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CPSR Annual Meeting
October 8-9, 1994
Warren Lecture Halls, University of
California, San Diego
Organizing for Access: A
National Forum on Computer Networking, Community Action, and
CPSR News Volume 12, Number 4: Fall 1994
Keynote Address
"Staking Claims to the Network"
Francois Bar, Dept. of Communication, UCSD
Panel Discussions
"The Meanings of Access"
"Privacy and Intellectual Freedom"
"Community Networking in San Diego"
CPSR Banquet
Presentation of the 1993 Norbert Wiener Award to Antonia Stone
Banquet Speaker: Patricia Glass Schuman, Neal-Schuman Publishers
"Safeguarding the Right to Know"
Featured Speaker: Sonia Jarvis, National Coalition on Black Voter Participation
"The Public-Interest Aspects of the Information Superhighway"
- Building Community Networks: Promise and Pitfalls
- Legal Issues for BBS Operators
- Network-Based Organizing
- Helping People and Organizations Get Started with Networking
- Investigative Reporting on the Internet
- Privacy Activism
- Public-Interest Activism and the NII Policy Process
Please preregister as soon as possible to ensure a space at this exciting meeting. Registrations at the door will be accepted as space allows.
CPSR member $55, Nonmember $75, New CPSR membership &
registration $95, Low-income $25,
Banquet tickets $40. If postmarked after September 20th, add $10
to all registration tees. and $5 to
the banquet price.
*Note that the Saturday night banquet is not
included in the cost of the meeting.
For more information, contact CPSR at (415) 322-3778 or
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Created before October 2004