Personal tools
Education Site Links
See also the CPSR Education Working Group home page.
(These links are coded)T
means of interest to Teachers and parents,
means of interest to Activists, and
means of interest Computer software developers.
Techbridge: Encouraging Girls in TechnologyTAc
International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (Netherlands)TAc
United States Tech CorpsTaC
Association for the Advancement of Computing in EducationTaC
The Virtual English Language CenterTAc
California Department of EducationTaC
A Teacher's Guide to the U.S. Department of EducationTaC
Schank's Engines for Education hyper-bookTAc
Karl Bunday's Book Reports on Education and a comprehensive bibliography on education reform.TaC
Intelligent Tutoring and Expert Systems Research Group (England)tAC
CPSR's Links to generally educational sitesTA-
National Education Association teachers' union and NEA technology message boardTac
Internet-assisted distance Continuing Education for TeachersTA-
The Center for Excellence in EducationTA-
Learning Page of the National Digital Library Program at the Library of CongressTaC
Project LISTEN: computer speech recognition for reading educationTaC
Speech Recognition for English as a Second LanguagetaC
Speech technology linksT-C
Tony Robinson's Speech Analysis tutorial (England)-aC
Speech Input Guides from OGI and MITt-C
Malcolm Slaney's auditory and acoustical research publicationstaC
Net-Happenings K-12 listservtAc
Consortium for School NetworkingtaC
UIUC Design Guide for School NetworkstaC
National Center for Technology PlanningTac
Sloan programs to strengthen science and engineering educationTA-
Economic Democracy Information NetworkTA-
Education ReformTac
CM Magazine weekly book, video, audiotape, and CD-ROM reviews and education newsT-C
Small Planet Communications Links for Teachers with lessons for U.S. History and the SL9 cometTa-
Global SchoolNet FoundationTa-
Curricular Resources and Education Networking ProjectsTa-
Interactive inquiry K-8 projects from six U.S. science museumsT-c
Alan Selby's on-line Math and Logic coursesTa-
The U.S. Library of Congress also has a searchable indexT-c
NASA Online Interactive ProjectsTa-
The Chronicle of Higher Educationtac
Advanced Cognitive Tools for Learning from the Learning R&D CentertA-
Loka research and advocacy institutet-C
Edutainment CatalogsTa-
The Science As Culture forum (England)tac
Texas Center for Educational TechnologytA-
Educate America membersTa-
Too Cool School House sites of the weekT-c
ThinkQuest education contestT-c
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for K-12 math and science teacherstA-
Canadian Adult Literacy databaseT-c
Britannica Online encyclopediatac
The San Diego ZooTa-
Discovery Channel School online service areat-C
National Library of Medicine's Educational Technology branchTa-
Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction-aC
AI-ED SocietyT--
The School Page teachers' resourceT--
Education WorldT--
K-12 standards and benchmarks from the Mid-continent Regional Educational LabT--
USGS map skills teaching assistanceT--
World of Words vocabulary enrichment and SAT preparation program-A-
UMich Volunteer Computer Corpsta-
M. Kantrowitz's Financial Aid Information Pageta-
Columbia Journalism Reviewt-c
GrafEq educational math softwareta-
Sci.Opinions humanist science and the Palo Alto Humanist Community-A-
The Brechner Center for freedom of informationT--
Archaeology MagazineT--
Science On-line magazine-ac
EFF Center for Information, Technology, and Societyt-c
Bullfrog Films instructional videota-
Lyco's referencest-c
The TRELLIS Instructional Hypermedia projectT--
Oragami Teacher's CornerTAC
Excite, Yahoo!, or Galaxy Web subject guides-
Lycos, Point reviews, MetaCrawler, and Alta Vista full-text search engines-
Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004
Created before October 2004