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Seattle Community Network
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) List
e-mail:, or cpsr-seattle @
voice-mail: (206) 365-4528
Revision: Jun 22, 1994
Q. What is the Seattle Community Network ?
A. Seattle Community Network (SCN) is a free-access community
information system for the greater Seattle area. SCN is the
"Free-Net" system in Seattle, and is a project of the Seattle
Chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Q. What's a "Free-Net"?
A. "Free-Net" systems are community network systems which are
affiliated with the "National Public Telecomputing Network"
(NPTN). These systems are now online actively serving
millions of users, in about three dozen communities worldwide.
There are "Free-Net" systems in North America, Iceland,
Germany, Finland, Norway, Australia, and others. For more
information about Free-Nets, contact:
Q. Is the Seattle Community Network open now ?
A. Yes. It is available for limited use. This a "pilot phase"
and there are some bugs left.
Q. How does one log-on to the system ?
A. You can access SCN three ways:
- Dial-up: Call the Seattle Public Library system at 386-4140
and type "scn" at the DYNIX "login" prompt, then type
"visitor" at the SCN "login" prompt, or ...
- Internet: Telnet to and type "visitor" at the SCN
"login" prompt, or ...
- In-library: you can now access the Seattle Community Network from patron terminals in the Seattle Public Library, on the "Internet" menu page. You can also access SCN through the King County Library System.
Q. What communication settings work for dial-up access?
A. Use 300 - 2400 bits per second (bps), no parity, 8 data bits,
one stop bit. (2400-8-N-1)
Q. Is TDD dial-up access available ?
A. Not yet. Please send email to let us know if TDD access would
be helpful to you or someone you know.
Q. How much will using SCN cost me ?
A. There are no charges to use this system. However, since SCN
costs money to run, donations are encouraged.
Q. Why do I want to be a registered user?
A. Everybody can use SCN. However, if you want to receive
electronic mail (e-mail), or contribute to online discussion
groups, we need to know how to contact you, therefore you need
to register. If you don't register you are always welcome to
use the Network as "visitor" and read all the information that
is available.
Q. How do I become a registered user right now ?
A. You can request a registration packet online as a visitor to
SCN. You will be registered after you read the Policy
Statement, Disclaimer and Code of Etiquette, and return the
signed user agreement. If you cannot login as visitor to
enter your contact information online, call 365-4528 and leave
your name and address to request a registration packet.
Q. Will SCN sell or release my name and address to any other
A. No. It is against the policy of the Seattle Community Network
to release the registered user list to any other organization.
Q. Is SCN run by the Seattle Public Library?
A. No. The Seattle Public Library may provide information or
facilitate discussion on topics such as public process through
the Seattle Community Network. The Library is interested in
exploring different means for bringing information to the
community. SCN and SPL have signed a working agreement for a
year-long pilot project.
Q. What is the relationship of SCN to the City of Seattle "Public
Access Network" (or PAN) project?
A. PAN is a project initiated by Roger Iida and Lenny Roberts of
Seattle's Department of Administrative Services and Craig
Buthod of the Seattle Public Library. It is scheduled to be
operational in the Summer of 1994. The PAN project is
designed to provide access to government information and we at
SCN are very interested in working closely with the city to
make these capabilities widely available.
Q. What hardware is SCN using?
A. We currently are using a 486/33 with 20 MB of RAM and 1.2 GB
of disk storage. We plan to upgrade this system as soon as we
have a donation or funds available.
Q. What software are you using?
A. We are running the FreePort community networking software that
is used in many "Free-Net" sites around the world. It was
written by a team at Case Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Ohio. The operating system is BSDI Unix.
Q. What access to the Internet do you provide?
A. SCN provides Internet electronic mail
(e-mail) services to all registered users.
Q. When will e-mail be available?
A. You can use e-mail as soon as you become a registered user (see above).
Q. What volunteer opportunities are available?
A. We're glad you asked that question!
SCN is run entirely by volunteers.
We always need more. We are looking for volunteers to help
train users, run the system, help with administrative chores,
coordinate activities, and write grant proposals, among other
things. Contact information for SCN is shown at the top of
this document.
Q. My organization would like to provide information to the
system. How can we make this happen ?
A. Contact our SCN information-provider focal point Nancy
Kunitsugu ( by email, and let us know what your
organization is and who we should contact.
You can also e-mail cpsr-seattle @ , or call 365-4528 and leave a voice message.
Q. We'd like to use this system but we don't have access to
computers. What should we do ?
A. You can use SCN in any Seattle Public Library branch. SCN is
on menus on at least one patron terminal at every Seattle
Public Library branch. We are also available in all the
King County Library System branches. Also, if you are part of
a non-profit group that could benefit from SCN access, and have no
computers, let us know -- we may be able to help.
Q. I may have some hardware to donate. What does SCN need ?
A. We need async terminals, large capacity SCSI disk drives (>500
MB), memory (16MB of 60ns SIMMS), 486DX/50 CPU upgrade,
terminal server, modems (2400-14.4kbps), and a second CPU
(486DX/50 preferred).
We also need donations of computers, printers, and modems for
community organizations that want to be information providers.
If you have equipment to donate, please send e-mail to Sharma
Oliver (email:, or phone 363-9404) or
Dave Barts (email:, or call 365-4528
to leave a message.
Q. I'd like to donate money to SCN. Is my contribution tax-deductible ?
A. Yes! As Free-Net founder, Tom Grundner, said, "Free-Nets are
inexpensive but they aren't free." We rely on donations from
individuals and businesses. A donation of any size is welcome!
SCN is a project of the Seattle chapter of Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR), a tax-exempt
educational 501(c)(3) organization, thus all contributions are
Q. Do you have public project meetings? Where and when are they held ?
A. SCN volunteers meet monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 7:00
PM. We meet in the basement level meeting room of the Seattle
Public Library University branch (on the corner of Roosevelt
Way NE at NE 50th St. in the University district of Seattle).
Please enter by the south side door, on the 50th St. side of
the building.
Q. How can I contact people at SCN ?
A. There are lots of options. You can send an email message to You can leave a message on our voice-mail
system (365-4528) and we'll call you back. You can also send
e-mail to SCN committee focal points:
General Info - (Help, Info, Bug Reports)
Nancy Kunitsugu - (Services committee)
Doug Schuler- doug.schuler @ (Outreach committee)
Aki Namioka - aki @ (Policy committee)
Dave Barts - (Hardware/Software)
tagged by gene chung-ngai moy, CPSR-LA. Flastmod 12:47 AM PST on 11/11/96. C/S.
Created before October 2004