Personal tools

Issue: 012 CPU: Working in the Computer Industry 11/30/94
CPU is a moderated forum dedicated to sharing information among workers in the computer industry.
Online subscriptions to CPU are available at no cost by e-mailing listserv @ , with a single line in the message:
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CPU back issues can be found via anonymous FTP at either in /cpsr/work or in /pub/CPSR/work. Hard copy subscriptions are available for $30 per year.
The moderators may be contacted by voice at (510) 601-6740, by email to, or by U.S. mail at:
P.O. Box 3181
Oakland, CA 94609
PLEASE RE-POST THIS FREELY, especially at work. CPU material may be reprinted for non-profit purposes as long as the source is cited. We welcome submissions and commentary. Mail sent to the editors or to CPU will be treated as a "letter to the editor" and considered printable, unless noted otherwise.
CPU is a project of the "Working in the Computer Industry" working group of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility / berkeley Chapter.
Editors for this issue: Michael Stack and Jim Davis. We may be contacted by voice at (510) 601-6740, by email to, or by USPS at PO Box 3181, Oakland, CA 94609.
CPU is a project of the "Working in the Computer Industry" working group of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility / Berkeley Chapter (though views expressed herein are not necessarily those of CPSR... and while we're at it, neither may they be those of our employers).
Thought we'd never make it. This issue is about 60 days later than planned -- not bad for a Microsoft, but our apologies to our readers and recent subscribers, who may be wondering...
Work intervened, and other personal and political responsibilities. We could use some help though -- send in news items, things you see on the net that fit with CPU's mission of sharing news, rumors, resources, perspectives, etc. of working in the computer industry.
This issue is mostly stuff collected from other sources, plus a larger than usual section of Labor Bytes.
Have a happy holidays, and look for us next year...
Sender: (JeanRenard Ward)
Subject: Certification for Professions in computing
The argument that technologies and standards in computing change too fast for certification to work fails with at least one very obvious counter-example:
Physicians are both professionally unionized, and certified by the state. (Actually, in most states they are certified by a board of other practicing physicians, acting for the state.) There are specialized certification boards for the different medical specialties. It is also a highly technical field where technologies and basic medical understanding in the specialties change often.
Engineers __are__ professionally unionized and certified in Europe. Clearly, a higher level of unemployment and lower level of professional respect and personal incomes in the U.S. compared to western Europe could be taken as an obvious argument __for__ certification.
Subject: Objection to language in CPU #11
To the Editor:
Is CPU supposed to be a respectable on-line publication? If so, why are you printing an article entitled "PISS-POT: CONTRACTOR REFUSES TEST, LOSES JOB?" I was willing to overlook the title but the article's body contained the same unnecessary inappropriate language. Perhaps I haven't read carefully enough in the past and back alley gutter slang is the general writing style of contributors to CPU. If that is the case, this is not a publication for me.
John Desmond
Although the enclosed fact sheet from The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse only applies to California, it might provide a model for other jurisdictions worldwide.
The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse has a new gopher of useful legal and practical stuff about privacy. Telnet to (or and log in as "privacy".
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 1994 14:24:47 -0700 (PDT)
**Why would an employer want to do a background check?
Whether you are hired or promoted for a job may depend on the
information gathered by the employer in a background check.
Employers use them to verify the accuracy of information provided
by jobseekers. Background reports may also uncover information
left out of the application or interview.
Today, more employers are being sued for "negligent hiring" for
not checking carefully enough into the background of a potential
employee. If an employee's action hurts someone, the employer may
be liable. That is one reason more background checks are being
The "information age" also accounts for the increase in background
checks--the availability of computer databases containing millions
of records of personal data. As the cost of searching these
sources drops, employers are finding it more feasible to conduct
background checks.
**I don't have anything to hide. Why should I worry?
While some people are not concerned about background
investigations, others are uncomfortable with the idea of an
investigator poking around in their personal history. In-depth
background checks could unearth information that is irrelevant,
taken out of context or just plain wrong.
