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CPSR Y2K Working Group Member Biographies
Bandzul, Thomas:
- Awareness Project Manager, Koch Industries. He spents a great deal of time in Washington DC, working with the legal people and Commerce.
Davis, Steve:,
- Steve Davis is a budget Manager with the Montgomery County, Maryland Office of Management and Budget. In this role he is responsible for the fiscal planning and technology efforts of the County with special emphasis on: the Year 2000 Problem, fiscal projections and planning, major application development and implementation, and management of special budget and policy issues. Mr. Davis is currently working on an analysis of the impact of the year 2000 problem on the local economy as well as working to increase public awareness of the potential impacts of the year 2000 problem and the need for contingency planning and risk management. Mr. Davis developed the County's Year 2000 Best Practices Plan and developed the County's Year 2000 and Budget web sites. He also maintains his own personal public service web site on the Impact of the Year 2000 Problem.
- EDUCATION: Masters Degree in Public Policy with concentration in Public Sector Financial Management. School of Public Affairs, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Montgomery County Y2k Project -
Impact of the Year 2000 Problem -
Office of Management and Budget -
Eddy, David:
- David Eddy is president of Software Sales Group, Inc., a firm that specializes in
missionary marketing efforts for Year 2000 products. Mr. Eddy has 15 years of software
development experience in banking, insurance, and consulting environments. From 1988 until
1994, he focused on sales and marketing of repository-based products and reverse
engineering of legacy system, and his efforts have enabled one client to expand its
customer base beyond North America into Japan and Europe. Mr. Eddy has followed Year 2000
issues since October 1994.
Mr. Eddy has presented to IBM's GUIDE, DPMA (Data Processing Management Association), DAMA (Data Administration Management Association), NESS (New England Systems Seminar), and the Boston Computer Society.
Mr. Eddy's Year 2000 guerrilla marketing efforts were featured in the Wall Street Journal on August 25, 1995.
He has a BA in Russian history from Union College, an MBA from Babson College.
He can be reached at Software Sales Group, Inc., P.O. Box 57320, Babson Park MA 02157-0320. Phone: 617-455-0949; Internet:; CompuServe 71610,2625.
Griffith, Reynolds:
- affiliation: Dept. of Economics & Finance, Stephen F. Austin State Univ.
education: degrees in finance
current job: teaching & research in finance
computer experience: computer literate as long-time user, some programming
in Fortran and Basic
reason for involvement in Y2K: concern over impact on economy and financial system.
Hall, David C.:
- David C Hall is Managing Director - Embedded Systems Engineer of The Millennium
Investment Corporation. With experience directing Year 2000 projects and a 23-year career
in information processing and programming for advanced systems, Mr. Hall brings a high
level of technical expertise and Y2K understanding to the firm.
Prior to joining The Millennium Investment Corporation, Mr. Hall served as Program Manager for the Combat Systems Unit at ARINC Incorporated. He had responsibility for Y2K projects, Internet, intranet and World Wide Web development services, applications development for ORACLE and C++, and fixed and rotary wing aircraft avionics system engineering, management and logistics support.
Mr. Hall also has served as a Intelligence Analyst for the US Air Force, analyzing and reporting on intelligence information concerning foreign military aerospace applications including laser and microwave systems, materials, power, electro-optics, and metrology. His responsibilities extended to briefing all levels of audiences up to the Air Force Chief of Staff and Department of Defense offices on intelligence matters, and serving as the Air Force Representative on several national-level intelligence committees and groups.
Mr. Hall has several years experience in Year 2000 conversion and infrastructure management, with a focus on embedded systems. His program and project management skills include software development and implementation, process and system design, and logistics. He has worked on mainframe, client/server, LAN/WAN, desktop, and mobile information systems.
For the past several years, Mr. Hall has been a speaker at national Y2K forums, and he was a contributing author to Year 2000 Problem: Strategies and Solutions from the Fortune 100. Mr. Hall's publications include technical journal articles on power generation technology, numerous governmental reports on the uses of advanced technology, such as magnetic materials, tethered satellites, directed energy information systems and alternative energy generation systems. He is also the Infrastructure Topic Manager for the Society of Information Management Year 2000 Working Group.
Mr. Hall is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force Reserve. Mr. Hall holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University and he has attended various professional military education schools.
Kurland ,Norman (Chairman),
- Free lance writer, specializing now on Y2k. See WEb page for articles to date. Moderator of CPSR listserv (cpsr-y2k). Have been following the evolving Y2k story for over a year with primary interest in its social, political and economic impact. Concern with awareness and action by small businesses, not-for-profits, and local governments.,
Mills, Dick:,
- 31 years software experience, BSEE, MSEE, Power Engineer, Nuclear Engineer, Software Engineer. Member IEEE-PES, IEEE-CS, CPSR, SCS, certified pilot, certified firefighter. Specialist in real-time simulation, online control systems, user interfaces, engineering analysis software. Currenlty employed as a Year 2000 consultant with Digital. See my resume.
