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Dr. Arun Mehta: "I don't think in trying to extend the Internet, one should try to change the world. The Internet will do it all by itself."
CPSR-GLOBAL is a very new, very active Listserv group. You can help keep the conversation growing by reading these notes rather than posting to the group. Thanks! Here are some FAQs:
1. What is this newsgroup for?
CPSR-GLOBAL is a moderated Listserv for uniting people all over the world who want to talk about:
2. What are some other resources I can search?
5. How do I get a summary in digest form?
6. What are some of the topics have you discussed so far?
- Cultural Imperialism and the GII
- Encryption/gov't rights
- GII - who defines it?
- Information Highway in year 2020
- Internet/minitel
- A national consensus ab. info?
- Info has no borders
- Technical wiretap terror
7. I want to read some of these posts. Where can I find them?
More to follow, as we further define what is known, what is not, what needs to be done, what can be done, who can do it, what it will mean, and how we can have an impact on policy decisions. No small task!