A further concern is that the report might include information
that is illegal to use for hiring purposes or which comes from
questionable sources. Since in most cases employers are not
required to tell applicants that a background check is being done,
jobseekers may not have the opportunity to respond to negative or
misleading data.
**What types of information might be included in a background
Background reports can range from a verification of an applicant's
Social Security number to a detailed account of the potential
employee's history and acquaintances. Here are some of the pieces
of information that might be included in a background check:
**Which companies conduct background checks?
There are many companies that specialize in conducting pre-
employment background checks. They typically use public records
databases to compile reports. The following is a partial list of
companies that perform a variety of services for employment
background checking: Avert, Interfact, Equifax Employment
Services, CDB Infotek, Employers Mutual Assoc., Employers
Information Service, Trans Union, Information Resource Service
Co., Pinkerton Security & Investigation Services.
With the information age upon us, it is easier for employers to
gather background information themselves. Much of it is
computerized, allowing employers to "log on" to public records and
commercial databases directly through commercial online services.
Employers may also create a "clearinghouse" of information about
potential employees. A group of employers establish a data
exchange program to screen applicants. The database is comprised
of information submitted by the member companies about their
employees. When a jobseeker submits an application to a member
company, that employer will check with the clearinghouse for
information on the applicant.
**What types of information *can't* the employer consider?
Federal and state laws limit the types of information employers
can use in hiring decisions.
**Aren't some of my personal records confidential?
The following types of information may be useful for an employer
to make a hiring decision. However, the employer is required to
get your permission before obtaining the records. (For more
information, see PRC Fact Sheet No. 11, "From Cradle to Grave:
Government Records and Your Privacy.")
There are other types of questions such as age and marital status
and certain psychological tests that employers cannot use when
interviewing. These issues are beyond the scope of this fact
sheet. If you have further questions, look under "For more
information" at the end of this fact sheet or call the PRC
**What can my former employer say about me?
Often a potential employer will contact an applicant's past
employers. A former boss can say anything [truthful] about your
performance. However, most employers have a policy to only confirm
dates of employment, final salary, and other limited information.
California law prohibits employers from intentionally interfering
with former employees' attempts to find jobs by giving out false
or misleading references. (California Labor Code @ 1050)
Documents in your personnel file are not confidential and can be
revealed by an employer. Only medical information in a personnel
file is confidential. If you are a state or federal employee,
however, your personnel file is protected under the California
Information Practices Act or the federal Privacy Act of 1974 and
can only be disclosed under limited circumstances. Under
California law, employees have a right to review their own
personnel files, and make copies of documents they have signed.
(California Civil Code @ 56.20; California Labor Code @@432,
1198.5; California Government Code @ 1798; 5 USC @552a)
**Does the applicant have a right to be told when a background
check is requested?
The *only* times an applicant must be told if a background check
is conducted is if the employer requests an "investigative
consumer report" or a credit report. The investigative consumer
report may contain information about your character, general
reputation, personal characteristics and lifestyle. The
information in the report is typically compiled from interviews
with neighbors, friends, associates and others who might have
information about you.
Under both California and federal law, the applicant must be
notified if an employer requests an investigative consumer report.
(California Civil Code @ 1786; 12 USC @1681d. Also see Fact Sheet
No. 6, "How Private is My Credit Report?")
An employer can also order a copy of your credit report, which is
less detailed than an investigative report. However, a credit
report can still tell an employer a lot about you. It may contain
public records information such as court cases, judgments,
bankruptcies and liens; also, outstanding credit accounts and
loans, and the payment history for each account. Credit report
entries remain in the report for up to ten years.
