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The CPSR Compiler - February 2004 - 2.8 < <
Turning Thoughts to Actions
The CPSR Board met by phone February 15.
The agenda included:
* Approving an Event and Travel Funding Policy
* Approving a Fundraising Policy
* Financial Report
* Upcoming Audit
* Technical Committee Report
* Barcelona meeting proposal
* Ford Capacity Grant Update
* Annual Meeting & Wiener Award
* Strategic Planning
* Membership Report
* Possible Organizational Restructuring Ideas
The DC Chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility has the opportunity to meet with Sarah Granger. Sarah is one of the Project Directors under the Ford Foundation grant to build CPSR's organizational capacity, and she is helping us to find ways to increase our membership and member involvement and more effectively spread our message.
Sarah is in town this weekend for a meeting of the U.S. Public Policy Committee of the Association for Computing Machinery (USACM), of which she is also a member. She has worked on electronic organizing for CPSR and former Senator Gary Hart, and written for online publications Mindjack and SecurityFocus.
Please join us for drinks and hors d'oeuvres at Bar Rouge.
When: 6:30 PM, Friday, February 20
Where: Hotel Rouge, 1315 16th Street NW, Washington, DC (at the northeast corner of 16th St. and Massachusetts Ave. NW) phone 202.232.8000For directions, see <>. If you take Metro, exit the Dupont Circle station at 19th St. and head east on Massachusetts Ave.; the hotel is on the left.
Please RSVP if you think you'll be able to attend -- 202-441-4142 or
The DeWitt Wallace Center for Communications and Journalism in cooperation with the RTP Chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility present:
Bob Sullivan, Technology Reporter,
"Media, National Security and Surveillance"
Thursday, February 26, 2004
12:30 p.m. - Room 201
Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy
Duke University
Corner of Science and Towerview Drives
Privaterra will host a conference in Lima, Peru, on Privacy in the Era of Information Technologies on March 10 Katitza Rodríguez and Pedro Mendizábal speak in the Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Cultural Center of the Catholic University of Peru) See .
CPSR-Research Triangle Park Chapter met on January 28th.
Christian Stalberg, chair of the RTP chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, outlined provisions of the Patriot Act at a North Carolina State Libraries' and the Wake County chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union's panel discussion, "Stalberg talked about the surveillance technology available to the federal government to enforce the Patriot Act. Surveillance systems, such as Carnivore, grant law enforcement agencies faster access to classified information." The event was reported in "Discussion explores Patriot Act" See
CPSR co-sponsored "Human Rights: Innovating Information Technologies to Protect Human Rights" with the World Affairs Council in San Francisco. See
A report of CPSR's role at the December 10-12 WSIS in Geneva is at:
Robert Guerra's activities have included participation in:
"World Summit on the Information Society" -- Panelist. Vancouver Community Network (VCN), Vancouver, Canada, October 29, 2003.
International Symposium on the Information Society, Human Dignity and Human Rights. Organized by PDHRE, People's Movement for Human Rights Education, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the European Commission and the Government of Mali, Chair of the Human Security Network. November 3-4, 2003, Geneva, Switzerland,
"International Symposium on the Information Society, Human Dignity and Human Rights" - Invited Panelist. November 3-4, 2003
Feature interview/radio documentary, "Guatemala Documentary", Monica Kidd, The Current - National Morning Radio Show, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Canada, December 2, 2003
Interviewed and cited, "Civil society angry at being sidelined at WSIS", Emrakeb Assefa, The Highway Africa News Agency, December 9, 2003
"Securing Rights, Inclusion and Security in the Information Society" : United Nations Development Program/ Smithsonian Institute - Facilitator: Information and Communications Technologies for Development (ICT-4D) Platform, Geneva, Switzerland, December 10, 2003
Geneva & Beyond: Operationalizing Recommendations of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) to Help Achieve Millennium Development Goals - Video Conference & On-Line Discussion - Facilitator and Moderator - December 11, 2003
WSIS debriefing session, Sectoral Commission on Culture, Communication and Information, Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Ottawa, Canada, January 23, 2004
Bill Drake gave a presentation on "WSIS and Civil Society Organizations: Assessment and Next Steps," at the Alesia conference, Information and Communication Technologies for Development: from the Geneva Summit to Tunisia 2005, Rome; February 5, 2004.
