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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
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Small companies, local governments and individuals may be the innocent victims of the year 2000 problems.  You certaintly did not cause the problem.  You might not even have any computers at your business. Nevertheless, you could be harmed.  Our society is interconnected and interdependent on computers. So whether you have a personal PC or not, there is the possibility that other companies' computer failures could have an affect on you. Big corporations and big govermnent can hire programmers, consultants or contractors to help them deal with year 2000.  You may have to make do on your own. 

Y2K is just one of many adversities that might assault your business.  They key to survival is disaster recovery planning.  If it is not clear to you what what means, please read  The CPSR Introduction To Disaster Recovery Planning 

What are the specific areas in your business that you should plan for?  See the The CPSR Year 2000 Action Plan.

We have an ambitious checklist in progress.  See the first draft.

You may need to hire a consultant to help you.  The CPSR Guide To Picking A Consultant offers some helpful assistance.

Finally, if you are looking for information in how to deal with Y2K or to find professional assistance check our Further Reading page.

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©Copyright 1997, 1998, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Revised 1999-01-06

Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004

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