In California, if an employer checks your credit file, you must be
notified and given an opportunity to see the file. Also, when a
report is requested for employment purposes, the credit bureau
must block all references to age, marital status, race, religion
and medical information. Although federal and state laws allow
credit bureaus to include criminal record information, it is an
industry policy not to do so. (California Civil Code 1785.18,
**What can the job applicant do to prepare?
Although you cannot *prevent* an employer from doing a background
check, you can take steps to be ready for questions the employer
might ask once the investigation is conducted.
**For more information
If you have additional questions about privacy, contact the PRC
Hotline at (800) 773-7748.
[Reprinted with permission]
Twenty Clinical Truths About RSI
Dr. Bower treats many RSI sufferers. The techniques he uses in the
diagnosis and treatment of RSI are from many disciplines,
including traditional allopathic (M.D.) medicine, osteopathy, and
Elvey's techniques of physical therapy. Contact Dr. Bower in
Sebastopol CA at (707)829-7596.
[These references to the Elvey technique appeared in a subsequent issue:
- ed.]
[Reprinted with permission from the RSI Network Newsletter,
copyright 1994 Caroline Rose]
To subscribe to the newsletter:
Send a mail message to:
The Subject doesn't matter. Put this into the body of your message
just as it appears here:
subscribe rsi
For more information about The RSI Network Newsletter, contact
Chicago, IL, USA
Sponsored by the
(please repost and distribute freely)
The Technology Revolution is touching every aspect of our lives.
Its impact has perhaps been most profound on the way things are
made, and with it, on jobs.
The Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment and Community
will focus on the impact of the Technology Revolution on economic
life, and its social consequences. With the impact of new
technologies on production, transportation, and communications, we
are entering a new historical period of change.
The conference is appropriately set in Chicago, once synonymous
with heavy industry. But with the shrinkage and disappearance of
the steel mills, the meat-packing plants, and other large scale
production, the industrial job loss has devastated many of
Chicago's working class neighborhoods. This pattern has been
repeated in communities throughout the region.
At the same time though, the productivity of new technologies
offers great promise for satisfying the basic needs of all
citizens, of delivering the world's information to every home, and
of providing new and exciting ways of developing as human beings.
This conference will provide an opportunity for scholars,
community leaders, trade unionists, and anyone else concerned
about the future of their communities and livelihood to discuss
the impact and possibilities of the Technology Revolution, and
look at how new technologies can be deployed to raise everyone's
standard of living. The conference will also provide technology
demonstration sites, and provide opportunities to learn about the
new technologies.
The Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment and Community
will mix plenary sessions with workshops. We encourage your
participation both through attending the conference and through
conducting a workshop or organizing a panel. We are currently
soliciting workshop proposals. We suggest proposals on the themes
below, but any topic related to the conference purpose is welcome.
Community activists and off-campus researchers are encouraged to
organize panels.
Workshops and panels will be an hour and half in length. The
proposal should include title, presenter, purpose of workshop,
references, and plan. We encourage workshops that substantially
involve the audience; and proposals in which some group product or
action plan is created are preferred. As the proposals may be
collected into a book, workshop proposals should be clear and
informative to people who don't participate in the workshop.
Proposals are due January 8, 1995 and acceptance and rejection
notices will be sent by February 1, 1995. Electronic submissions
are encouraged but paper versions are also acceptable.
To reach the Midwest Conference on Technology, Employment and
By Email:
By Phone: (312) 996-5463
By Fax: (312) 996-5766
To participate in discussions around the conference and conference
issues, join the JOB-TECH mailing list. Send the following
Virtual Contractor is a free service helping people
link up with computer contractors and consultants. See
file:// David Cook also
offers a page on creating a WWW home page, file://
/pub/iceman/VC/hpa.html, and other "COOKWARE" services,
[, c.i.w, 7/21/94. net-hap.]
The marketable skills these days are Windows, Visual Basic,
AutoCAD, MacroMedia Director, Oracle, Novell, Unix administration
and kernel hacking, etc. -- all with three years experience and
no "geezer" quibbles from you about your health insurance,
vesting, or working hours. Join IEEE or ACM for their group
insurance. (COBRA gives you group health insurance rates for
18 months after a layoff, but only if your company is solvent.)