Bill Drake gave a presentation on "The World Summit on the Information Society: Winners, Losers, and Prospects for Civil Society Organizations," at the Oxford Internet Institute workshop, Themes and Issues of the 2003 World Summit on the Information Society: Next Steps for Research, Policy and Practice, Oxford; January 12, 2004.
Erik Nilsson, Chair of CPSR's Voting Technology Working Group, responded to an inquirer to CPSR asking about the differences between S.1980 and S.1986, and the nature of the lobbying effort that reached Senator Edwards, and also the thinking behind that effort.
Erik is an invited participant, as an identified "ciritical player,"in a teleconference concerning verfied voting and paper trails. He is among a very impressive group of computer scientists, activists, communication and messaging people, state and federal elected/ appointed individuals, and people concerned with electoral policy, security, and participation. The teleconference and subsequent meetings/work is organized by the Quixote Foundation.
Judy Hallman received lots of helpful suggestions and several volunteer speakers when she put out a call through CPSR lists and others. CPSR can be an excellent resource . . .
Privacy Law Sourcebook 2003: United States Law, International Law, and Recent Developments - by Marc Rotenberg (CPSR's 2000 Norbert Wiener Award Winner) "The Privacy Law Sourcebook belongs front and center on the desk of every Information Age lawyer. It provides an indispensable map to the maze that is modern privacy law." - Prof. Paul M. Schwartz, Brooklyn Law School See
A Difficult Decade: Continuing Freedom of Information Challenges for the United States and its Universities - by Marsha Woodbury (CPSR's past Board Chair) See
A Security Analysis of the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE) - co-authored with Barbara Simons (CPSR's 1992 Norbert Wiener Award Winner) published January 2004. See
"Globalization and women, copyright infringement in open source, and other news from LinuxWorld" by Andy Oram. It mentions our Gender Pages (which need to be updated). See
Will the Election Be Hacked?- by Farhad Manjoo A Salon special report about how new voting machines could result in a rigged presidential race -- and we'd never know. See
Black Box Voting by Bev Harris with David Allen, is downloadable at
Cyberactivism in Asia
David Casacuberta, Chair of CPSR-Spain invites CPSR members to join in the writing of a charter about social inclusion and e-learning, which he is coordinating. You can download the first draft at:
Please send comments, proposals and observations to
Also indicate if you want your name to be included as a co-writer or not.
This International Charter for E-learning and e-inclusion is an initiative of E-learning for E-inclusion ( ) an EU project under the E-learning program coordinated by Transit Projectes ( )
Norberto Patrignani will speak at "Infopoverty 2004" (29/30 April) which will take place, simultaneously via satellite, in Milano, Washington, New York, Beirut, and Oklahoma. See
In his speech he would like to raise attention to the main critical issues (net governance, universal access, digital divide, ...) that, CPSR explained very well in the document "One Planet, One Net". See
Please let him know if you have any material and/or suggestions, specifically related to CPSR's work, that could be useful for his talk. Contact:
The Digital Vision Fellowship Program at Stanford University is accepting applications for 2004-05 (September-June). The application deadline is March 1, 2004. See - "Become a Fellow"
The Progressive Policy Institute is currently seeking to fill a Project Assistant and a Research Analyst position, both for the Technology, Innovation and New Economy Project. See
Two subdivisions of the United States Department of Commerce are asking for public comments regarding the Internet Protocol version six. Possible topics include "(1) The benefits and possible uses of IPv6; (2) current domestic and international conditions regarding the deployment of Ipv6; (3) economic, technical and other barriers to deployment of IPv6; and (4) the appropriate role for the U.S. government in the deployment of IPv6." The deadline for comments is March 8 2004. See
Judy Hallman of CPSR-RTP, announces that RTPnet, a Triangle area community network, is accepting nominations for Community Technology Awards. Nominations will be accepted through February 23, 2004. See
And now for something completely different . . . Applications are being accepted for U.S. presidential candidates to participate in a new television series - American Candidate. See and
*********The CPSR Compiler is a monthly notice with short updates on recent activities of our members and opportunities to engage in the development of the public voice through CPSR projects.
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CPSR provides a discussion and project space where individuals can contribute to the public debate and design of our global digital future. Through CPSR's chapters and working groups, members focus on regional and civic issues developing the public voice. To insure a democratic future in a time of intense globalization, the voice of the public must command a prominent position on the world stage. CPSR frames and channels the public voice.
(c) Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility 2004.
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Susan Evoy * Managing Director
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
P.O. Box 717 * Palo Alto * CA * 94302
Phone: (650) 322-3778 * (650) 322-4748 (fax)