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Pattern Language(s) for
Shaping the Network SocietyDirections and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC-03)
FINAL Announcement
(some information has changed, e.g. registration fee)
Milano, Italy
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
University of Milano
Via Comelico 39 (Italian English)A One-Day Workshop
for Researchers, Technologists, Communicators and CitizensA new "network society," the product of ongoing social and technological innovation is now "under construction."
Will new communication and information systems help bring about PEACE, SOCIAL JUSTICE and ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH?
... or ...
Will they become WEAPONS of MASS DISTRACTION, serving the needs of CORPORATIONS and other ELITES?
This workshop will explore how communication and information systems can help meet human needs. Millions of people worldwide are working on these issues but not always as effectively as they could be. Therefore we are particularly interested in identifying and publicizing important concepts that we can all use AND the LINKAGES between them.
Relevant Workshop Themes
- Civic and Community Networks
- Access for All
- Roll Your Own Media
- Open Source Technology
- Human Rights, Environmental, Peace and other Advocacy Networks
- Media Diversity
- Health and Well-Being
- Access to Political Process and Deliberation
- Democratic Technology
- Media Activism
- Education
We will be using the "pattern language" framework to help us pursue these goals.
"A pattern is a careful description of a perennial solution to a recurring problem." Each "pattern" is structured the same; each contains a problem, context, discussion, and solution."A pattern language is a network of patterns that call upon one another. Patterns help us remember insights and knowledge about design and can be used in combination to create solutions."
-Definitions from A Pattern Language (Christopher Alexander et al, 1977)
One of the more pressing activities is continuing to work on our current pattern language project and determining how to proceed.
There are now 225 pattern submissions available online.
There will be opportunities to focus on areas of specific interest. These could include:
- A pattern language for CPSR/Italy
- A pattern language for civic engagement
- How to involve citizens and people in the process
- Countless others!!
Send registration information including name, affiliation, address, email address to: Doug Schuler, AND Fiorella de Cindio,
In addition, each registrant should:
(1) add a pattern proposal to the system, edit their pattern, or evaluate another person's pattern submission using the online evaluation system (; and
(2) include with your registration information a brief description of your interest in this approach and any knowledge and/or experience you have with patterns and pattern languages.Registration Fee: 25 Euros (payable on site)
Preliminary Agenda
- Presentation on Patterns, Pattern Language, CPSR Pattern Language project
- Participant introductions
- Development of emerging agenda determined by participants (phase I)
- Development of emerging agenda determined by participants (phase II)
- Consolidation and Closing
Attendance will be limited to 40 participants.
For more information contact Doug Schuler ( or Fiorella de Cindio (
Please note that the DIAC-03 Workshop will be preceded (on Monday 14th, at 6 PM) by an organizing meeting to petition to start a Italian CPSR Chapter. For more details see
Workshop Hotels (for lodging only):The Department has an agreement with HOTEL MEC which is quite close and provides a discount to visitors to the department. They have rooms for July 13, 14 and 15. Workshop participants can directly send mail to mentioning Fiorella de Cindio as professor at the Dipartimento di Informatica e Comunicazione, Universita' degli Studi di Milano, to secure the discount.
Hotel Gamma
Via Tito Livio n.4
Tel. +39-02-55187075
(more expensive than HOTEL MEC) Via V. Peroni 85, Milan
Reservations: 02-26413152.Note: The workshop will take place at University of Milano, Via Comelico 39
Sponsored by the Public Sphere Project
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Created before October 2004