Become the only one who knows how something really important
works, and learn enough corporate politics to stay employed.
It couldn't hurt to marry a lawyer. While you're working,
moonlight as a contract software developer or write shareware
to brag about later. (You sure won't earn any money from it.)
Build up salable skills for when the company goes bust, downsizes,
or gets bought. Start a sole proprietorship now as an IRS
"hobby business" and get a "company" credit card (e.g., as a
"second name" on your personal credit card), then buy stuff
to build up a few years of good credit references for later
when you need to open accounts with vendors. Refinance your
mortgage while you still have a job, since doing so later
could enter a zero salary on your TRW credit record. [Bill Park
(, 9/8/94.]
[The above two items are from the THE COMPUTIST's COMMUNIQUE of
Sept. 15, 1994, for a sample issue or for more info on TCC, write -ed.]
The goals of this group, linked by computer electronic mail are:
1) To let the press, public, and government officials know that there
is currently no shortage of scientists. Indeed, young scientists are
encountering unprecedented difficulty finding jobs.
2) To discuss how young scientists can find both traditional
and non-traditional careers.
The YSN is not an organization in the conventional sense of the
word. There are no membership requirements or fees and the
services of the YSN are maintained by volunteers. The primary
activity of the YSN is the production of the electronic Young
Scientists' Digest which is sent out to over 3000 persons almost
every day. The digest is administrated by John Quackenbush and
contains the unedited contributions of digest subscribers. The
Moderated YSN Digest, a weekly summary of the regular YSN Digest,
is edited by Jennifer Cohen.
A job list, which contains job openings which have been submitted
to the YSN, is maintained by Mary Ellen Scott. The YSN archive
is maintained by Arthur Smith and contains old issues of the
YSN Digest as well as copies of articles relating to young
scientist employment and information on alternative careers.
Letters from and articles about our group have appeared on
American Public Radio, in The Chronicle of Higher Education, the
New York Times, Science, and various society publications.
(Further references available in the YSN archive)
Discussion topics in the YSN digest have included career and family,
interviewing and job hunting tips, community college employment, the
nature of tenure, graduate curriculum reform, funding (or underfunding)
of science and engineering, and just about every aspect of life as a
young scientist facing an uncertain career.
Letters from YSN members in 1991 helped initiate
a Congressional investigation of the NSF over the way it handled the
'shortage' reports, and a hearing was held April 8, 1992 at which the
YSN founder, Kevin Aylesworth, testified (Science, v. 256, 1992,
p. 172 & Nature, v. 356, 1992, p. 553).
Hundreds of letters from YSN members were also instrumental in the
cancellation of the Department of Labor's Pilot Information
Program which asserted that there was a shortage of personnel with
advanced degrees in certain technical fields.
YSN members have been invited to meetings with leaders of the
physics community, the staff of former President Bush's science
advisor (Allan Bromley), and the former director of the NSF (Walter
Massey). Recently two YSN members, nominated by petition,
were elected to serve as American Physical Society general
There have been both formal and informal gatherings of YSN members at
numerous professional meetings. Presentations have been made at the
Neural Information Processing Systems conference (1992), the
American Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists
annual meeting (1993), Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical
Physics annual meeting (1992), the Fall meeting of the
American Geophysical Union (1993) and others.
Discussions in the YSN Digest often refer to "The Myth." This refers
to the once common pronouncement that the US will soon face a
shortage of scientists. "The Myth" was largely based on a flawed NSF
report, which was discredited at the congressional hearings mentioned
"Stories about the supposed crisis appeared in newspapers and journals
-- even as many young scientists, newly minted Ph.D.s in hand, were
pounding the pavement in search of work. For some, the news stories
were merely depressing, but for Kevin Aylesworth [...] they served as
a catalyst. Aylesworth founded the Young Scientists' Network ..."
