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Informative Site Links
AAAS Database of Human Rights Resources
- New features include: Who's New (new site entries), Spanish Language Sites, Index of Internet-based Publications and Resources, the AAAS Human Rights Bulletin Board, and Tools for Using the Internet
American Communication Association
- The web site of the American Communication Association.
Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility
- De Montfort University, Leicester, UK; school of Computer Sciences. To undertake research and provide teaching, consultancy and advice to individuals, communities, organisations and governments at local, national and international levels on the actual and potential impacts of computing and related technologies on society and its citizens.
The Noam Chomsky Archive
- A public collection of files (articles, interviews, lectures, reviews, etc.) by and about Noam Chomsky.
The Commuity Design Assistance Center
- Building a virtual community design & planning office; an example of online collaboration.
Computer Recycling Programs
- A national directory developed by PEP: Resources for Parents, Educators & Publishers.
CPSR also maintains a list of organizations that take in older models of computers for updated equipment.
Computers and Academic Freedom Archive
- An electronic library of information about computers and academic freedom. Frequently asked questions.
Corporate Watch
- Dedicated to helping build greater democratic control over transnational corporations at the local, national and international levels.
The Cultural Environment Movement (CEM)
- A coalition of organizations and individuals concerned about the power exerted by unaccountable mass media over cultural values, public knowledge, individual identities, and the democratic process. For more information on CEM or the Cultural Indicators Research Project, e-mail, fax (215) 387-1560, call (215) 387-8034, or write P.O.Box 31847, Philadelphia PA 19104.
- European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus Research
The Electronic Charrette: Community Building & Design for the Internet
The Federation of American Scientists
- Engaged in analysis and advocacy on science, technology and public policy for global security.
The Future
- To understand our present and its predictions about the future, in order to prepare for the future and what it holds for us.
- The home page of the Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Information Technology Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities--UIUC
Institute for Business and Professional Ethics at DePaul University
- The Institute for Business & Professional Ethics was established in 1985 by a joint effort of the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Commerce at DePaul University. The Institute is one of the first ethics-related resources to pioneer a hypertext linked ethics network throughout the Internet.
Internet Free Expression Alliance
- Internet users, online publishers, library and academic groups and free speech and journalistic organizations share a common interest in opposing the adoption of techniques and standards that could limit the vibrance and openness of the Internet as a communications medium.
Internet Policy Institute
- "the nation's first independent, nonprofit research and educational institute created to provide objective, high-quality analysis, research, education, and outreach on economic, social and policy issues affecting and affected by the global development and use of the Internet"
The Internet Public Library
- A public "library" on the net provided by the University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies.
Kids and Computers: Recognizing Values, Choices and Character
- This conference's stated goal was to bring attention to the "good potential of information technologies [and] the positive attributes of kids."
The Media and Communications Studies Web Site
Media Watch Home Page
- A collection of online media watch resources, including specific media criticism articles and information about media watch groups.
The Netactivist
- The Netactivist is a new homepage in English and Danish, made for people who want to make a difference. Contains action alerts and backgrount information about various leftist campaigns.
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia
- The Information and Privacy Commissioner has been appointed to promote and protect the information and privacy rights of British Columbians as guaranteed in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A Parent's Guide to Supervising a Child's Online and Internet Experience
- From CPSR volunteer Robert Cannon
Program on Science, Technology, and Society
- Program on STS at North Carolina State University
- The primary objective of Project Censored is to explore and publicize the extent of censorship in our society by locating stories about significant issues of which the public should be aware, but is not, for one reason or another.
The Red Rock Eater
- A newsletter which tends to concern the social and political aspects of computing and networking.
The Risks Digest
- Forum on risks to the public in computers and related systems.
Social Criticism Review
- Selected readings on modern society and its ills. Focus on alienation between man, nature, and a dysfunctional scientific-technical complex. Forum for ideas that go against the current. Plea to restore a responsible community. Motto: Achieving goodness in a complex world.
Social Justice Connections
- Resources for Activist Networks, and a Movement-Building Test for State and National Organizations
Technology Studies Online
The "Virtual" Law Library Reference Desk
- The virtual law library reference desk at Washburn University.
Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
- A page at MIT with links to many sources dealing with women and minorities in science and engineering.
This page last updated on February 7, 2000 by Paul Hyland.
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Created before October 2004
Created before October 2004