Personal tools
Pattern Proposals
Select pattern to evaluate from the list below.
If you have any comments to offer to the author on their pattern, please do so. This capability is open to all!
1. Civic Intelligence2. How to survive once the government funds run out
4. Same Language Subtitling: Making India Read
5. Enabling Efficiency in Public Sector Processes via ICT
6. The Paradoxical Organisation
7. Opportunity Spaces
8. Pattern Languages
9. Shared Vision
10. Sense of Struggle
13. Situations in Life
14. Computer Learning Centers in Public Housing Complexes
15. Unintended Use
17. The Architecture of Cybernetic Control
18. Social Source Software: Creating Social Purpose Technology
20. Online Interaction Spaces
21. Mobile ICT Learning Facilities for 3rd World Communities
22. Building Community One Website at a Time
23. Hip Hop Tutorial (Copyright protected)
24. Synergies of Fusion: Social Integration of Voice Video Data
25. Deliberation Online using Robert's Rules of Order
26. Using Collaborative Technologies for Civic Accountability
27. Tiles from Roger Penrose and others (add NASA 15feb2003)
28. Kickin' up a fuss: race and gender in cyberspace
30. Daniel Boone and the Wireless Internet Spectrum Debate
31. Demonstrator Application (DA) Story
32. Cybercities and Cyberculture
33. open source software and nonprofits
34. The Great Good Place
35. Dialectics of ambivalence
36. Catalyzing Collective Action in Social Cyberspaces
38. Street-Level Community Strengthening by Large Corporations
39. Using Technology for Social Engagement of the Aged
40. Community-based Information Technology Workforce Development
41. Community VPN Portals
42. Understanding online victimization
43. Same Answer Pattern
44. The Network Society, Social Capital and Ethnography
45. Designing a Collaborative Community Information System
46. World Summit
47. Building a Cyber Center with Community Art
48. Reality Check
49. Protecting Community Networks
50. After-school programs and the Network Society
51. Recommendations for Uses of E-mail Lists by Activists
52. Human networks bridging the digital divide in rural Nigeria
53. Sustainability of weedy sociality and distributed wilderness
54. Living in the Panopticon: The Illusion of Privacy
57. Reproduction of Inequality through Information Technology
61. The Challenges of Global Learning in the New Digital Age
62. A patched quilt: Teaching/learning & technology in Appal. OH
64. Community-based Computer Literacy
66. Influencing the Design of Information Technologies
67. TechSmart: A Catalytic Approach to Digital Development
68. Public Information Infrastructure for Workforce Development
69. Roles In Media
70. How beginners do or don't get going as Internet users
71. Networked Computer Media and the Middle Ground
73. Digital Divide in a High Tech City
74. Community Technology and Community Building
75. Student Bereavement
76. Who Speaks for Wolf
77. Community of Communities for Social Change
78. Provide Conversational Support Across Boundaries
79. Small Successes Early
80. Technocultural Diversity
82. Citzenship, communication rights, and libraries.
83. The Online Museum
84. Sustainability Strategies for Community Technology Centers
85. Whole Cost
86. Defending the Commons
87. Enhancing Access to Relevant Health Information
88. Mastery Online: Systematizing the Training of Faculty
89. Triangulation Pattern
91. Crossing the Divide through Service (Learning)
92. Users' IT quality network
93. Online Town Meetings
94. Networked identities? Wired experiences of self?
95. structured local information exchange
96. Historical Memory and Responsibility
97. Education InFormation: Enabling Technology,LifeLong Learning
98. Access to Justice Technology Bill of Rights
100. Meeting Space
101. IT quality survey
102. Users IT quality centre
103. IT research consortium
107. Information Ecology
108. Networked Economies
109. Tele-Community Development
110. First Mile Broadband
111. Artful Intelligence (AI)
112. Open Source Cultural Database
113. Doing Value Sensitive Design
114. Digital City
115. Participatory design of information infrastructures
116. Open Source Classification and Democratic Search Engines
117. Coordinating Government and Community Technology Initiatives
120. Creating e-quality: learning networks in Africa
121. VIRTUOSE: a VIRTual CommUnity Open Source Engine
122. Information Main Street
123. What color is my Internet?: Culture, access and cyberspace
124. Networked and nested knowledges
125. Barriers that Must Be Overcome for Effective Use of Digital
126. Building an online movement in anti-poverty communities
127. Global CN Partnership 2002: U.S. Planning Session
128. Technology induced separation from Self Empowerment
129. Universal voice mail
131. Online communities become collaborators in research
132. Community Broadband
134. Community Networks Working With Groups
135. Effective Mutual-Help Medical Websites
136. From Public/Private to Public Privacy
137. Communication Media: Spheres of Invention
138. Communication Rights: Cyber Activism and Incarceration
139. Group to Group Collaboration Over Distance
140. Intermediate distance transport as revolutionary mediator
141. Artificial Dialectics
142. Restoring Balance to Intellectual Property Rules
143. Improving Community Network Practice
145. Academics on the Web: finding each other /ourselves
147. The Web as a Political Tool of the Anti-war Protest