(From Science vol 256, 1 May 1992, p. 606)
(For more information, check the YSN archives, see below)
Correspondence and subscription requests for both the moderated
and unmoderated newsletters should be directed to John Quackenbush
at Anonymous contributions to the
digest should be sent to the same address. Regular contributions to
the digest should be sent to
To receive the current jobs list, send electronic mail with "send"
as the subject to
The YSN archive can be reached by anonymous ftp to
For further information about the YSN, contact any one of the
volunteers below. A list of YSN members willing to speak with
journalists can be obtained from John Quackenbush at the address below.
Founder: Kevin Aylesworth
John Quackenbush
Jennifer M. Cohen
Mary Ellen Scott
LET THEM EAT CAKE: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT lost $2.1 billion in the
fiscal year that ended last July. Over 9,000 jobs were cut last
spring as part of a massive "downsizing" effort, which, when the
smoke clears, will mean some 70,000 DEC jobs will have disappeared
since 1989. Pity the poor executives there. The pay for the top 5
execs went up 70% last year. CEO Robert Palmer received stock
options that exceeded, on paper at least, his $900,000 salary. VP
Enrico Pesatori got an 18% raise. The execs who lost jobs did okay
too: sales head Edward Luciente got a $630,000 settlement;
consulting chief Gresham Brebach Jr. walked with $500,000.
(_Business Week_ 10/3/94). And over at Borland, even though the
company lost $370 million in the fiscal year that ended last
March, CEO Philippe Kahn received favorably priced options to
purchase 1 million shares. (_Business Week_, 9/12/94)
JOBS: BELL ATLANTIC announced in August that it was taking a $150
million charge for reducing its workforce by 5,500 over the next
three years as it consolidates offices that handle billing,
maintenance and other functions. According to the _Wall Street
Journal_ piece, "all seven Bells are looking to cut costs and work
forces..." (8/15/94). HUGHES ELECTRONICS, a GM unit, will layoff
4,400 workers through 1995, or 10% of its workforce. (_USA Today_,
9/18/94). NOVELL, as expected, announced in August that it would
lay off 1,750 workers. That's 17% of the combined workforce of
Novell and Wordperfect. (_USA Today_, 8/25/94) On the heels of its
takeover of Aldus, Adobe announced it was cutting the workforce of
the combined operation 20%, or some 400 jobs. QUARTERDECK reported
in August it was cutting 25% of its workforce (55 employees)
(_WSJ_, 8/19/94).
And this from our European correspondent:
SEL, the German Branch of the Telecom Goliath Alcatel will reduce
its workforce by more then *5000* people in the next months.
Restructuring activities in 1993 and 1994 have already dropped the
companies workforce below 20.000.
From 1992 until now Siemens-Nixdorf had reduced its workforce from
48,000 to 39,200. Till the end of this year, 2,000 more Siemens-
Nixdorf employees will lose their jobs.
A BRIGHT SPOT: Germany's largest labor union has won a dispute
with IBM's German subsidiary. An industry tribunal in Hamburg
ruled that IBM cannot unilaterally impose a 38-hour work week on
IG Metall members whose contract specifies a work week of only 36
hours. (_Investor's Business Daily _11/28/94)
RSI BITS: COMPAQ said it will begin placing warning labels on its
keyboards. In a bit of whistling past the graveyard, "Compaq said
the labels... aren't an admission that keyboards cause injuries.
It said it still believes there are no scientific studies showing
a link between keyboards and hand-and-arm disorders," according to
the _WSJ_ (8/17/94) Earlier this year, a Houston jury found that
Compaq didn't know that its computers could cause injuries, and
therefore wasn't obliged to warn users. But, the article notes,
"ignorance may be a tougher defense in the future." Product
liability expert and law professor Michael Rustad says that
computer companies might be able to provide a future defense
against product liability through the labeling.
