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Al Whaley
CPSR/Palo Alto
CPSR News Volume 12, Number 2: Spring 1994
CPSR now provides a wide range of electronic services for its members and the public including
administrative and informational mailing lists and an extensive online library. General information on
CPSR and electronic access of all forms is available by sending email to
The Internet CPSR library now houses files on a wide range of subjects: privacy, networking,
conferences, computer crime, gender, disability, the workplace, and others. Files in the library are
available via email, gopher, FTP and the World-Wide Web.
For users limited to email: Send a message to
For anonymous FTP: Type the command ftp and you will be asked to login (use the word:
anonymous) and provide a password (use your own login id). You will then be in the home directory of
CPSR's library.
For Gopher Access: Type the command: gopher and you will go directly to CPSR's home
For World-Wide Web access (via Mosaic, Lynx, or other browsers): Point your browser to the
following URL: which will take you to the home page of CPSR.
The main announcement mailing list, originally created by Paul Hyland as CPSR@GWUVM.BITNET is
now called CPSR-ANNOUNCE@CPSR.ORG. It disseminates official, short CPSR-related messages. We
encourage you to subscibe and widely publicize the list. To subscribe, send email to
You will get a message that confirms your subscription. If you have a problem, send email to
There are two new USENET newsgroups. The first,, is an echo of the CPSR-
ANNOUNCE mailing list to the netnews system. The other newsgroup is called It is
open for use by anyone to discuss CPSR-related issues.
If you would like to reach a chapter contact, send email to
Send the following commands in the body of an email message to
Volunteers are needed to help run CPSR.ORG. There are three fundamental classes of assistance that are
needed. First and foremost is the need for contributors to and maintainers of the library of information.
Individuals with FTP access who are interested in controlling a directory of information on a particular
topic or helping with the library in general are needed. Second is the need for those who can moderate
some of the email discussion lists; a direct connection is not required for this function. The third class
of assistance involves maintenance of the software on the CPSR server; those with knowledge of
listserv, FTP, WAIS, Web, Mosaic, sendmail and gopher software would be helpful. C programmers are
also useful for special functions. Anyone interested in this kind of involvement should send email to
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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
P.O. Box 717
Palo Alto, CA 94302-0717
Tel. (415) 322-3778 Fax (415) 322-3798
Created before October 2004