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Civic Intelligence Perspective

Civic Intelligence Perspective

Applied to Pattern Language

Civic Intelligence" is my (evolving) proposal to help characterize and motivate our work with civic and community information and communication systems.


     Is principled; democratic
     Supports the civil sector (see, e.g., the "community core values" [Schuler, 1996] for one approach)
     Is inclusive there is an active effort to involve everybody, particularly those whose voices have been silenced
     Grounded in current reality; develops critiques of current problems and responses to current problems
     Grows from what's given; works with existing institutions


     Is a collective -- the group is stronger than individuals and omnicompetence is not required
     Partnerships (we hope to ally with other civic sector organizations; long-term and temporary)


     Is active --not on the sidelines or in theory land
     Ability to put issues and concerns on the agenda
     Interacts/engages with business or government but doesn't adapt their ideology or tactics.

Social learning and intelligence

     Knows about breeches in the body politic; human rights abuses, racism, etc.
     Knows about environmental problems (monitoring and other systems)
     Knows about useful ideas and concepts; spreads useful information
     Knows about deliberative techniques
     Multiple perspectives -- not single-minded (e.g., using economic models by themselves)
     Learns in general and from mistakes (Rafensperger) Enlarge on this!!
     Experimental and systematic
     Regulation of activities, positive feedback to certain functions
     Facilitate meaningful interpretation

Products and projects

     New Public Spheres!
     Community networks and other socio-technological systems
     Search engines
     Discussion groups on and off-line
     Policy Critical Information Systems


     The Patterns themselves
     Pattern authors
     Pattern language community
     Pattern language management system


Cultivating Society's Civic Intelligence

Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004

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> Chicago, IL
> Pittsburgh, PA
> San Francisco Bay Area
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