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Participatory Design Conference
October 27-28, 1994
Chapel Hill, North Carolina
CPSR News Volume 12, Number 3: Summer 1994
Program Overview
Opening Keynote by Morten Kyng, Aarhus University, Denmark
Paper Session 1: Scandinavian participatory design: From trade unions to organizations. Papers on 1) User participation: A strategy for work-life democracy; 2) Creating conditions for participation, conflicts and resources in systems design; 3) Participatory analysis of flexibility.
Panel Session 1: Does PD have a role in software package development?
Paper Session 2: Power relations: structures and dynamics. Papers on 1) Systems as intermediaries: Political frameworks of design and participation; 2) Organizational and technical effects from designing with an intervention and ethnographically inspired approach; 3) Dilemmas in cooperative design.
Panel Session 2: PD Education and curricula.
Paper Session 3: Designers meeting users: Conversations and representations. Papers on 1) The dynamics of participatory information system design; 2) Representations of work: Bringing designers and users together; 3) Reflections on work-oriented design.
Panel Session 3: PD in complex organizations.
Evening Keynote. Bjorg Aase Sorensen, Oslo Work Research Institute
Artifacts Session: Prototypes. products, and representations of work practices used with clients or resulting from PD processes.
Registration Information
Early Registration Fees (by 9/23/94)
CPSR Member $120.00 Nonmember $ 170.00 Low-Income $60.00
Late Registration (on or after 9/24/94)
CPSR Member $ 170.00 Nonmember $220.00 Low-income $75.00
For more information contact: PDC c/o Information Foundation, 46 Oakwood Dr., Chapel Hill, NC 27514. Voice: (919) 942-9773 or email:
Conference information is also available via the WorldWide Web at or via anonymous FTP at in the /cpsr/conferences/pdc94 directory.
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