Perhaps this is what has the companies nervous: More than 2000
lawsuits for Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) have been filed
against computer equipment manufacturers. The U.S. Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) plans to make employers
redesign jobs with high risk for RSI, such as ones that require
many hours of keyboarding a day. (_Time_ 10/24/94).
The _SF Chronicle_ reports that California's Occupational Safety
and Health Standards Board is planning to weaken workplace
ergonomic standards set to go into effect on January 1. The
original standards would require employers to diagnose and report
"cumulative trauma disorders", which includes RSI. Under the
revised rules, small business would be exempt, and businesses
would only have to implement the measures where "economically
feasible." (9/15/94)
"THE MOBILE OFFICE": COMPAQ partly credits moving its salesforce
into home offices for reducing sales and administrative expenses
to 12% of revenue, down from 22%. But workers often find the
switch a sacrifice, and subtly demoralizing. "It was as if they
were saying, 'we need to save money, so we'll make out employees
pay the bills,'" says Wayne Wolfinger, a service rep for another
company making the switch to the "mobile office". Says Compaq vice
president of operations: "People are now thinking and working on
the job 12 to 18 hours a day."
[in 1984], AT&T was the world's largest private employer with over
one million employees....Since divestiture AT&T has eliminated
some 140,000 bargaining unit jobs, while it has established and
purchased major nonunion subsidiaries....Since October 1993, major
corporate restructurings accelerated [among the Regional Bell
Operating Companies or RBOCs, the companies that were created as a
result of the AT&T divestiture]...US West announced the
elimination of 9,400 jobs...Bell South said it was eliminating
10,800 jobs...GTE announced the elimination of 17,000
jobs...Pacific Telesis said it would downsize by 10,000 jobs at
Pacific Bell... AT&T declared it would eliminate another 15,000
jobs on top of already scheduled force reductions of 6,000
operator and call servicing positions and 7,500 jobs at Global
Information Solutions, formerly NCR...Ameritech said it would
reduce its workforce by 6,000...NYNEX...scaled back its plans to
eliminate 22,500 jobs to 16,800 positions....
"From the standpoint of labor-management relations, this massive
industrial restructuring is in jeopardy of severing the
traditional link between high productivity growth through rapid
technological change and rising employee incomes with employment
security. When compared to the decade prior to divestiture, post-
divestiture productivity growth has fallen by one-half as networks
are duplicated and many of the one million employees in the
industry now face chronic insecurity, displacement, and stagnating
incomes. Breaking the industry's social contract through this
uncoupling may have serious long term consequences for
productivity, service quality, and stable labor-management
[from "Telecommunications Labor-Management Relations One Decade
After the AT&T Divestiture," a paper presented by Jeffrey Keefe,
Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University,
and Karen Boroff, Stillman School of Business, Seton Hall
University, at the conference on "International Developments in
Workplace Innovation: Implications for Canadian Competitiveness,"
Park Plaza Hotel, Toronto, June 15 and 16, 1995, pages 1-5.]
we reported on the 235 workers at SPRINT
subsidiary LA CONEXION FAMILIAR who were fired last July, one week
before a union vote. To bring readers somewhat up-to-date: In
September, the National Labor Relations Board ordered Sprint to
hire back all of the workers in what is considered one of the
largest unfair labor practice cases in history. "[T]he information
superhighway -- hyped for its technology -- us still plagued by
thorny workplace issues," wrote the _SF Chronicle_ (9/23/94). In
other union-related issues, human rights activists have accused
SONY of blocking union organizing at its Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
plant. The plant employs 2,000 workers, mostly women, making
magnetic tapes and floppy disks. The charges have been filed with
the National Administrative Office, which oversees provisions of
the NAFTA accord. Similar complaints have been filed against U.S.
NET WORKERS, UNITE!: Organized labor has discovered networking.
