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"One Planet, One 'Net: "
CPSR 1998 Campaign on Internet Governance
CPSR, while
continuing work on its traditional and evolving program areas, is
focusing its energy this year on the One Planet, One 'Net Initiative.
At this stage of the Internet's development we feel that defining the
public interest in Internet governance and giving it a strong voice in
the forums deciding governance issues is absolutely critical.
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CPSR OneNet-related Events
- Conference: Governing the DNS Commons: The Future of Internet Administration. Alexandria, VA, September 24-25, 1999
- CPSR Annual Conference: One Planet, One Net: Governing the Internet Symposium to be held Oct. 10, 1998, MIT campus, Boston, MA. Keynote--Lawrence Lessig. See the conference page for all the relevant information -- panels, discussions, schedule, sponsors, co-sponsors, online registration and membership, Wiener Award Banquet, travel/accomodations/parking, The MIT area, and links!
CPSR 1998 Norbert Wiener Award to be given to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
The (U.S. Gov't) White Paper on Internet DNS Policy
6-05-98, NTIA White Paper on the Technical Management of Internet Names and Addresses "As set out below, the U.S. Government is prepared to recognize, by entering into agreement with, and to seek international support for, a new, not-for-profit corporation formed by private sector Internet stakeholders to administer policy for the Internet name and address system. Under such agreement(s) or understanding(s), the new corporation would undertake various responsibilities for the administration of the domain name system now performed by or on behalf of the U.S. Government or by third parties under arrangements or agreements with the U.S. Government. ..."
The International Forum on the White Paper (IFWP) is "an international initiative sponsored by a diverse group of associations representing numerous Internet stakeholder interests from around the world. The IFWP is sponsoring coordinated international meetings to discuss the issues of Internet technical administration of names and numbers left open in the 'White Paper' and the transition to a new corporation for Internettechnical administration."
Open International Regional Meetings to discuss the White Paper
- IFWP-Asia & Pacific: August 11-12-13, 1998, Orchard Hotel in Singapore
- IFWP-Europe: Geneva, Switzerland, July 24-25, 1998
- IFWP-Americas: Reston, VA, United States, 1-2 July, 1998
For Working Group Reports from IFWP/Reston and Geneva, as well as summaries of participants, press clips, and much other useful material on the IFWP process, see The Domain Handbook IFWP pages.
"Suggestions for a new Organizational Structure" posted by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority--IANA. See the New IANA Home Page.
- Notable comments on the Jan. 1998 Green Paper (the first draft of the above document) include: CPSR, ISOC, Network Solutions, EFF, DNRC--on trademarks and on free speech, CIX. This list is selective: the WIA has a comprehensive index.
CPSR Press Releases related to Internet Governance
- CPSR Proposes "Domain Name Resolutions" to Conference Concerning Domain Name Corporation, June 30, 1998.
- Internet Engineering Task Force Wins Norbert Wiener Award April 27, 1998
- CPSR's comments to the NTIA in response to the Department of Commerce's Green Paper on DNS administration (March 23, 1998)
- One Planet, One Net -- Internet Governance (launch of OneNet campaign, Dec., 1997)
- CPSR Urges "Open, Consensus-Based" Approach for Internet Naming System (Reaction to the Internet Ad Hoc Committee's (IAHC) proposal for the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS), Aug., 1997)
CPSR Tools for Public Education on Internet
- Cyberrights [CPSR] Working Group narrative on Internet domain name issues.
- Fact Sheet series on Internet Governance:
- What Is the Internet?
- Who Runs the Internet?
- Internet Acronym Soup
- Copyright in the Digital Age
How do Internet Filters Work?
- and more to come. To suggest a topic or author a fact sheet, please contact Karen Coyle.
- Nathaniel Borenstein's OneNet PowerPoint Presentation and text notes. This presentation is making its way around the country (world?). Already, CPSR chapters have gathered people together in Madison, Palo Alto, Seattle, Chicago, Ann Arbor, and Denver/Boulder to hear this presentation of the principles and discuss their reactions.
- Resources on Internet Governance - compiled by Harry Hochheiser.
- CPSR's source page on the NII - remember the National Information Infrastructure? CPSR members did a lot of good work in the early nineties around building a democratic and accessible internet structure, and we don't want to reinvent the wheel.
One Planet, One Net: Draft Principles for the Internet
These seven principlesoriginally authored by Nathaniel Borenstein, Harry Hochheiser, and Andy Oram, are the cornerstone of our program work on Internet Governance. We felt we needed to define broad guidelines to use as a measure against any specific Internet governance issues that arise. They have been submitted to a process of democratic revision, first at the October 1997 CPSR Annual Meeting at Berkeley, then via the listserv created to discuss them, and now through an Internet-Draft to the Internet community of users. In this way we are able to take advantage of the democratic process for Internet standards used by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). We hope we still recognize them in their future incarnations, but we are as committed to the process of building consensus than to any of the specific iterations of these principles.
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This page last updated on September 23, 1999 by Karen Coyle.
Suggestions for this page, especially by CPSR members, are welcome
Created before October 2004