principal
business planner for five of them and
advisor to others.
The private non-profit corporation model is and
will continue to be very
effective in advancing public interest
goals. Ira Magaziner
and his colleagues in the government were
knowledgeable about this
when they put the form of the new
organization that became
ICANN into the White Paper. The success of
ICANN in finding substantial
international consensus among a variety
of economic and non-economic
interests in its policy development
activities thus far is evidence
that the basic model is working.
But being bitter and throwing
rocks over the fact that minority views
are not always successful
is fruitless. All democracies operate one
way or the other on the
assumption of the greatest good for the
greatest number. So
does ICANN. If you are on the losing end of a
vote one day, you come back
the next and try again. When my wife and
her environmental allies
lose a vote at the Coastal Commission over
something like a property
"taking" fight, they regroup and go back to
Right now, one of the problems
you have in influencing ICANN is that
your principles and your
central policy focus are obscured by a lot
of trivia like asking to
see general ledger data. Since we continue
to be very poor, and even
still have a negative net worth, what
conceivable value to your
policy influence is knowing more about the
fact that we have not finished
putting the White Paper's contemplated
financial structure in place?
Trying to find dirt in the books is a
waste of your scarce time
and effort. That's what auditors are for.
They're plowing through
our records now and you and everyone else
will see their report on
the website in October as is required by the
Without meaning to put words
in your mouth, I suggest that some
thought about what significant
policy issues ICANN will be
considering over the next
year, and how your group might, through
study and participation,
be influential in shaping the outcomes of
the associated debates,
is the way to go. Whatever the errors and
mistakes of the past, about
which arguments will continue
indefinitely, there isn't
any going back, especially in Internet time.
Thanks for listening,
- Mike
Cameron Smith
ApplyatLarge web site (
2 August 2000
I am from a group of ICANN@large
members at (a nascent community for @large members
since the official site is so poor). We are preparing a petition
to raise some specific points about future ICANN elections, which
we would host on a service such as Before we put the petition
up, would you like to comment on the wording or content of it, given
the CPSR's statement on ICANN elections? As you can see we cannot
decide on a title either. The scope of the petition is intentionally much
narrower than the 'Civil
Society Statement' so that
it is straightforward for people to decide whether or not they agree
with it.
What do you think?
At Large Democracy/Direct/Leadership
We believe that ICANN's power
and credibility lies in its ability to represent the Internet community
as a whole. We believe that the will of the At Large community should be
a significant factor in all decisions taken by ICANN. Without this, ICANN
will fail and disappear. We believe that this can only be accomplished
with an effective, transparent and democratic process of election to the
ICANN board by the At Large community. Therefore we are very concerned
by some of the resolutions taken by the ICANN board in last meetings (in
Yokohama, Japan, 12- 17 July), which potentially endanger the powers and
democracy of the At Large members representation. Given these considerations
we ask the ICANN Board to approve the following points:
1) the remaining four
At Large directors must be elected by At Large members during
2) when an At Large
director leaves his/her seat for any reason, he/she must be substituted
as soon as possible by voting by At
3) all candidates
for At Large ballots in future elections must be nominated by At Large
4) all At Large directors
must have the same powers and prerogatives as other directors.
5)any change in ICANN bylaws
relating to the At Large community or election procedures must be subject
to direct approval by a ballot of At Large members.
### |
Nobuo SAKIYAMA, preparatory
committee for Japan Chaper of CPSR, Japan
below is my comment.
> 7. Artificial scarcity
and centralization should be avoided.
> Control points and artificial
scarcity in DNS create barriers to Internet
> access and foster regulation
of users.
DNS issue is not only on
the name space problem. I think that DNS
Security Extension (DNSSEC,
RFC2535 to 2539) will be a hot issue in
the near feature.
(Although DNSSEC is not widely deployed yet,
current RFC on "Root Name
Server Operational Requirements" (RFC 2870,
BCP40) already says " Root
servers MUST be DNSSEC-capable", and
VeriSign acquired NSI).
In DNSSEC, public keys for
signing zone files is distributed in DNS,
and the key validation model
is mainly "on-tree" validation, that a
chile zone's key is signed
by the parent zone's private key. The root
zone's key becomes the master
This means that registrars
become some kind of Certificate Authority.
Claims on the CAs may vary
between the commercial organizations and
non-commercial organizations
or inidividuals, and commercial-friendly
rules may not be handy for
non-commercial organizations or individuals.
Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004