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CPSR Newsletter
Volume 13, Number 3: Fall 1995
- NEWS FLASH, CPSR Appoints New Executive Director
- Mary Connors and David Redell, Guest Editors, Guest Editors' Note
- Tim Stanley, The Legal Right to Privacy in Electronic Communications
- Steve Dever, Privacy Threats from Genetic Research
- Brad Biddle, Digital Signature Legislation: Flawed Efforts Will Hurt Consumers and Impede Development of a "Public Key Infrastructure"
- Mary Connors, "Public" Records in the Electronic Age
- Phil Agre, Looking Down the Road: Transport Informatics and the New Landscape of Privacy Issues
- Jim Davis, The Good, the Bad, and the Internet: CPSR's 1995 Annual Meeting
- CPSR Chapter Contacts
Table of Contents, Fall 1995 CPSR Newsletter
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