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A World Communications Listserv
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- Instructions: How to join, quit, etc.
- Links to Global Resources
- Archives started in November, 2002
- Easy to search archives from recent years are at
- CPSR-GLOBAL Archives (Full List; 150K+)
Overview of CPSR-GLOBAL:
CPSR-GLOBAL is a moderated Listserv for uniting people all over the world who want to talk about:- regional decisions about the information infrastructure that will affect all of us-- we want the global information infrastructure to be a positive part of our cultures
- issues of national identity
- "cultural pollution"
- the emerging Internet world culture
- international issues of security and privacy and computer law
- international issues of computer development (keyboards, safety)
- digital libraries
- issues of design and language
- whatever other global issues you want to discuss.
You Don't Have to Belong to CPSR to Join the Discussion!
Posting Guidelines:
- CPSR-GLOBAL is a MODERATED list. That means any posts which are not "on topic" or inflammatory will be filtered out.
- The list is in English, because it's the lingua franca of the Net.
- Signatures will be four lines only, in consideration of users with poor connections.
- You can tell cpsr-global messages because of the [@] in the subject line.
- Long posts are shortened
- KISS--Keep it short, sort of (-:
- Remember: people on small, slow machines have a lot of trouble keeping up with the CPSR-GLOBAL traffic. These folks are often the ones in the less-developed part of the world, or who are stuck with slow modems and financial constraints. Long posts might bog them down and make them leave the group--something we definitely don't want. KISS, please...
Questions and commenents can be sent to the list owner and moderator, Marsha Woodbury, Ph.D. (, Former Chair of CPSR with a strong interest in international cooperation.
Updated Nov. 2002
Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004
Created before October 2004