We know this site is incomplete! Please send us pointers to other sites
you know of conducting Participatory Design projects or training.
Participatory Design Conference
Sponsored by CPSR, this is the premier conference for Participatory
Design in the USA. It has been held biennially on even-numbered years since
1990. Web pages for current and prior conferences can be found on the CPSR
web site at:
PDC '2002,
PDC '2000,
PDC '94, and
'92. CPSR also sponsors other
conferences. PDC'2000 will be held in the Fall of 2000 in New York
Centre for User Oriented IT Design
CID is a multidisciplinary competence centre located at KTH, the Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. The primary contact person
is Yngve Sundblad.Danish National Centre for IT ResearchThis "center without walls" has sites spread around Denmark and conducts
projects in collaboration with government and industry.FIFF: CPSR's sister
organization in Germany
FIFF has several programs relevant to PD, including its interest group
on Informationstechnik
für eine lebenswerte Welt (IT for a Livable World).InContext Enterprises"InContext Enterprises specializes in guiding teams in the design
of products and processes using Contextual Design, our customer-centered
approach. Contextual Design introduces a customer-centered approach to
business by bringing in customer data gathered in the field and using it
to drive the definition of a product or process, while supporting the needs
of teams and their organizations."Information & Design"Information & Design is a usability consultancy based in Melbourne, Australia. We specialise in helping companies produce usable web sites and software to increase productivity, customer satisfaction and sales. We also produce a wide range of documents, both online and paper-based, for a variety of applications." Contact person is Gerry Gaffney. Of special interest is their approach to running participatory design workshops.
SonicRim"I [Liz Sanders] am the president of SonicRim and have been practicing
participatory design for about 18 years now Ý(first at a design firm called
Fitch and now at SonicRim). ÝThe applications of it that we have the most
experience with at SonicRim include consumer product development, user
interface design and medical systems development. ÝI have presented workshops
at all the previous PDC conferences (under my full name Elizabeth B.-N.
Sanders)."URCOT: Union Research
Centre on Organisation & Technology Ltd
"URCOT has given careful attention to developing a methodological
approach which places the priority on workplace-based research. The approach
is designed to allow those with expertise within the workplace to participate
as fully as possible, while ensuring that their research is thorough, rigorous
and informed by other relevant research findings and theory. A Handbook
has been produced for Investigative Work Group members to introduce them
both to the concept of praxis research and to some specific research methods."Educational institutionsAarhus University: Computer Science
Department and Information and Media
Sciences DepartmentAarhus University in Denmark is one of the Scandinavian sites of early
and continuing work in Participatory Design. Check out the web pages of
Bødker, Kaj Grønbæk,
Kyng, Kim Halskov Madsen,
and Preben Mogensen. Two
relevant projects are DEVISE
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby Högskolan: Institute
for Work ScienceThe Institute for Work Science, directed by Bo Helgesen, conducts
research and offers a cross-disciplinary curriculum in work science and
computer science. One of its primary degree programs is Människor,
Datateknik och Arbetsliv (People, Computers, and Work Life).
University of Oslo: Department
of Informatics, Systems Development Group"The research in the group rests on a tradition emphasising user participation
in development of information systems where technical issues are embedded
in work-oriented, organizational, and political matters. The group has
empasized development of theories and methods for system development, in
particular methods based on object oriented modelling and descriptions."
The staff includes professors Tone
Bratteteig, Kristin Braa,
and Ole Hanseth.Roskilde University, Denmark: MUST Research
Program"The research program MUST comprises a number of projects conducted
since 1989. The purpose of the program is to develop theories of and approaches
to systems design. MUST is a Danish acronym for theories of and methods
for design activities. The research program has developed a coherent method,
the MUST method, for participatory design." Contacts are: Keld Bødker,
Finn Kensing, and Jesper Simonsen.
Stanford University:
in Human-Computer Interaction
Terry Winograd's Master's program with concentration in HCI at Stanford
University's Computer Science Department includes project-based courses
where students work directly with technology users around assessment and
This page is produced by CPSR members Randy
Trigg and Andrew Clement.
Comments, suggestions and pointers to other resources are welcome.