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Survival Guide
W.G. Members
Y2K Forum
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Further Reading

Are You Motivated to Contribute to
This Public Service? 

We are in the long stretch now, the final countdown to January 1, 2000.

We need your help to compile a comprehensive reference of information regarding Y2K issues. There are several ways to contribute:

  • If you have knowledge of small organizations you may be able to contribute to our Survival Guide.   What products and services are we missing from our checklist that might be directly or indirectly vulnerable to Y2K disruptions?  Send us the information on where to find these resources. We will even give you a by-line stating "contributed by".
  • Is it Fact or Fiction? You may have heard a rumor tthat you can submit to our Rumor Central or perhaps you know where to verify, as factual, some item that is reported as a rumor on our pages.   In either case, we would appreciate receiving the information.

Send Questions or Comments to Webmaster
©Copyright 1997, 1998, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Revised 1999-01-06

Archived CPSR Information
Created before October 2004

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Why did you join CPSR?

CPSR seems to be the more important association for me - certainly it concentrates more on the issues that matter to me than the mainstream professional bodies