Canada's SoliNet (Solidarity Computer Conferencing Network) is the
only nationwide computer network owned and operated by a labor
union. The AFL-CIO operates a private online conference on
CompuServe, and the Communications Workers of America use a
network to strategize their next challenge to management. "When
hard times hit, it all comes down to information -- who has it,
and when you get it," says a labor organizer working with Digital
Equipment Corp. employees.
The article ends with the following note of relevance to CPU
readers: "But will white-collar workers actually want to organize
around specific issues with their blue-collar brethren? Online
chat and story swapping is one thing, but taking action is quite
another. All that can be measured now is a temperament. There are
signs that a growing number of people--both blue- and white-
collar--are open to the possibility of joint action. 'What's
needed are pioneer efforts by volunteers,' says one Digital worker
in an E-mail posting on the LaborNet. 'I'd be proud to work with
them.'" (Information Week 8/22/94)
"Technology Review," Gar Alperovitz argues that the $8 billion in
Bill Gates' bank account was derived through thousands of links in
a chain of technological development, largely funded by government
research. "Plainly put, the way we allocate the benefits of
present and past economic activity that stem from the
technological inheritance is irrational and unjust." Alperovitz
calls for a new economic system based on the notion of common
inheritance of wealth generated through government-funded R&D.
(_Technology Review_ 10/94)
EXPORTING WHITE-COLLAR JOBS: L.A. Times columnist Michael Schrage
suggests that successful implementation of the Global Information
Infrastructure may result in the exporting of information-
intensive jobs to less expensive labor markets -- sort of white-
collar maquiladoras. For instance, Motorola has moved its Iridium
project's software production overseas to India where Bangalore is
already the second-largest software producing area after Silicon
Valley. (_Telecommunications Policy Review_ 9/25/94)
Software Human Resources Council in Ottawa says that "women are
definitely under-represented at all levels, in virtually all jobs"
in the information technology field. He also says that Canada's
computer industry is short about 4,000 software professionals,
adding that the reason for the shortage is that development
departments are sweatshops. (_Toronto Globe & Mail_ 10/18/94)
[Thanks to Educom for several of these pieces.]
"Many other locals seem thrilled [about Woodstock '94 being in
their neighborhood]. The region's economy has been hurting since
IBM closed its Kingston plant in 1992. Many of the former IBM
workers are renting their front lawns to vendors and their
backyards to campers." (_Chicago Sun-Times_, 8/12/94)
Web pages edited by
Dave Williams
From: Christine Harbs
Subject: Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
The Center for Public Interest Law
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110
(619) 260-4806
(619) 260-4753 (fax)
Hotline: +1 800-773-7748 (Calif. only)
+1 619-298-3396
Fact sheet No. 16
Copyright 1994, Center for Public Interest Law
August 1994
- Driving records - Vehicle registration - Credit records
- Criminal records - Social Security no. - Education records
- Court records - Workers' compensation - Bankruptcy
- Character references - Neighbor interviews - Medical records
- Property ownership - Employment verification
- Military service records - State licensing records
August 1994
The Clearinghouse is a nonprofit organization dedicated to
educating Californians about personal privacy issues. It is funded
by a grant from the Telecommunications Education Trust and
operates under the auspices of the University of San Diego School
of Law's Center for Public Interest Law.
>From Peter Bower, M.D. <>:
>> "Brachial plexus tension tests and the pathoanatomical
origin of arm pain"
Elvey R.L. (1979)
In: Glasgow E.F., Twomey L, _Aspects_of_manipulative_therapy_.
Melbourne. Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences. 1979: 105-110.
>> "Treatment of arm pain associated with abnormal brachial
plexus tension"
Elvey R.L.
Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 1986: Vol 32 No 4.
>> "The upper limb tension test - the S.L.R. of the arm"
Kenneally, Rubenach, Elvey (1988)
In: Grant R, (ed) _Clinics_in_Physical_Therapy._The_cervical_
_and_thoracic_spine_. Churchill Livingstone: New York. 1988.
>> MacKinnon S.E.