Ragland, Bryce:
Bryce Ragland is currently working in the Hill AFB Year 2000 Project Office. Where he assists the different base directorates with their Year 2000 activities. He is the author of The Year 2000 Problem Solver: A Five Step Disaster Prevention Plan, published by McGraw-Hill. This book is currently being translated into Japanese, and there are negotiation in process to translate it into Chinese. He is an active member of the USAF Year 2000 working group.
Prior to working in the Year 2000 Project Office, Bryce spent 5 1/2 years as a member of the Software Technology Support Center (STSC). While at the STSC, Bryce was the primary consultant on the Year 2000 problem. He also supported customers DoD wide with their Year 2000 Problems while working at the STSC.
While at the STSC, Bryce was also the lead engineer for the Software Reengineering Group, and previously he lead the Software Quality Engineering Group. Bryce was also a member of the STSC Software Test Group and the Software Metrics Group. Bryce was editor of the STSC Cleanroom Pamphlet, and author of the 1992 and 1993 STSC Source Code Static Analysis Technologies Report. Bryce is also author of several articles appearing in CROSSTALK and several other publications on various subjects including software testing, quality, and metrics. His article on "Measure, Metrics or Indicator: What's the Difference?" has received favorable review by leading authorities in software metrics, and is one of the more requested articles from the CROSSTALK Archives.
Bryce has over 20 years experience in software development, test, and maintenance on embedded, and command and control systems. He has worked for TRW, SAIC, CTA Incorporated, and the U. S. Government.
Bryce has spoken on the Year 2000 Problem at the following Conferences and Workshops:
- Software Technology Conference 1997 3 hour tutorial
- IEEE TCSE Year 2000 Date Crisis Summit Meeting Keynote Address
- USAF Year 2000 Working Group
- Utah Year 2000 User's Group
- Hill AFB Year 2000 Working Group
- FAA Year 2000 Seminar
- Guest Speaker for a Year 2000 Class at Weber State University
- Various other training seminars within the USAF
Russell, Alan:,
- 25+ years of industrial experience, 18 concurrent years of academic experience, Education - BS in CS, MS in CS, MBA, PhD in Information Systems, Member of ACM, IEEE-CS, CPSR, ASA, Currently the Y2K project manager for a large division of a Fortune 250 company.
Smith, Harlan:
Taylor, Doc:,
- Don has spent more than 30 years providing caring help to customers in the Department of Defense, large corporate world and smaller business arena. The last 20 have centered on computer technology in diverse areas ranging from programming (in languages as exotic as JOVIAL and TI-2540) through marketing (accounting software for the pager and cellular industry) to writing software development plans for $50 million proposals.
- For nearly a decade Don has operated his own technology management consulting service. For more than a year he has focused on year 2000 problems. He founded Hampton Roads 2000 to provide management assistance services that help businesses reduce their risks from year 2000 problems. He is an active member of the international Y2k community, has published several articles, has provided counsel to businesses within and outside the community, has given presentations and is widely recognized as a proactive voice of moderation on Y2k issues.
Woodbury, Marsha:,
- Marsha Cook Woodbury, Ph.D.,
Director of Information Technology,
Graduate School of Library and Information Science,
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Chair, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility,CPSR
Moderator, CPSR-GLOBAL listserv (discussion about world-wide ramifications of the Net, with over 1000 subscribers from all over the globe,
Formerly the Associate Director of Education, Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning Environments (SCALE) in charge of campus outreach and training
Recent Publications:
LEEPing into Distance Education, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Spring, 1997.Groupware: Ethical Issues, E-COMM, Vol. 2, #2, March/April 1996, pp. 60-61.
Media Stereotypes of Jews: From JAPs to MDs , a chapter in Cultural Diversity and the U.S. Media , Yahya R. Kamalipour, Editor, in press for 1998.
Jewish Images That Injure, a chapter in Images That Injure, Paul Lester, Editor, Greenwood Publishing Group, CT, 1996.
Recent Presentations:
Web Ethics, Internet Librarian '97 Conference, Monterey, CA, November 1997.Speech and Culture in the Electronic Village, invited panelist, EDUCOM '97 conference in Minneapolis, November, 1997.
Moderator, ALNTalk discussion on ethics and ALN,, June 17 to 29.
Ultimate Responsibility: Ethics Questions About Computers in Our Schools, panelist, Second Annual Ethics and Technology Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, June 7, 1997
Created before October 2004