148. International Networks of Alternative Media
149. The Lamp Without a Genie
150. The Engaged Academic Community
151. Organizational Characteristics for Addressing Change
152. Plato Got No Stock Options
153. Promoting Technomadic Work in the New Economy
154. Community Access Centres in Russ. schools: On Road to CNs
156. The New Digital Cartesianism
157. Global Movement for social Inclusion in Information Society
158. E-consultation
159. Crossing the how-to gap
160. Public Service Announcements and the Public Sphere
161. The Canadian Community Access Model: A Critique
162. Are We Connecting?
165. Using Internet to develop learning environments 2
166. Cyberculture Studies, Merging Disciplines, Research Activism
168. Pluricultural World and Web Multilinguality
169. File Sharing Revolution: redefining intellectual property
171. Beware the Digital Subdivide: ICTs and Human Security
172. connectivity for remote areas
173. Tools for Media Evaluation and Critique
174. From Digital Divide to Doing Democracy
175. Untangling the symmetry of social movements
176. Shoulders or Shoelaces?
177. Reclaiming the Lifeworld
179. Place and non-place
180. Community equals sum media
182. Targeted Entertainment
183. Designing a Computer-Training Program for Kids
184. They will come and build it
185. Emergent Global Community Inter-Networking
186. Change The Flow of Financial Information
187. Cart Making (Draft)
188. Village Accountability (Draft)
203. Global Ideas Bank is a valuable list of social innovations
237. TextWeaver
288. Varieties of Community
290. Collective News Selection and Editing (Rotation)
291. Making up our (collective ) minds
292. Street-Level Democracy
293. Power Research
294. Citizen Science
295. Accessibility, ICTs, and the Network Society
296. A Universal Declaration on the Right to Communicate {DRAFT}
297. First and Last Days
298. Participatory Design
299. Neighborhood Radio
300. Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations
301. Paint
302. Microradio Autonomous Zone Array
304. Right to Radio Spectrum (Kathmandu Declaration)
307. Diversity In Ownership
308. Embedded, Boxed In Systems Are Ineffective
309. Public Recognition for Public Work
310. Coordinated Actions
311. Public Health Information
312. Community and Civic Indicators
313. The Commons
314. Digital Libraries (placeholder)
315. Control of One's Representation (placeholder)
316. Arts of Resistance (placeholder)
317. Solidarity Networks (placeholder)
318. Media Consumption Shift (placeholder)
319. Tangible Actions (at every level) [placeholder]
320. Digital Bridge (placeholder)
321. Rights and Responsibilities (placeholder)
322. New Communities (placeholder)
323. Alternative Media (placeholder)
324. Public Ownership (placeholder)
325. Shared Representations (must be reached) [placeholder]
326. Life Cycle of Relationships (placeholder)
327. Getting to Yes (placeholder)
328. Role of the Arts (placeholder)
329. Computer Supported Community Work (placeholder)
330. Civic Experimentation (& Community R&D) [placeholder]
331. Meliorism
(Another World is Possible)
332. Social Responsibility (in jobs, etc.) [placeholder]
333. Public Policy Production (Process?) [placeholder]
334. Journalist Bricoleur (suggested by Veran Matic)[placeholder]
335. Flexible distribution(suggested by Veran Matic)[placeholder]
336. Spread of Ideas (placeholder)
337. Research Base (from Childrens Partnership) [placeholder]
338. Peace and Quiet (freedom from media) [placeholder]
339. Visioning (future workshops) [placeholder]
340. Civic Problem Solving (placeholder)
341. Linguistic Diversity (placeholder)
342. Public Libraries
343. Public Agenda (placeholder)
344. Issues Frames (placeholder)
345. Community Networks (placeholder)
346. Local Content (placeholder)
347. Public domain (placeholder)
348. Zines--find somebody about Reclaim (placeholder)
349. Samizdat - Illegal Media Channels (placeholder)
350. Community radio--(Jeff Hoyt?--work with Ryan?) [placeholder]
351. Civic networking in hostile environment(Veran?)[placeholder]
352. Media "Back Region" (placeholder)
353. Values Based Generative Structure
354. A "Whole" Economic System With Household "Centers"
355. Inter-Organizational Network for Workforce Development
356. Citizen Diplomacy
357. Peace
358. Neighborhood Assembly
359. Ordinary Protagonists and Everyday Life
360. Role Models (incomplete)
361. Bottom-up Communication
362. Positive Health Information
363. Real-World Bridge
364. Low-tech Medical Care
365. Health Information Portals
366. Purposeful Health Information.
367. Big-Picture Health Information
368. Reliable Information
369. Contextual Information
370. Health Information Flows
371. Media Intervention
372. Peaceful Mass Demonstrations
373. Usability
374. Manifesto
375. Managing Information As a Corporate Asset
378. Online Tools to Promote Community Action
379. Anonymity in Social Movements
380. The Shift in Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games
381. IT Curriculum Design Pattern Language for VOSDET
382. Users' IT prize contest
383. IT quality conference
384. Users' IT quality certification
385. The Big Tent for Social Change
386. Sousveillance
387. Transdisciplinarity: games-nano-bio-info-cogno-enviro
388. Fact Finding Mission
390. Circular Clothesline Efficiency
392. Meta Patterns - How To Think About Patterns
393. Indigenous Media
394. Collective Communication
395. Participatory Budgeting
396. Citizens' Advice