(the first American M.D. to report the use of the Elvey Test
clinically in the diagnosis of brachial and peripheral neuropathies).
Hand Clinic Vol 8 No 2 May 1992
>> _Mobilization_of_the_Nervous_System_. David Butler.
March 3-4, 1995
Center for Urban Economic Development,
University of Illinois at Chicago
Employment Community
+ Impact of technology on + Impact of technology on
industries communities
+ Job development + Community technology
+ Future of work and the job + Future of the neighborhood
+ Unions and technology + Youth opportunities
+ Job training + Virtual communities
+ Plant closing alternatives + Health care and technology
+ Technology, health and safety + New forms of racism
+ NAFTA, globalization + Human capacity building
Communication and Information Technology
+ The future of schools + Who calls the shots?
+ Community networks + Future technologies
+ The future of libraries + Access to technology
+ Universal access + Measuring social impact
+ The NII
+ Meeting diverse needs Skills
+ Non-profits and computers
Democracy + Non-profits and the Internet
+ Privacy
+ Access to information
+ Electronic town meetings
+ Technologies of surveillance and control
+ The new eugenics movement
By Mail: Conference on Technology, Employment and Community
Center for Urban Economic Development
400 South Peoria, Suite 2100
University of Illinois - Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 1994 21:25:54 EDT
From: LANFRAN%VM1.YORKU.CA%YORKVM1.BITNET@Sdsc.Edu (Sam Lanfranco)
Subject: Conference on Occupational Stress and Health
The Third Interdisciplinary Conference on
Occupational Stress & Health.
Wednesday - Saturday, September 13-16, 1995
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Washington, D.C.
Workshop proposal deadline: January 3, 1995
Paper, poster, and symposium proposal deadline: January 27, 1995
Sponsors: American Psychological Association (APA)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
"Work, Stress, and Health '95: Creating Healthier Workplaces" is the
third interdisciplinary conference on occupational stress and health
sponsored jointly by the American Psychological Association (APA) and
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). APA
and NIOSH are pleased to welcome the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and
the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) as sponsors for the
current conference.
"Work, Stress, and Health '95: Creating Healthier Workplaces" will build
upon the two preceding meetings: "Work and Well-Being: An Agenda for the
1990's," (November, 1990), and "Stress in the 90's: A Changing Workforce
in a Changing Workplace," (November, 1992). The four conference themes
and the list of conference topics (below) identify many of today's
cutting-edge issues in occupational stress research and prevention.
Researchers, health and mental health practitioners, managers, and human
resources personnel are invited to submit proposals for paper/poster
presentations, workshops, and symposia on new research findings,
prevention/intervention programs, and policy that address any of four
major conference themes:
with special emphasis on organizational restructuring, realignment,
downsizing, and the impact on individuals, families, and the
emphasis on the contingent workforce, child labor, issues of
diversity and the changing workforce, and lifestyle and privacy
3. WORKPLACE VIOLENCE: including job stress risk factors; prevalence;
effects on workers, families, and organizations; prevention
practices, and policies.
job stress intervention strategies; healthcare costs of stress;
international policies, legislation and standards; and evaluation
Please refer all requests for printed announcements, additional
information, and questions regarding submissions to:
Lynn A. Letourneau Phone: 202-336-6124
Occupational Health Conference Fax: 202-336-6117
American Psychological Association Internet:
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
NOTE: Submissions must be made in printed form. Submissions by FAX
and electronic mail are not possible at this time.
Cambridge, MA
Phone (617) 491-9872
Stanford Human Genome Center
Stanford University Department of Genetics
855 California Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94304
(415) 812-1915
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22 S. Prince St., #3
Shippensburg, PA 17257
(717) 530-5098
University of Akron Chemistry Dept.
Akron, Ohio 44325-3601
(216) 972-8392
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that examines the impact of technology on society.
P.O. Box 717
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Last Updated: Thur 4 April 1996 10:20 PST
Created before October 2004