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The Good, the Bad, and the Internet: CPSR's 1995 Annual Meeting
by Jim Davis
Coordinator of CPSR's 1995 Annual Meeting
CPSR News Volume 13, Number 3: Fall 1995
The past year has been one of dramatic developments in the Internet and telecommunications arena. The telecommunications reform bill, the Exon amendment, the continuing growth of the Internet, especially in commercial sites and activity, and with it, growing media attention . . . keeping up with these developments in every area of CPSR's interests is no easy task. And in just a few months, we will be into the 1996 election year, where the future shape of technology will come under closer scrutiny.
This year's Annual Meeting, to be held in Chicago on October 7 and 8 (see the sidebar), is a chance to take stock of the state of the broad field of computer and information activism, and to consider the directions that CPSR should take as an organization. This will be the first time that the annual meeting has been held someplace other that the East or West coast, and will be an opportunity to showcase some of the exciting work that is being done in the Midwest with regard to democratizing technology.
Titled "The Good, the Bad, and the Internet: Critical Issues in Information Technology," the meeting will feature panel discussions on the state of the Internet, privacy and civil liberties, technology and jobs, local initiatives in providing access to technology, and critical technology issues for the 1996 election. The annual meeting will also include workshops and time for a general CPSR discussion.
Panelists include some of the major voices on the net and in the computing field on these issues, including Barbara Simons, chair of US-ACM; Coralee Whitcomb, editor of Telecom Post; Dave Banisar of the Electronic Privacy Information Center; Jim Thomas, editor of the Computer Underground Digest; Ken Peres, research director with the Communications Workers of America; and Gary Chapman, director of the 21st Century Project.
Saturday evening features a reception with Tom Grundner, one of the founders of the Freenet movement and the National Public Telecomputing Network. Tom is the 1995 recipient of CPSR's Norbert Wiener Award for his outstanding contribution to socially responsible computing.
The 1995 CPSR Annual Meeting will also feature a parallel "virtual conference." Organized by CPSR- Chicago member Robin Burke, a web site has been set up where summaries of panelists' talks will be posted, and netizens will be able to post comments and replies. Summaries of the question and answer period following each panel will allow people unable to attend the conference in person to follow the events remotely. To participate in the virtual conference, tune your web browser to
For current information on the Annual Meeting, send email to cpsrannmtg@, or check the conference web site at: discussions/cpsr/annual/index.html.
We are at an important juncture in the development of these new technologies. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago, to join in the critical discussion.
For more information, contact CPSR at 415-322-3778,
Registration fee:,
$65 CPSR or CCIA member $85 nonmember $105 new CPSR member $35 student/low-income
Scholarships are available.
The Good, the Bad, and the Internet: A Conference on Critical Issues in Information Technology October 7 & 8, 1995 9:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Chicago Circle Center University of Illinois-Chicago 750 South Halsted, Chicago, Illinois
Panels on
- Democratizing the Internet
- Privacy and civil liberties
- Technology and jobs
- Local initiatives in democratizing technology
- Toward a technology platform in 1996 plus workshops
And if you can't make it in person to Chicago, participate virtually, discussion on the issues of the conference will be accessible from the page before, during, and after the conference.
Conference sponsors: Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility, Chicago Coalition for Information Access, Center for Research in Information Management at the University of Illinois- Chicago, ACM Chicago Chapter, ACM-University of Illinois Student Chapter, Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
The Good, the Bad, and the Internet: A Conference on the Big Issues in Information Technology, CPSR Annual Meeting. 75() South Halsted, Chicago Circle Center, University of Illinois - Chicago, Chicago. IL, October 7-8. Contact: 415-322-3778
Converging Technologies- Forging New Partnerships in Information. ASIS Annual Meeting. Chicago. IL. October 9- 12. Contact: 301-495-0900 301-495-0810 (fax)
"Designing for the Global Village." HFES, Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel. Santa Monica. CA, October 9- 13. Contact: 31()-394-1811 310-394-2410(fax)
National Information Systems Security Conference, Baltimore. MD, October 10-13. Contact: 301-975-3883
Frontiers in Cyberspace. Smithsonian Institution Series, Washington, DC, October 18. Contact: 202-357-3030
Internet Law Symposium '95, Seattle, WA. October 30-31. Contact: 206-583-9496
People, Networks, & Communications '95: The Emergence of Application, Information Technology & Policy for the 21st Century, Oahu, Hawaii October 30-November3. Contact 808-933-3383
Managing the Privacy Revolution. Washington, DC, October 31 -November 1. Contact: 201-996-1154 EDUCOM'95, Portland, OR, October 31 -November 3. Contact: Computer Security Conference & Exhibition, Washington, DC, November 6-8. Contact: 415-905-2626 415-905-2218 (fax) Global Security and Global Competitiveness: Open Source Solutions, Washington, DC, November 7-9. Contact:
11th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, New Orleans, LA, December 11-15 Contact: 905-830-2606
Professional Awareness in Software Engineering (PASE'96), London, England, February 1-2, 1996. Contact: 44-171-911-5000 44-171-911-5089 (fax)
CQL'96: Symposium on Computers & the Quality of Life (ACM), Philadelphia, PA, Februrary 14-16, 1996. Contact: 717-872-3536 717-871-2320 (fax)
Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, St. Louis. MO, February 29-March 2. Submissions deadline is October 31, 1995. Contact: 812-855-6450 812-855-3315
Technical Conference on Telecommunications R&D in Massachusetts Lowell, MA, March 12, 1996. Contact: 617-439-8600
Computers, Freedom, and Privacy, M.I.T., Cambridge. MA, March 27-30, 1996. Contact:
Creating a Library of the Future Without Diminishing the Library of the Past. A conference for I librarians, Cambridge, MA. March 30-31. 1996. Contact:
A Strategic Approach to Globalization through Technology and Diversity, Rockville, MD, April 11 - 14, 1996. Contact: 217-356-7050 (fax)
ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 14-18, 1996. Contact: 410-263-5382 410- 267-0332 (fax)
Technological Assaults on Privacy, Rochester, NY, April 18-20, 1996. Paper drafts by February 1. 1996. Contact: 716-475-6643 716-475-7120 (fax)
The Digital Revolution: Assessing the Impact on Business, Education and Social Structures, San Diego, CA, May 20-22, 1996. Intents to submit papers deadline: November 15, 1995. Contact:
CPSR members and friends, if you are planning to attend one of these conference.;, or another that may be related to CPSR's work, please contact CPSR at or 415-322-3778 to find out about easy ways you can be a presence for CPSR.
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Created before October 2004